My Hive Story

in #hive3 years ago


In response to @snook's post with ten questions on how you started on the blockchain.

How long have you been on the Blockchain?

According to, 59 moons.
1,634 days since July 1st, just shy of 4.5 years.

What was your background in cryptocurrency when you first came to the Blockchain?

I've mined and traded. Mostly was into Ethereum mining at the time.

What was your background in writing when you first came to the Blockchain?

While I hate writing, I did occassionally write for an Information Security & Productivity blog. I didn't do it often enough though.

How many people did you know when you first came to the Blockchain?

Zero, absolutely no one. I used to hangout in a Discord called the Space Station, it was mainly Ethereum miners. Somoene I used to chat with I believe mentioned I should check it out.

How did you meet people when you first came to the Blockchain?

When I first got here, I some how ended up in Whaleshares for a short time. It was clear a lot of the interaction was done in Discord, so I joined a few Discord servers and hung out.

Who did you look up to when you first came to the Blockchain?

@jesta, when I didn't know what was going on, he was one who would respond to his direct messages and was always helpful without looking down to you.

How would you describe your first three months on the Blockchain?

Tough, at first I didn't do anything but read. I broadcasted my first transaction 22 days after I joined. I tried writing on a daily basis as a challenge to myself. I felt invisible most of the time. I believe around 3 months was when I chose to run a witness. It took a month and a half believe I signed my first block if I remember correctly.

I think things were a lot harder then, there was a lot more noise to get through. Now days people are actively looking for new content creators to support.

Has being a part of the Blockchain changed you in any way for the good?

Obviously it made me some money, outside of that I have made a few friends I actually enjoy chatting with. I have enjoyed the challenge building things. I find Hive to be the easiest blockchain to develop and experiment ideas with.

What is your favorite memory from your time on the Blockchain?

Playing Drug Wars, I was attacked endlessly and was quite successful in the game taking on far more than my far share by wiping out entire clans to prevent their ability to coordinate. At one point I used Justine's avatar as one of my alts in Drug Wars (with her permission) and continously attacked Down with Clowns (which I believe was @r0nd0n's clan) on a daily basis wiping everyone out. There was one specific person who constantly sent me messages that hung out in the same Discord I did who kept calling me Honey and other similar names. He lost his shit when he finally found out it was me.

The messages I received on a daily basis from that game were hysterical although a lot were really cringe. At one point I started quoting Tombstone in response to many of the messages.

I joked around on Discord that I played Drug Wars to make friends. Obviously it was quite the opposite, there were a lot of salty people as a result of that game.

Playing that game anywhere other than here would have been boring though, despite all the problems with the game, part of the charm was the community that came baked into the blockchain. Knowing the person you attack or attacks you, made it exciting and entertaining.

Their Discord used to be off the hook.

If you could advise a new person signing up to Hive, what would it be?

The biggest thing I tell people is to network and meet people, focus less on rewards and more on including yourself into different aspects of the community. Rewards will come in time with effort and consistency. It is a marathon, not a sprint.

If at all possible, build something.

Securely chat with me on Keybase

Why you should vote me as witness


When is @r0nd0n not part of someone's favorite memory on Hive? :P

he's still around?

It's great to read about your early days on Hive. I've been a Hiver for... hm, three days now? Anyway, I'm learning a lot by reading your posts.

Rewards will come in time with effort and consistency. It is a marathon, not a sprint.

And its proven as well.

Inspiring to read, thanks for that. As a new user I can definitely understand your emphasis on connecting with people first. It`s an awesome community 😀

Wonderful to catch up on your story.

Some sound advice and do think we all go through that invisible phase in the first few months. Hive is tough to slowly grow and to start being seen. You are definitely someone I look up to on here as you have done very well with everything you have been involved in.

Ha ha ha, Drug Wars period was a fun time. I remember someone reminded me more than a year after everything fell apart (more or less), that I raided him regularly back in the day. I got wiped too early in the game, otherwise I would have taken the passive approach.

It's my 140th day on Hive. I think it will take some time for me to write my own Hive story. I still feel invisible most of the time. Thanks for sharing your story.

Very nice story of you boss mate,even by adding the witness man you are a boss man ,a leader and a mentor.
Thanks for letting us know you and your hive journey. You are blessed!!!!

After reading the post, I have realized that everyone struggles when they keep their step on the blockchain for the first time. But gradually they find their own way here. Thanks for sharing your blockchain journey with us.

Nice to know more about you mate. I'll have to post something myself.

This is a test posting through @arcange's Hive Authentication Services (HAS) and @stoodkev's iOS Keychain with (beta HAS support) via the Condenser

It's so interesting reading these answers, you can find out a lot about how the beginning was for the person. You did a lot of good to the chain and we're always grateful! Looking forward to see what you're working on. Punks are great adventure, looking forward to the next one :)

I find Hive to be the easiest blockchain to develop and experiment ideas with.

This so true! Hive is one of the easiest blockchain because this was where I earned my first crypto currency.🙂

Thanks for sharing this, @themarkymark! It was interesting to find out you were mining Ethereum four and half years ago - wow!


Your snook challenge has taught me that everyone had a similar beginning, consistency makes the difference. Nice post.

Such an inspiring note. I hope some days I be like you on hive.

😂 I forgot you were once a Newbie, nice to hear from your newbie point of view. This is proof that as long as you put in effort in the community and stay consistent in adding value to the blockchain, you will achieve what you set up to achieve

Network and meet people is so rewarding and community make this quite easy. I think communities were the ones that enabled us to work as one and be stronger than before.

hi honey,

I agree with you 100%. The social aspect of hive and connections are the most fun part of the game.

One more question from me,

What's your future plan on hive?

What's your future plan on hive?


Awesome story and a great achievement as well. Keep up the good work.

Blockchain is truly an incredible world
you have displayed a beautiful success story in this world. I take your success story as an example. I have completed my 4th year in the world of blockchain. Although I am not as successful as you in terms of income, I have made very good friends here. I met many friends in real life as well. I am happy to express myself here. I try my best to help my friends.🤗

You have a very sweet family. Thank you for setting an example for us by sharing your success story with us. God bless them.🙏


And 1 more time...

Who did you look up to when you first came to the Blockchain?
@jesta, when I didn't know what was going on, he was one who would respond to his direct messages and was always helpful without looking down to you.

I think you are such a person. I see that you are communicating with people. I think that the increase in the number of such people will ensure that other people on the platform are permanent.

It's the "honey guy" for me 😂
Also, you can create witness at just three months on Hive? I'm still tryna wrap my head around what witnesses do. Could you please explain it? If you don't mind

Nice story you have really done well over the years with your experience kudos

Hey Marky. Thanks a lot for sharing this, so that we could know a little bit more about your background. I was expecting to read the word 'stem' at some point. My expectation was however wrong this time.

Anyways, I will shamelessly steal those questions for my next post, which I want to be a little bit more personal (as this will be the last post of the year).

Cheers, and happy holiday!

I am astounded that you were mining eth 4.5 years ago, long before most of us had ever heard of it! Good for you. Do you still mine eth? Until it ended/is ending? I wish I had paid more attention to the cryptosphere sooner, but, better late than never.

I sold most of my GPUS for much of what I paid for them. I stopped mining not long after coming on Steem. That being said, I'm currently trying to get my hands on more 3090 cards to mine.

Those are hard to come by, as you know. We recently got a 3080 by getting a pre-built system from Dell, but it is not for mining. Can I ask what you plan to mine if you don't mind sharing? I check out every now and again, but it doesn't seem profitable for me.

good advice . nice to meet you , I think I am about 3-4 months in and its been a great journey.

Great story and write up... You've had a long journey so far. Good commitment

Nice reading! :)

Wow, this My Hive Story trend is getting bigger and popular everyday. A nice way to know more about top users. It's unbelievable how you started with zero connections on Blockchain and today you are a leader and mentor, with great fan following. Thanks for sharing your awesome journey. 😊🙏 !LUV

@vikbuddy(1/1) gave you | wallet | market | tools | connect | <><

Rewards will come in time with effort and consistency. It is a marathon, not a sprint.

It was a great article, you summarized this ecosystem also here. Good luck.

It's great to each other's stories on HIVE. Our stories are almost the same :)

Nice to know your story, I know you from the very first day. I still have one question how do you manage your expenses, I mean you are a full-time hiver or do you do some other job?

he was one who would respond to his direct messages and was always helpful without looking down to you.

THIS is so important to have!!!
(thank you for that!)

I loved reading your story and I had forgotten about Drug Wars! It was fun knowing the people that attacked you. I also now remember asking a few whales to kill some peeps for me :D OMG! I forgot all about that! Way too funny!

THANK you for bubbling up that memory!!

Interesante publicación y más para uno que apenas inicio en este mundo y creo que coincidimos en algo y es que con tanta información cruzada decidí colocar tiempo para leer y entender a HIVE, no quiero publicar simplemente por dinero, parecerá extraño pero mi motivo le comenté a mi hija que iba a iniciar esta serie de publicaciones porque le quiero dejar un poquito de mi cuando no esté, ella piensa que es broma pero le digo te acordaras de mi cuando no estés a tu lado, y sonreiras, hasta una lágrima se te escapara, jajaja porque entendí que lo escrito aquí siempre permanecerá así que debo hacerlo con responsabilidad.

La parte de la interacciones en el discord me llamara la atención, veo que son dinámicas y hacen curaciones en vivo para dar a conocer el trabajo de los otros, y eso te permite conocer nuevos amigos y aprender de ellos.

Al final leí algo de los testigo y de hecho vote por ellos al azar, pero no entiendo aún su importancia, porque aún no tropiezo con información relacionada con el tema, el cual me permita forma una opinión clara de su función y como escogerlo pues simplemente una gran lista, cómo sabré si si trabajo es bueno, ya al menos me encontré que vote por algunos que tienen sitios aquí y el cual veo su trabajo como el de Cervantes haciéndome pensar que de seguro más adelante ingresaré de nuevo a replantear mis votos a los testigos, te aseguro que leeré ti publicación y veré si estás en mi lista de testigos que vote para incluirte, porque te ganaste un puesto allí por antigüedad y por muchos más méritos pero aún desconozco las funciones pero una publicación un aprendizaje y un comentario que me ayudara aprender y a crecer en esta colmena.

La cantidad de publicaciones me decían que lo hiciera a diario y dije publicar por publicar no debe ser lo que te motive, así que primero leeré y luego dedicaré tiempo a elaborar mis escritos, al menos tengo el consuelo que no conocía a nadie al igual que yo cuando ingresé a la plataforma, pero mi sorprenda es encontrar muchas personas que te tienden la mano y te explican amablemente sin interés de hundirte como debes hacer para surgir en HIVE, bueno no todos los consejos son correctos me he dado cuenta a medida que descubro lecturas interesantes como está, pero noto que no lo hacen con mala intención sino que tampoco manejan bien y simplemente se dejan llevar por las masas, pero bien espero seguir encontrándome con publicaciones que me hagan crecer.

Aún no puedo admirar a alguien en particular porque no los conozco aún pero si quiero aprender a conocerlos a través del discord y sus publicaciones porque claramente son parte de cada quien y se muestran en sus publicaciones