in #2 years ago

What happens when these opportunities are suddenly on Hive and one spent the last couple years not working to build one's stake due to these views? Obviously, this will be a great setback.

I call these people "Boomerang Bloggers" When the price drops, we get the "I'm leaving" post where they dramtically announce their departure, never to return. Then, as soon as the price spikes as it did a year ag, we get the sudden "I'm back!!" post, where they come to partake of the digital feast once agian. Belly now full, they sow the seeds to repeat the cycle.

I've been here over 5 years and spent a year before that lurking, so I'm not going anywhere. My attitude is if you're not picking up a tin cup and helping us bail when the ship's taking on water, then maybe it's best for you to leave.

Are you bitching, or are you building?

If you aren't helping to build the Ark, and are instead watching construction while yelling curses at the workers, you don't get a seat once the rains start falling. If we want this place to thrive, we need a positive attitude, and all hands on deck!



Are you bitching, or are you building?

LOL This would make a great title for an article.

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