in #hive3 years ago

@epodcaster keeps pushing the idea of earning on the blockchain to her followers on other platforms. We have to reach beyond our current community.

Thank you @steevc for the Follow Friday shout out. Once I realized just how amazing the blockchain is as a content destination I began telling folks about why they should consider it as part of their content creation journey.

So, since July of 2021 I've created informational videos on YouTube, a podcast series, a 31-day challenge in January, and a community on Twitter.

Doing that brought me to the attention of video, podcast, social audio hosts, bloggers, and conference organizers. As my goal is to demystify the blockchain as a content creation destination, these opportunities to share my ever-growing knowledge with the uninitiated have been most welcome.

Is is a slow slog? Yep. Do people look at me like I am speaking Klingon? Yep. But there are those fellow Web2 early adopters who speak a bit of Klingon themselves who are open to hearing more. So, I keep creating content, tweeting, speaking, and sharing as much as I can on Web2 about just how amazing Web3 is for content creators. Thanks for supporting the blockchain demystification mission. Cheers!



I really hope more of those creators can follow you here. They may soon see what the benefits are. We really just need a few key people who bring in their followers for this to take off. I think it's worth it to keep on trying.


Since you're not inclined to blow your horn on your process... I will.. I've listened to you describing creating content on the blockchain to people who know nothing about it and love how you distill it without getting into techno talk. It's not an easy task, but you've found a way to make it relatable.. nice going.

Thanks! That really means alot coming from folks like yourself and @steevc who are the real blockchain content creation pros. Y'all built the community that I am now so very glad to be a part of. Hive is awesome and welcoming because of folks like you.

takes someone with talent to make it relatable so others come and participate.

Hey @epodcaster, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.