Introduce yourself - sounds easy, doesn´t it?

How well you can introduce yourself will show quite quickly when you´re bound to write it down, not when you meet new people in real life. Never would I tell someone all about myself at the first meeting.

But, no matter what I will say about myself, people who get to know me in person will have their own opinion about me quite quickly. This will differ wildly depending on the situation you meet me in - around my friends, at hobbies, while dating, in the workplace or randomly on the street.

Here in this very moment you don´t get to see any of that but have to rely purely on what I tell you who I am. To be fair to summarize all of it in one talk or post is merely impossible which is why I will provide an overview and let you find out more along the way.

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Well, let´s start with the easiest ones. I was named Jacqueline, but everyone calls me Jacky. There are some other variations that came up over the years but those will have to wait until you actually get to know me. When you got to live in Germany for a while you´ll know what I´m talking about.

I was born in 1992 which leaves me at the age of 29 (and a half) right now. This also means that I will turn 30 this year! How exciting. One thing you can learn about me right now is that I don´t really care about the age of a person but more about their maturity and personality. Therefore, I am friends with people around the age of 12 but also, at the very top, 88, and I`m not even related to them but met in one way or another and felt a great connection. The other thing you can learn about me straight away is that I tend to lie to myself and I actually do care about age, but only my own and the pressure of the BIG 30 leaves me mortified sometimes. I´m working on it, I blame society.

After already writing a whole bunch without saying that much, let´s do a quick overview, shall we?

  • born and raised in Germany, half British
  • female, cis, hetero, she/her
  • highly energetic and happy person
  • loves the outdoors
  • travelled 33 countries (and counting)
  • lived in 5 of them (and counting)
  • animal lover (always owned dogs, cats and horses)
  • vegetarian
  • yoga and meditation enthusiast
  • very big on personal development
  • very interested in everything that has something to do with nutrition, mental and physical health, female hormones, sustainability, mindsets, journaling, generally psychology
  • just started to get into everything with astrology, spirituality, crystal etc. - I KNOW! A year ago, I would’ve called myself crazy too
  • extremely close with friends and chosen family
  • fairly damaged by life experiences which got me into my passion for self-development
  • not yet a coach but follow for long enough and you´ll see

Hobbies include: traveling (might have guess that one already), horseback riding, walking and hiking, reading and learning on a constant bases, dancing, diving, snowboarding, and finally keeping my friends entertained with my chaotic brain and life choices.

So, what have I done with my life up until now. Great question, let`s review it together.

I finished school when I was 19 in 2011 which gives me about 10 (and a half) years time in the grown-up world - wow, I should feel like a grown up by now, huh? Anyway in 2011 I knew exactly what I wanted to do - go to America. So, I did.


While all my friends went head first into their newly chosen carers or university I headed over to New York, where I was to live for 12 month being an Au Pair (basically a fancy word for a life-in-Nanny from another country) to 3 kids ages 7, 9 and 11. To be fair, I lived about an hour away from New York but you wouldn´t know it - it was on the beach though. I started my great adventure living with people I have never met before, trying to parent kids who were not much younger than I was. How did that go you ask? Pretty amazing to be honest. I´ll tell you all about it at some point. It did go that well that after 12 month I decided to extend my stay for 9 more month and moved to a family living in Las Vegas - yup, actually Las Vegas this time, there is nothing else around it really.

Returning to Germany after almost 2 years just because university is free, and it simply would be stupid not to take advantage of it but swearing I would come back to the US and live there - spoiler, I never did and by now I wouldn´t want to either. I spend 3.5 years studying International Management, partying, making friends and just being a girl in her 20s. What a fabulous experience.


I worked in a start-up to make some money and also get my first job experiences in. They actually liked what I did and offered to employ me right after I finished my bachelor´s degree. There I was - freshly out of Uni and responsible for building up an Account Management and Sales unit for a start-up - great! Until it wasn´t anymore... so I left and found myself working as an International Project Manager at a marked research company - up until now the job description of my dreams. I got to manage my own projects entirely, could learn from lovely people who were around my age but also knew what they were doing, I got to travel and work with people internationally. I loved it - until I didn´t anymore.... You guessed right - I left.

But where did I go next? Traveling the world for 12 months.

My boyfriend of 4 years at that time and I decided to leave everything behind and travel as much as we could before we had to be real adults for the rest of time. This was in 2018. We travelled for 314 days, visited 18 countries (Scandinavia, North America, South-East-Asia and Australia). Another experience I could talk about for 3 days straight. We mostly slept in cars, bigger rental ones in most of the countries but also our own SUV in Australia, visited a lot of friends and family, met new people, made experiences none of us will ever forget, got to know new cultures and just lived a pretty amazing life. We returned home a little early to attend a wedding. At that point I didn´t want to return to Germany but as a couple sometimes you make decisions together for the sake of the relationship.

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I returned into a 9-5 job in a different start-up. It would all be different this time, the vision was greater, the people lovely, more experienced and management cared about their employees. Well, it was, and they did until this thing called Covid hit all of us and the world changed. I went into home office, the relationship of 6 years ended, and I was very confused with life honestly. Looking back though, it has been the most interesting and developing phase of my life so far and I´m far beyond thankful for it. I learned more important things about myself and the world around me than school ever even tried to teach me. Mainly I found that I somehow ended up living on autopilot, still living a great life but not really being happy with it.

During that time, it turned out that at my company making money was again more important than keeping employees sane (welcome to modern culture). Lasting 1.5 years in a job this time I found myself questioning me and the way l wanted to live my life. I felt quite lost, but I knew I couldn´t stay or simply just move on to the next job. Was that really all there was to life? Work your job, either giving it your all and being taken advantage off or dimming down your fire for the sake of your own health. All for a couple of weeks’ vacation and weekends where you had to do grown up stuff and rest from your week? Where did the girl with big dreams, a big smile and goofy energy go? She died in this way of living.

I said ‚no more‘, quit the job, my flat and basically my whole life. By then I was about a year deep into personal development and it really changed me in so many ways I don´t even recognize the old me anymore. I found a great passion and it blew my mind that no one teaches you all about psychology - I found a lot of explanations along the way why I am the way I am. The best part about is that I always end up pulling people into it without even trying to. Why can’t I do this for a living? Great! I decided to take time off to find myself. All with no plan what that meant, but faith that it will be ok.

This was the Summer of 2021, about 7 months ago. Ever since I travelled to Crete, which became my safe place, hiked in Italy, visited Georgia, came back and lived in Crete for 3 months working as a horseback riding guide and now taking some time to reconnect with my family in England and apparently writing a blog, which I wanted to do for quite a long time.


So here we are, a girl who doesn’t want to live the ´regular´ life anymore - and you guys. I am just as excited to see where all of this will go as you are. What do you want to hear about first?

Oh, you remember the beginning where I said I wouldn´t tell someone all about myself when I first meet them? Well, you also learned that I tend to lie to myself.

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See you around 🙂


Welcome to the hive Jacky. I'm sure you'll do great. Health!!!

Thank you so much Evelyn!! 😊

Welcome to Hive Jacky. Did you by any chance go to the Philippines when you were in SEA and if so did you do any diving there?

Thanks so much Cam! I didn't but I'm sure I will at some point.

I was in Thailand, Great Barrier Reef, Bali and Crete for diving so far which was pretty amazing already 😍

Welcome Jacky, I hope you find your feet quickly, and have a lot of fun.

Thank you! I'm sure I will! ☺️


Shout out if you need any help. I'm a knucklehead but have been around a while. I might be able to help.

Thanks! That's lovely I'll let you know! ☺️

Lovely to meet you, Jacky.

Nice meeting you too Matt! :)

Pretty coo Jacky,introwsting life,globe trotter

Thank you!! ☺️

Many different people know different versions of someone, only that person knows his or her true self. This is an interesting take on an introduction.

Looking forward to reading more about that 314 day journey, especially the budget part.

welcome to Hive!

Im quite sure most people are actually pretty unaware of themselves even - or maybe a little more than they used to be.

I'll write all about it! ☺️ I'll try to make a series out of it so it's not too much to read at once 😄
Thank you!

Im quite sure most people are actually pretty unaware of themselves even

This is true. Life is a constant journey and/or struggle to get closer to the truth. I will rephrase it to "a person has the most potential of knowing his or her true self".


Hey @jacky.mooney, here is a little bit of BEER from @rarej for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Oh yes it is and especially unlearning everything that does not align actually but we got taught we have to be. Yes! I like the rephrase 😋

Thanks for the Beer! 😄 i started to read a little bit into it what it is - so many new things to learn!

Welcome to Hive :) I really loved how much effort you put in your intro post, this makes me want to read more as you've mentioned some really interesting things which I can relate to and/ or want to read more about from you.

I will give your account a follow and probably come back soon to read more!
And again, great job on the effort you made with your intro post, it's good to make an impression, and you did!

Oh, that's so lovely to hear, thank you! ☺️ There is tons more to come so you'll have a lot of fun 😁

Hello @jacky.mooney! Welcome to Hive and I'm kinda excited about your future posts. Looking forward to all of them most especially the travel-related posts. Greetings from Ph. 😍

Hey Patricia, thank you so much! I just read your intro and loved it! So many similarities, I’m glad you found me ☺️ I’ll definitely see you around and scroll your blog first of all !

Yes, I'll see you around, Jacky! 😁 Can't wait to read about your travel stories. I haven't been out of my country for personal travel (always for work 😂); knowing you're well-traveled and will surely share countless stories here makes me really excited! ❤️

I will for sure take you along my travels and tell you more about the past as well! :) lots to tell about. Then it´s def. about time for you to go out and explore - it´s so pretty out there

Electronic-terrorism, voice to skull and neuro monitoring on Hive and Steem. You can ignore this, but your going to wish you didnt soon. This is happening whether you believe it or not.

Welcome aboard! I think you'll find lots of communities here related to your various interests. And i don't think you've even scratched the surface of telling all about yourself, so no lie was detected.

Haha maybe you're right! Thank you ☺️ I had a look already and browsed around the communities, any particular you would recommend?

If you like writing, check out Freewriters, The Ink Well, and THE WEEKEND. Prompts include fiction and non-fiction options.

Since you shared a lot of photos, you may like Photography Lovers.

German language communities are out there, like this one.

Foodies Bee Hive is a great place to share recipes. I see by your bio you're a vegetarian, so this may be of interest.

In general, follow people who write what you like. Make constructive comments and find conversation. It takes some time to winnow wheat from chaff, but it's worth the effort. I'll delegate some HP to help you vote and comment more.

Oh, thanks so much Jacob! That’s lovely of you! I followed them all and will see what fits to me. I also found some great hashtags already ☺️

Welcome aboard!

I was born in 1992 which leaves me at the age of 29 (and a half) right now.

When I read this I thought: "She can't be 29. I was born in 1988 and I'm 30." Then I do the wild maths and realize... fuck me I'm actually almost 34.

You've got a wild history there. I like it.

Thanks Arthur! Haha, I know right?! The older you get the faster the time goes but hey, then again age is just a number, isn`t it 😉

The secret is to keep the mind of a 12 year old for ever \o\

True! But with the wisdom of the actual age please 😄 wouldn´t want to lose my years of development from 12 year old Jacky

Hi @jacky.mooney,
Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content.
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Hello and welcome to Hive!


Welcome jacky.mooney!
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Hi there Jacky, welcome to Hive. I see you've had a lot of warm welcoming messages already looks like you're going to fit right in here.

I'm from the @pinmapple team and we're the largest and most active travel community on Hive. Our community is called haveyoubeenhere and pinmapple and that's where all the travellers hang around nowadays. We'd love to see you post there when you start to share your travel content. The best thing to do is to post directly into our community from the major frontends such as, or which will all get you the best support and rewards and exposure. The only prerequisite is to pin your travel post on Pinmapple otherwise we can't curate it, no matter how awesome it is.

We look forward to seeing you soon, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to drop me any question.

Btw, did you visit Taiwan during your travels by any chance? I lived out there until Covid bought me back home to UK. It's a fantastic and very under rated country, definitely worth you going if you're out in Asia again. And, Pinmapple's founder @martibis moved to Georgia last year, he seems to love it, do you have plans to go back again?

Hey, thank you so much! I heard all about it already and will have tons of content to throw into the community!
I will look into how pinmapple works soon ☺️

I did not go to Taiwan yet but it for sure will be on my list as soon as I’m in that direction again.
I loved Georgia! It’s such a beautiful Country - oh, and the food and wine! 😍 I can understand moving there. No plans yet to go back but surely will

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Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from February day 11
Valentine's day challenge - Give a badge to your beloved!
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Hello Jacky, welcome to the hive.
I hope you'll enjoy your time here. There's a lot to learn, but don't worry, you'll do so over time.
I am also keen on yoga, meditation, and self-development, so I'm looking forward to reading more about those interests of yours and other things too.
See you around:)

Hey Camille, thank you! I´m sure I will and get to know the place little by little. Plus I have you guys and George to guide me along the way. 😊
Sounds amazing, then we will have lot´s to chat about!

Hello, @jacky.mooney! This is @anggreklestari from the @OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive Blockchain! Congratulations and welcome!

Well, you can explore the communities that are suitable for your content. You can read some of the communities in this post: OCD Communities Incubation Program

For tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: newbie guide.

The important thing is Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog. You can't include content that you don't own without sources. For more information, check this post: Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise.

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Have a great day!

Hi jacky.mooney, so great to see a fellow traveler joining Hive! We've been around for over 3 years, building a community of travelers on Hive. I see that you are posting from peakd which is awesome, but the beauty of the Hive blockchain is that there are several websites available to use Hive! brings together all the benefits of Hive decentralized blogging with features that you as a travel blogger will love: Photo galleries, Instagram embeds, custom maps, post scheduling and more. And if you want, you can even use our easy site builder to set up your own travel blog on your own domain which can be a great way to generate a passive income from your blog!

You can log in with your Hive account on to publish your next travel post, and it will be posted to Hive automatically! Every day, we select the best posts and reward them with an upvote and added visibility.

See you around!

That sounds really interesting, I'll absolutely check it out! Thank you for introducing me ☺️