in #hivebr10 months ago






Eres tú quien sabe si te vas a meter o no en este pequeño infierno.

Remasterización de un clásico del 2011. Requirió mucho trabajo, porque los archivos estaban en un HD desordenado.

Dentinho quería llevarme a un lugar llamado Cê Que Sabe (tú que sabes). Decir que la entrada costaba 5 reales y también había whisky por 1 real. Intentó comprármelo, diciendo que si yo fuera él, haría uno, ese verde especial. Solo quería jugar videojuegos, ¿crees que caí en eso?

Finalmente llegamos y el lugar era la pagoda subterránea, y The Cure estaba tocando.

¿Cómo crees que termina la historia?

¡Mira el vídeo hombre! ¡Estamos en Hive!


Você que sabe se entra ou não nesse inferninho.

Remaster de um clássico de 2011. Deu um bocado de trabalho, porque os arquivos estavam num HD zoado.

Dentinho queria me levar para um lugar que o nome era Cê Que Sabe (você que sabe). Dizendo que a entrada era 5 reais e também tinha whiskey 1 real. Ele tentou me comprar dizendo que se eu fosse ele confeccionava um, daquele verde especial. Eu só queria jogar video game, tu acha que eu cai nessa?

Enfim chegamos e o lugar era o underground do pagode, e tava tocando The Cure.

Como vocês acham que termina a história?

Assiste o vídeo mané! tamo na Hive!


You're the one who knows whether or not you're going to get into this little hell.

Remaster of a 2011 classic. It took a lot of work, because the files were on a messed up HD.

Dentinho wanted to take me to a place called Cê Que Sabe (you who know). Saying that the entrance was 5 reais and there was also whiskey for 1 real. He tried to buy it from me, saying that if I were him, I would make one, that special green one. I just wanted to play video games, do you think I fell for that?

Finally we arrived and the place was the pagoda underground, and The Cure was playing.

How do you think the story ends?

Watch the video man! We're at Hive!


MundoMolusco at Odysee


MundoMolusco at Youtube




Hello I'm Molusco.
Welcome to the molusco's microuniverse. Author of the current channel Molusccontos and Mundo Molusco. We are over 80,000 subscribers in all. Present on youtube and Odysee. I'm a professional screenwriter and storyteller. I've been on the internet for over 10 years with canabic stories that I'm sure you'll like.

Currently in addition to the topics of the channel I'm recording a podcast called Barca Furada. I'll be bringing exclusive episodes and curiosities to Hive. I hope I'm your friend. See u later!







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The person who invented the umbrella actually wanted to call it the 'brella.'
But he hesitated.

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