How would I describe the traits of a successful woman?
Wow this is a very nice topic from @trangbaby. How would I describe a successful woman
First off, Success is driven from your willingness to commit to who you want to be in the future and your consistency. A successful woman is resillient
Traits of a successful woman
she believes she can succeed
She believes in herself. Confidence and faith in yourself is key to be successful.
she supports other women
Successful women helps others climb the cooperate lather.
Madeline albrigh once said "there is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women".
successful women insist on the success of other women
She cares about her appearance.
She understands what image of herself she wants to promote.
Being well dressed and well presented says allot about a person and if you're not well dressed it also says allot about you. The way you dress shows that you take pride in your appearance and you have self respect.
She has a healthy work/life balance
She should be able to make out time for herself apart from work. She prioritize what's important and make Time for a life out of work. A balanced life helps you think clearly.
She is passionate about what she does
You must have genuine passion and drive for what you do to achieve true success.
A successful woman is always passionate about what she does.
She takes care of her body and health
Eating healthy, exercising and drinking the right amount of water is good for concentration and your mind.
She leads by example
Successful women are leaders.believe it or not everyone under you are looking up to you. She obeys rules and regulations.
She is strong minded.
She possess a healthy self image.strong minded displays confidence.
She is soft hearted
She reaches out to others,donates to charity and is always ready to help people in need. We grow by reaching out to others.
She has integrity
She doesn't need to step on others to get to the top . She doesn't need to have a dirty story behind her success before she can succeed.
She teaches
People want to Know the reason behind your success and how you ruse back up even after a challenge.
She teaches other women how to succeed.
She constantly learns
She is always ready to learn new things and she is always open to new ideas. She reads books, and takes advice.
A successful woman accomplish tasks she sets out to do. She is never lazy to do her duties. She is smart. A successful woman is willing to take risks. Thanks for reading ❤️
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