in #hiveghana5 months ago

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Hi it's me 😊
What a sunny day it is today, it might not be for some people especially students or even pupils as the case may be,why? You may begin to wonder . There's this video of a girl being bullied circulating and we all didn't find it funny but it happens in this girl's case it was filmed but in many unfortunate cases nobody filmed it and they were bullied with the bullies going unpunished and it's bad, I said even pupils cause I've heard my school mum's child complaining about a girl being bullied but they couldn't bully her cause they knew father, wow 😲 kids in basic (3) Three.


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I was bullied in high School too.
I attended a missionary school and my proprietor then was a strict man, he was feared by everyone including myself but he didn't really check what was happening within the student body. He was all concerned on how his school could be the best and how he was feared.
Now back to me being bullied, in secondary school I was smallish in nature I'm still small for my age that aside I had classmates who where bigger than me, way bigger than me so I was always picked on somehow I knew within me that I was older than most of them but guess what your baby girl is smallish in nature hence i was bullied for no reason. I could remember receiving slaps countless times for just obeying the teacher's order,orders like: wipe the chalkboard, call miss A for me or call miss B for me. I never knew how to tell my parents cause I was afraid it got so bad that at one point I challenged one of them.


Somebody raised an alarm that her money was missing and one of them pointed at me. I was like what is happening here and she was like will you keep quiet and gave me two resounding slaps. I cried home that day but quickly cleaned my tears immediately I entered the house.The next day at school all eyes where on me as if I was a celeb a girl who used to be my close friend called me a thief and it was as if I was pierced in the heart with an arrow,I cried towards the afternoon of the same day a friend of the girl whose money was missing came around and they started discussing and we later found out she took the money but didn't tell her friend I got so angry that I stood up and slapped the girl who accused me of stealing the money.


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Hell broke loose,she was ready for a fight and that drew the attention of my teachers and the case was resolved but I told my mum about it and she came to school the next day and warned both my proprietor and the girl that this should never repeat itself again, I stayed in the school cause it was during the end of the term and I wasn't bullied until I left the school, at some point I felt it was because of the slap or because my mum gave a stern warning. I did leave the school after my exams to a school where I was never bullied,mind u in the other school I wasn't the only one bullied a number of others too including my seat mate but she was able to stand up for herself and me sometimes.
Bullying isn't a nice thing to experience cause it can me traumatizing and teachers and proprietors please always check for the welfare of your student 😉. Thanks for stopping by