HIVE is Mooning! | SPI Token Price Projections for 2025

in #hivelast month

Hello SPIers, It has been an amazing past few days for HIVE as we saw its price moon from $0.40 to over $0.60. This is great for so many reasons, for HIVE as an eco-system but mostly because SPI's dollar value is increasing faster than a prairie fire with a tailwind.


HE Tokens

Im sure you have noticed that pretty much all HE tokens are now trading at a much lower swap.HIVE price compared to a few days ago. This is because HE tokens like every other token are valued in dollars with HIVE just being the trade/utility token.

If LEO is worth $0.10 and HIVE is $0.40. 1 LEO trades for 0.25 HIVE on HE. If HIVE moons to $0.80, the same LEO token still worth $0.10 now trades for 0.125 HIVE. Nothing has changed for LEO and its price is not down as it appears, it's still worth $0.10. Its just HIVE is worth more.

This is how 98% of HE tokens will work. There are a few like EDSI, DBOND & PWR that are pegged to HIVE and dont see any decline but there are not many tokens pegged to HIVE are even backed by assets on HE.

What about SPI?

SPI is currently very HIVE heavy with around 77% of the total fund in HIVE so when HIVE moons 65% in a week, its HIVE price declines a little while its dollar value moons. You can see below how stable the SPIs HIVE price has been over the past 8 months as it has traded between 5-6 HIVE.

(weekly candles)

Last week, the SPI value was 5.2 HIVE and today its 5 HIVE so we see very small declines when HIVE moons but at the same time we see massive jumps in the token's dollar value that can seen below.

(weekly candles)

Its all starting to fall into place

9 months ago, we converted 1 BTC into HIVE. Many praised the move as I'd been writing about it for months and had explained my plan. Others said it was crazy to convert BTC into HIVE. BTC was trading at $60,000 and HIVE at $0.30 so the ratio was 1 BTC to 200,000 HIVE. I said it would probally increase and it did, we saw it go to over 1 BTC for 400,000 HIVE at one point but the tides have turned and we are now profiting from the move. Let's have a look in the simplest terms.

1 BTC = $96,700 &...
200,000 HIVE = $120,000 (excluding 8000 earned from curation)

Looks like we're up over $23,000 so far and 1 BTC equals 160,000 HIVE today so we could convert our 200,000 back into 1.2 BTC. It's class when a plan starts to come together especially when you've been thinking about it for 2-3 years.


SPI Token Price Predications for 2025

Let's run a few numbers and have a look to see how SPI tokens would be valued at different HIVE prices. We will look at $1, $1.50, $2, $3 and $5 for fun. For this, we will lowball and only change the HIVE price while keeping other investments like ETH, PEPE, ADA, etc stable.

  • You are looking at, "Fund HIVE Value", "Fund $ Value", "SPI HIVE Value" and "SPI $ Price".

  • Today - HIVE @ $0.61

  • Hive @ $1.00


  • Hive @ $1.50


  • Hive @ $2.00


  • Hive @ $3.00


  • Hive @ $5.00


You'll notice that as the price of HIVE increases, the HIVE value of the SPI token declines slowly 🐢 while its dollar value increases at much faster pace. 🚀

I hope this gives you a good idea of how we can expect the SPI token to perform this year in terms of both HIVE and dollar values. FYI, we need HIVE to be around $2.4 to become a 7 figure fund with over a million dollars in assets.

Thats about all I can think of to write about.

Now that HIVE is going up, we are golden. We started a 200,000 powerdown at New Year's and we'll let that stack as liquid holdings until around the end of March and see what's going on. Im hoping things between now and then will be bullish if 2025 is the repeat 2021 and 2017 in any way.

Thanks for taking the time to check out this post and stay up to date with SPI.



Getting Rich Slowly from June 2019

Token NameMain AccountLink to hive-engine
SPI token@spinvestSPI
LBI token@lbi-tokenLBI
Top XV token@spinvestXV
Eddie Earners@eddie-earnerEDS
EDS miners@eddie-earnerEDSM
EDS mini miners@eddie-earnerEDSMM
DAB token@dailydabDAB
DBOND token@dailydabDBOND
RUG token@rugemRUG
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Supporter of valueplan, eh?

Nice sums 🤑

Haha, thought it was a funny meme but looks im being fact-checked below, lol.

Good someone is still fact-checking, goodness knows it's flown out the window everywhere else.

I'm impressed that posts on Xitter have explicitly debunked the claim. Who even knew that Hive was important enough to be debunked?


Oh geez, thanks for fact-checking that obviously fake quote I made—for, you know, entertainment purposes! I swear, no harm intended 😁

All in a day's work ;)

somebody gotta do it.

Greetings my friend, a very encouraging outlook ahead, excellent start of the year.