LBI earnings and holding REPORT | Year 03 | Week 45

in #leofinance10 months ago

Welcome to this weeks LBI token earnings and holding post


What is LBI?
The LeoBacked Investment (LBI) token is the first of its kind, the 1st token to be valued completely in LEO. Each LBI token represents a percentage ownership in the overall fund including all LEO, HIVE, off-chain and wallets operated by @lbi-token. The goal is to provide a community based and ran investment vehicle focused primarily on the LeoFinance community and LEO token. We provide a weekly LEO dividend payment to all token holders whilst also increasing the value of the LBI token slowly but consistently over the long term by only investing into things that will stand the test of time.

LBI is a long term HODL token based on SPI's model. Because these tokens are backed and valued in their primary assets, the value only increases. Think of it as putting $1000 in the bank and earning interest. In theory, you should never have fewer dollars. The $1000 is the LEO you give us to buy your LBI token and the interest is the earnings we produce with that LEO.













Earning this week were not great and below our average. Our HIVE content rewards were small, which is normally a top earner for us. This week, leo.voter was our top earner, LEO curation came in 2nd and then HIVE content.

We continue to amass a liquid LEO balance, it's hard to stake when curation earns only 4% so it is just building. Most of the rest of our HIVE and HE wallet holdings are down against LEO this week but only a few percent.

I converted all CUB harvest into BTC this week as I have been doing for the past 7-8 months. This week I will need to pull the bHBD/BUSD LP from CUB because BUSD will be discontinued from the 15th in a few days. This will free up $3800, most of which can be converted to HBD and put into our HIVE wallet but some can used to make new investments.

The price of LEO increased this week and it outperformed our other holdings so we see a small decline in LBI token price. The total fund is worth 630k LEO and we should hope to hit a 1 million LEO value this coming bullrun.

Thanks for checking out this week's report. Have a great week.


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