Damned Car Insurance Reneweal Mug Off Quotes Rant...

in #inleo9 days ago

Honestly, how scatter-brained do they think I/ we are...?

I mean that's the only reason for getting a renewal quote for car insurance which is more than double what I paid last year....


I mean what did First Central expect me to do, honestly, other than to get onto one of MANY available car insurance websites and switch, which is precisely what I did.

The results...

OK I knew I'd be paying MORE car insurance this year compared to last year, number always go up right (but in this case the wrong sort of up!), but actually I was pleasantly surprised, having prepared myself for the worst...

I got a range of options in the £500 range....

Screenshot 2024-10-12 at 20.11.29.png

In the end I opted for Aviva, I've already got mortgage insurance with these guys, and I'm reliably informed that the actually pay with no questions if anything goes wrong, and there are no fees if I need to change my insurance which I may need to do later in the year.

Interestingly their own internal quote was much higher....

When on Aviva I noted that they were offering 10% of car insurance for existing policy holders, so I tried entering the same details as I'd used for the comparison site, and I got quoted around the £750 mark, £150 highier than with the comparison website...?

NB I have since checked and all my original info is 100% correct.

How long is a piece of string...?

This whole episode just goes to show the variance in risk tolerance when it comes to insurance companies... those premiums can vary so much even from within one company, and I'm sure had I phoned my initial company I'd have gotten a much lower quote, but honestly, I switched on principle, that kind of blanket piss-take generation of a way OTT renewal quote did it for me!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Why so much, mine'e due at the end of the month and is £490 or so..., too damn much IMO, so will be doing the same.

That was business insurance! Piss takers with the renewal!

I will be looking around myself, esp. as I have 6 points now.., can't slow down you see

That was pretty outrageous!

My insurance quote this year was a lot less than last year, much to my surprise.

It's basically a dice roll!