Assets Assets Assets

in #leofinance9 months ago


I'm going to make a second post this week! I know it's pretty weird how I just get interested in blogging after such a long hiatus. My motivation is simply to put into words all the chaos I hear and read about online. It's true that we all need a break from what could be considered a massive amount of FUD.

Last night was interesting because I watched my normal gloom and doom youtube influencers, and some of the guests on two separate programs were optimistic.

I never heard of this lady, "Dr. Pippa Malmgren" before but she was intelligent and even optimistic. Her thesis is to prepare for multiple different scenarios which can go in either direction. The direction I speak about is of course negative economic activity, and what one could word as hopium. Rather than focus on the negative, I for once will outline some of her optimistic investments, and even perhaps positive outcomes to the garbage in geopolitics.


Proxy wars are already happening. It's been proven #CHINA and #Iran have been fueling their side of the #ISRAEL-#HAMAS conflict. Obviously we have #NATO and #RUSSIA in #UKRAINE, and the rest like #CHINA and #Tawain is next.

She believes a deal will be made between #NATO and #UKRAINE which could pump markets. Her reasoning is simply every side of the conflict is getting 'tired' and 'fatigued'. The war stocks may be pumping, and the inflation may be spiking, but at the end of the day if there were to be a deal after all the exhaustion you could see an explosion in upside in the stock market.

#CHINA in her view has a major demographic problem where productivity and their whole mess of their own Real-Estate market will show suck weakness it will start to look a lot like #JAPAN. India and Mexico can easily take it's place as a manufacture hub as the communist regime holds on to it's communist never works idealogy.

So that's positive right? The ponzi scheme economy always needs to expand; and in her view it will. She shares her perspective on current affairs, suggesting that World War III is an invisible technological war which we are technically in. Proxy battles are happening now and if we want mutual self destruction we could have a peace dividend that will pump markets.

"We're in a world where this battle may not involve hand-to-hand combat, but rather power grids going down or other significant events."

Where her focus is on? Rare earth metals. So invest wisely. - Asset

Unfortunately I am still in the pessimist camp because all world leaders see hell bent on gripping fading power, with central banks running out of ponzi scheme shenanigans. Time is running out for either negative or positive solutions; so it's best to remain flexible with all of your investments. Because I am in the negative camp I will ALWAYS have an allocation to assets. #Copper #Gold #Silver #Uranium and the like.