in #hn-wk6618 days ago

As i reflect on my childhood and school days, I realized that there was this particular habit that almost destroyed me - fighting. What began as a self mechanism against bullies and peer pressure became a source of reoccurring problem for me and affected my academic performance, relationship and emotional well being. As a vulnerable teenager i felt compelled to prove myself because i struggled to fit in with my peers. Feeling vulnerable and insecure I resorted into physical altercation. My parents though disciplined me whenever i got into a fight, knowing well that it was the only solution to stop it but unknowingly reinforcing the notion that violence was the solution and this cycle of aggression and violence continued in me.



In school, the habit of fighting became a coping mechanism for stress, anxiety and frustration which I often lashed out on classmates which resulted me into going to detention, suspension and even expulsion. my academic performance suffered as I missed classes and was tagged as being a troublemaker in class, making it difficult to establish a positive relationship with teachers and administrators. The emotional toll of this habit became immense and I felt guilt and shame after each confrontation, anxiety and stress anticipating potential conflicts, fear of rejection and abandonment from peers and insecurity and low self esteem.


A wake up call came when I was faced with expulsion for a Particular intense brawl that made me almost lose my education, I sought help from my parents, counsellors and supportive family members. Through some therapy sessions and self reflection I addressed some underlying issues that made me realize how destructive fighting was to me. With new found self awareness I replaced this habit with healthy communication skills, conflict resolution strategies and positive actions and activities like reading, sports and creative thinking, this helped me debunk this habit and transform my life, improved my academic performance, and enhance my self confidence and self esteem.


In conclusion this habit of fighting taught me a valuable lesson about self control, empathy and responsible conflict resolution. through my past experiences I have grown into a more compassionate, resilient individual faced with the ability to grow and learn. My childhood experience with fighting was devastating and had a worrisome effect on me but I overcame it. By acknowledging the harm caused and seeking help from people who passed through the same thing I found a way to overcome this habit. In the following years, I realized that not only did I become a better person but i have learned to live my life in a peaceful and quite way void from any trouble and free from the destructive grip of this habit and it has helped me a lot. I hope my story inspired others to break free from destructive patterns , seek help and discover a positive path to follow and progress on oneself and find a better and comfortable solution to deal with this dangerous habit - fighting.

Have a nice and blessed week