
I would not so quickly conflate martial law with "at war with the citizens",
but I certainly can't fault you for it.

It is very obvious he is a dictator.
It is not so obvious if he is a bad one (although that is clearly the standard).
Of course given time all dictators would seem to backslide into absolute corruption.
Or stabbed 23 times on the senate floor.

Still, this situation is an interesting one, regardless of his problematic nature.

Anyone hiding the fact that their nation is under Martial Law is a Decepticon.

IMHO, he's pimpin' bitcoin so that his serfs get crucified, like the real El Salvador, when bitcoin plummets. This is so that the people become desperate enough to accept the future USDR slave token.

His mission is to leave them as destitute as possible. If he really wanted to help them he would be saying things like:

"Grow your own foods."

"It's better to barter than to use fiat."

"We're under Martial Law."


Yeah I mean look at how slick he is.
He legit looks like a snake in a nice suit.
When he's not wearing the backwards cap to be 'hip'.

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You could well be right that El Salvador is being ruled by a Machiavellian and malevolent dictator. However, presently the people of El Salvador are greatly benefiting from that dictatorship. That is the definition of a benevolent dictator.

He's not the designer of the El Salvador flag. Are you implying that if only he redesigned the flag with no gold trim, removed the spear point on the flagpole, and it had a picture of kittehs and duckys on it that would make El Salvador a proper democracy?

It's a meaningless issue. What does matter is that crime in El Salvador is down ~90% and his approval rating by the El Salvador people is ~90%.

I actually agree with you regarding BTC. It's not a privacy coin. It's centralized by PoW controlled by massively capitalized miners that are able to prevent transactions from occurring by charging as much as 25% for processing the transaction, as happened when BTC first mooned. People tried to sell at the top and could not get their transactions processed by miners.

Sadly, Hive is just as vulnerable to being centralized by capital, exactly as was demonstrated on Steem. Hive has not substantively improved governance because the largest stakeholders on the platform currently control governance through that mechanism, and intend to retain their control.

I disagree you are privy to knowledge of his mission. It is statistically likely you are right, but that is not certainty, and despite the likelihood of his dictatorship becoming as bad or worse as his predecessor's, the fact is that presently it is vastly better for the people of El Salvador, and other than biting the bullet and somehow acquiring decentralized means of production of modern blessings of civilization that destitute peasants simply do not have the financial means or education to do, a benevolent dictator is about the best they can hope for.

Contrast his administration's performance with Biden's, and Biden's blatant lies regarding the energy prices that are the result of his direct actions being the fault of Putin, corporate profiteers, or angry sky gods.

Any hope potential to the people of El Salvador to uplift them from the desperate poverty they have been afflicted with by generations of deceptive despots is dramatically better than the abject desperation that has been all they have known throughout the history of their plantation nation.

I would have recommended Monero, but BTC is better than CBDCs IMHO.

Are you familiar with Maritime law? Law of the flag? Postal mechanics?

This esoteric information goes back thousands of years. It's a lot for me to cover in a single comment.

If you want to dive deeper into this I recommend learning about quantum grammar.

Here's a video of what I mean:

Law of the Flag is mentioned @ 1:31:00


Familiar with power of suggestion, FTG?

I actually heard of it for the first time two days ago while watching a testimony of someone that used to be an ex-hypnotherapist.

Why do you ask?

I'll start with this. I'm not accusing you of any wrongdoing.

The way your comment was delivered, with the included image, could be considered an example of power of suggestion. I wouldn't have thought about that version of reality had you not said it that way while suggesting what needs to looked at, and how it should be seen.

Power of suggestion is used in media all the time; tucked away in 'news' a lot, regardless of source. I've known about it for years from previous studies. When I read things, or listen, watch; I don't consume. I observe. I study it. Things like advertisements and hype; no effect on me. I'm not looking at it the way it's intended to be seen. Naturally picking it apart like it's a magic show.

I'm not saying you're full of crap. I'm saying I picked up on something in your delivery that you might not even be aware of; how it can be processed by others. Don't be offended. You asked. That's my answer, with respect.


We see what others have trained us to see, or what we have trained ourselves to see, or what we are led to see.

It is interesting twist on the frequent criticism of the news, it's not reporting the facts and allowing us to draw conclusion, it's reporting of the conclusions, and selective reporting the facts, so we agree with the conclusions.

They attempt to tell us how we should feel about the news, then only report the parts that support that feeling, instead of reporting the facts and allowing us to reach our own conclusion.

I think your saying we can do this with images by prefacing the image with a narrative or conclusion to be drawn from the imagine. And this can be unintentional or intentional. Which you quickly point out, and rightly so, we shouldn't assume ill intent or subterfuge. This can be accidental, unintentional and be a complete surprise to those we accuse of premeditated actions.

I think that's very fair, and very pre-emptive, which is always wise on the Good Ship Hive, where we don't have the benefit of facial expression and body language to tip us off to intent, so we can be misconstrued.

You have definately put in your time, and weathered more then the occaisional storm on the good ship Hive.

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Once you see it, you can't unsee it. The results can be observed simply by looking at the reactions. There are several layers and when combined lead to a form of hypnosis. Explaining is difficult. Most think they're immune and it could never happen to them. Every consumer of online news/information on the planet has been exposed to it. Spreads easily.

In everyday conversation it is far less likely to be intentional. Information intended to be for profit/views/consumption; far more likely to be intentional though when the thought is being spread by many, those folks passing it on would most likely be unaware since at that point, they've already been influenced, and most likely didn't know.

Yes, at times, I find communicating some ideas is far more strenuous than it needs to be, but that's what I get for being a freak and knowing it.

LOL my wife always says when you wear something you need to Own It .. and you do indeed own your persona.
Cheers 🍻

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