In July, 5,225.73 HBD was burned and 24,569.72 Hive. This is total of around $10,000 USD worth of HBD/Hive burned in July. That's roughly $322 burned on a daily basis.
These numbers don't reflect the additional Hive Engine tokens burned as well. Due to how Hive Engine works, it is more difficult to calculate this, and Hive Engine token prices are mostly a fantasy as most will fall as much 50% by selling as little as $1-2 of it.
For example, LEO is biggest beneficiary of these burn posts and I estimate about 2,200 LEO is burned monthly. At a current price of around $0.0298, that's about $65 a month burned.
The burn posts give stake holders an alternative option to direct inflation. By voting on burn posts, you are opting to reduce inflation.
How does it work?
@buildawhale creates a single post daily with 12 comments below it. All author rewards earned on the post (including Hive Engine tokens) are burned immediately by the blockchain when the post reaches payout. The process is completely automated through the use of beneficiaries.
Isn't this self-voting?
Yes, it is self voting, but I receive no benefit as all the author rewards are burned automatically by blockchain protocol.
What about curation rewards?
Anyone who votes the posts, will receive normal curation rewards. These are not burned as authors cannot change this.
If you want to support reducing the inflation, feel free to vote one or all of the burn posts and its comments. If you don't want to, no worries, there are a lot of choices on where to place your vote.