Incentive to Learn?

in #learning3 months ago

I've been learning Spanish for my upcoming visit to Spain.
It's an initiative that started last time I was there, but since that wasn't a premeditated decision (not too much, anyway), it meant I mostly started learning when I was already there. And to be fair, I wasn't the most devoted of students.
Then I came home with no clue when I'd be returning to Spain, if ever, so I fell off my practice pretty much like that.

But then, this year came along. And after much to-ing and fro-ing, I decided Barcelona was not something I was willing to miss. So I'm headed over next week, and this time, I can safely say I've been practicing seriously for a solid few months.

I'm still barely able to string along a few sentences, but I do hope there's a difference in confidence from last time. Last time I was there, I remember stopping to chat with a guy who worked at a beach bar, only a few days left in my stay, and he was chiding me for not practicing more.

How are you gonna learn if you're too shy to talk to anyone in Spanish?

This time, I hope to put my newly acquired skills to work.

I was talking about it to a friend, though, a fellow language-lover. And we realized (sadly) there isn't much incentive to learn new languages now. Unless it's for a job, of course. As ever, capitalism drives us to... something, at least.

WhatsApp Image 2024-07-01 at 11.32.21.jpeg
Prep for a recent trip to Germany.

What happened to learning "for when you go over there"?

It used to be a thing. I don't know if in all countries, but in my part of the world, certainly. If you knew you were gonna go somewhere, it was a good reason to start practicing. You know, at least learn some easy phrases to help you get by in a foreign country.

It's a shame now because you don't really need to, anymore. Most of our "getting by" has been outsourced to AI and devices. You hardly need to look up from your phone. No need to ask for directions. Most enduring camareros are used to tourists crudely ordering in their language or else barking English at them until they understand.

Personally, I don't think that kills travel, nor does it prevent you from socializing or encountering interesting new people while abroad. It can save you having to interact if you don't want to, but let's be honest, how many lifelong friendships were you gonna get out of "A cup of coffee, please", anyway? Or asking about the nearest Lidl.

What does bug me is it eliminates the incentive to learn. To broaden your linguistic horizons. Obviously, you're not gonna get fluent in French after a Parisian city break. But in preparation for it, you might've learned at least a couple of phrases. Phrases that would stick with you long after the trip itself was done.

Learning foreign languages is one of the most extraordinary ways of growing and expanding your brain capacity. As in, it actually creates and strengthens new pathways in your brain. TikTok doesn't do that. And useful though Google Maps may be, that doesn't help you grow, either.

Another great way to expose yourself to foreign languages was through media and entertainment. Alas, with the rise of Netflix and other such platforms, that's gone down the drain, too. Which isn't to say you don't get a fair amount of foreign shows on there, you do. But Netflix wouldn't wanna trouble you, so they dubbed it.

I learned more French watching TV shows than I did in 10 years at school. It's a fantastic, interest-driven educational experience. One we're removing ourselves from for the sake of "convenience".

This leaves job hunting as the only incentive to learn a new language, and not even that's gonna be forever. Pretty soon, you won't need to be fluent in French to get that job. The computer will be fluent for you (which puts into question your getting the job, in the first place).

Which is all the more reason to hold on to learning new things for the sake of it. When I was studying Russian, everyone asked, shocked, why?! Always gave me funny looks when I said just because. Looks my peers who were studying it for professional interest didn't get.

We need to get rid of that. We need to bring back more "oh that's so cool, good for you". Because much as it pains one to admit it, we're becoming progressively dumber here by the day without us collectively helping that process along.

What's your relationship with foreign languages like?



Das ist aber lustig! 😳
I also just started to learn Spanish for a trip I plan next year to visit friends in Argentina.
What app do you use?
I also try to improve my Sweheli ( forgot how to write it 😜 )

Awesome. That sounds fun!! (both learning Spanish and Argentina)

I've been using Duolingo and honestly, it's surprisingly effective if you stick to it. That damn little owl has all the traits of a 20th century dictator, anyway, so they make sure you stick to it once you start. So highly recommend. That and watching TV/movies in Spanish or music or something. Those always seem to work well for me when I'm trying to get into a new language.

Why the Swahili (if I may ask. If that's how you write it.)?

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