in #hive2 years ago

" Hive Power compared to the total $HIVE in circulation" that is an interesting metric, it clearly says the direction the network is going, I think most people would be powering up during this times, Hive so low rn and bear market will be over sooner than latter, its been more than a year and I think by the end of Q2 we will see some upside pre halving, next bull run there is no reason why Hive couldnt brake ath


You are still looking at $HIVE from a price perspective.

The key is the access. This is where the metic of HP versus $HIVE will become important.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

When you say access you mean there will be less Hive available to buy, meaning it will be harder for users and dapps to get more Hive because its reduce as more HBD is generated and it less available as more ppl power up??

That would be an amazing hight. I've been hearing so much about this halving...I might have to read up on it.