Some people aproaching me, asking what I think of DEFI 2.0, PolyCUB, CUB, LEO etc etc.
I am not a fan of long ramble. My advice is short.
Because you must do DYOR. Check out this:
- PolyCUB TA charts (bottoming NOW ?)
- Mumerous reviews on POLYCUB in LeoFinance space (and outside of it)
- My wallets (if you are smart enough, you know how to find them). I like to put my $$$ where my mouth is.
- Read the docs (Yes, the old good RTFM !)
- LeoFinance (& Khal's) track records
- Numbers DON'T LIE !
P.S.1. 'nuf said?
P.S.2. You think you got powers to boost POLYCUB? Tell me your vision, and what support exactly you want.
P.S.3. Have your heard of my exceptional support on #polycub, #xpolycub, #cub tags?
Post, and harvest on my big UP's.