Trouble in Paradise or Paradise lost?

in #leo2 years ago


Going to the corner store, getting almost any need, craving, or want. Yup it's pretty convenient, but the prices don't seem as convenient. Having a King's feast by cheaply imported food is something any person should never take for granted. We are facing massive deflation right now. The FED is going to tighten again tomorrow more than likely 75 basis points and it will continue to crush stonks, and now even bonds.


The FED is going to taper? Well it looks as though they are playing a major game of chicken. Remember they owe interest on all this bullshit. Everyone is starting to think the markets are purposefully to be broken and then money go BRRRRRR again. It's plausible they will flush everything down the toilet and then print massive amounts bailing out the too big to fail AGAIN. What will the elites do with all this 'free' money? Well of course they could buy assets that have just been absolutely crushed.


Look I'm just a normal person who studies macro economics as a hobby. I haven't made the best investments but I did have a feeling they would raise rates and locked into a FIXED rate a year and a half ago. Those on variable rates for mortgages are going to get absolutely crushed. Even the property or cars or whatever they bought will go down in relative value compared to what they bought for. It's an incredible bait and switch.

What do I expect? I expect the FED to pivot and create a hard hard hard landing. Then when everything deflates print themselves back out of trouble and even possibly create such a crisis that CBDC #FEDNOW will create digital 'cash' and bank every person with a smart phone and Social Insurance number. Yesterday I wrote about how CBDC's can control us in a dystopian manner.

Look it all seems conspiratorial. That's fine. I mean we just had home arrest and stimulus checks for close to two years. So I'm enjoying the kool-aid. I do expect an underground economy where perhaps crypto, gold and silver, and other assets will be gladly traded outside of the dystopian digital identity model. Human beings always set up black markets in such scenario's. Stay frosty people, we might not have as much time as with think.


You should take a look at the repo market where the Fed pays banks for overnight transfer of assets. I call it the silent bail out.

I agree with you and Cathy Wood, a pivot into deflation.

The everything bubble is about to pop. Get Ready Folks

But this time, its different.

"Slowly at first, and then all at once."

This time it is different.
Several things are about to happen. New inventions that change the world and world changes
Soon we will have locally produced, continuous, green energy. (like solar panels for everyone, that always work... not that, just like that)
Soon we will be able to create fresh water from sea water, basically, on tap.

We are also entering an ice age, while the worlds mono-crop fields are almost depleted.
Global distribution is about to be disrupted (we ain't seen nothin yet)

So, basically, people will be able to move and live anywhere.
Forget being near the power grid or water.

And, you will have a green house attached to your house and passive solar heating... or your house costs too much.

The central bank mother WEFers are trying to do what they have always done. Give themselves lots of money, crash everything and buy it all up. The thing is, what they are buying up is useless in our coming world.

Hey, it's nice you have optimism. Sounds like messianic times.

I don't really have optimism.

i just know what is going to happen.
Know the technologies that are coming, and their ramifications.

I see "Escape From LA/NY" as real, but it has to do more with lack of food and gas, then in actual wall. Although there will probably be UN soldiers involved.

The VAXXX deaths
The starvation deaths
The freezing deaths.

There are so many in the near future.
It makes me very sad.