@epodcaster keeps pushing the idea of earning on the blockchain to her followers on other platforms. We have to reach beyond our current community.
Thank you @steevc for the Follow Friday shout out. Once I realized just how amazing the blockchain is as a content destination I began telling folks about why they should consider it as part of their content creation journey.
So, since July of 2021 I've created informational videos on YouTube, a podcast series, a 31-day challenge in January, and a community on Twitter.
Doing that brought me to the attention of video, podcast, social audio hosts, bloggers, and conference organizers. As my goal is to demystify the blockchain as a content creation destination, these opportunities to share my ever-growing knowledge with the uninitiated have been most welcome.
Is is a slow slog? Yep. Do people look at me like I am speaking Klingon? Yep. But there are those fellow Web2 early adopters who speak a bit of Klingon themselves who are open to hearing more. So, I keep creating content, tweeting, speaking, and sharing as much as I can on Web2 about just how amazing Web3 is for content creators. Thanks for supporting the blockchain demystification mission. Cheers!