Two things:
I used to say things like "I wouldn't trade these experiences for anything"
That is called Romancing (I'm sure you know that) like "Those were the good Old days"
but we know they were the bad old days.
Considering that you, as you are now and going forward are the culmination of your life experiences, if those things hadn't happened, you would not be who you are now.
That is a bitter pill to swallow, but life is hard and then you die.
In between we can only try to make a positive difference in other peoples lives, which is rewarding in its own right.



Thanks jerry, I appreciate all your motivating words more than you can imagine. Having the people of Hive & especially The Terminal support me, is more important than anyone in AA or NA or anything for that matter(besides my Mom).

Glad to be of service @squids (it's Chris, isn't it?) but don't let those in AA/NA hear you say that ha ha ha