Wrapping up CUBlife as a Project - CASH OUT TODAY!

in #leofinancelast year

Hello CUBlifers, today is a sad day but it's been coming and with a heavy heart, i have wrapped up CUBlife as a project and set up a buy back wall on hive-engine to let everyone cash out any CUBlife (CL) tokens they are holding.



There are a few reasons, all small reasons but collectively they add up.

1/ We lost the coder
The coder for LBI had real-world commitments and had to move on from HIVE. A new coder can be got but with everything comes a cost, for CUBlife, this would have been $200 for set up, $100 each for LEO and CL dividends and then a monthly $10 fee for maintenance and server space. CUBlife was harvesting $25 a week and paying out 10% just to fulfil dividends is money wasted. If the price of CUB continues to fall, then it's a higher percentage again.

2/ APY is low and no new farms
CUBlife started out well with an APY of over 80% but all good things must come to an end. There is not much to pick from on CUBfinance any longer since all the kingdoms were removed and no new farms have been added for months, maybe more than a year. The current farms are paying out 25ish% which is ok but the LP tokens we need are not the best quality to be holding long term. LPs connected to CUB and LEO have lost alot of dollar value over the past 18 months which greatly reduces CUB rewards overall for us.

3/ CUB is flatlining
There's not much innovation going on with CUBfinance, infact, it's been going backwards. There are no dens, no kingdoms and 7 farms of which 4 are connected to CUB LPs. Apart from there being almost no investment choices, the bridges dont work with it taking weeks of chasing support tickets for updates before tokens are issued.

The team might release a bunch of new kingdoms coming into the next bull cycle to boost it up but I dont see it. Farms in general are a 1 cycle project, boom and bust 1 cycle and replaced the next cycle with something better, something updated, upgraded and more sustainable.


Thats the main 3 reasons. We'll still in a bear market and things are gonna be like this are worse for another year before it starts to turn around and I've no idea how low the price of CUB, LEO or BNB will go before then.

CUBlife was set up to be an example to LBI investors that a simple project can be set up and maintained in under an hour a week. LBI was supposed to be decentralized and I had hopes of token holders setting up LEO-based investment projects that would grow out the ecosystem, locking up more LEO in projects and creating incomes for LBI. I airdropped CL tokens to all LBI token holders for maximum exposure and it was supposed to inspire others but It never worked like that because most people like the idea of decentralization but only when someone else does the work. Kinda failed in that regard.



We got just over 2 years out of CUBlife which is not too bad but its time is now finished and we need to buy back your CUBlife (CL) tokens and burn them. I have already cashed out all the LP's on CUBfinance and converted the BSC wallet funds to HIVE.

After all was said and done, we ended up with a total of close to 21,000 HIVE which is around $5600. We lost some $ value through low liquidity slippage, converting HBD into BUSD at $0.88 did not help and EMP is bottoming out so we had alot going against us. When we divide the HIVE number by the number of CL tokens in the circulation of 31,575 we get a buyback price of

0.65 HIVE per token Click here to cash out

I decided to do the buyback for HIVE because it is easier. Buying $5.6k of LEO (150k) would not be an easy task and could create a false pump and chain reaction where people FOMO only to see the price drop and stabilize after a week are so after people dump the same LEO for HIVE. Even if 50% were sold off, that would be 75k LEO dump. It's just cleaner with HIVE. If you want to use the HIVE to get LEO, it's a natural pump and thats better for LEO.


That is it for CUBlife, this is the first project I have ever wrapped up so it feels strange that I'll not need to do it anymore. CUBlife is just over 2 years old and has been a part of my Friday routine since it launched so it'll be weird the first few Fridays not having to do it.

I would like to say thank you for all the support over the past 2 years. It's a little sad to be wrapping it up but nothing can last forever and CUBlife served its purpose well for 98% of its lifespan as a LEO income token. The buyback order wall will remain in place and updated each time it expires until all tokens are bought back.


0.65 HIVE per CL token Click here to cash out


Thank you for all you have been doing, all this time.
I just bought back some cheap little hive with my 100+ CB

Have a nice rest of the weekend! :<)

No worries my friend, it was a fun project in the start before CUB platform is dieing off and better to wrap up now compared to in 2-3 years when our wallet is worth much less.

Thank you for your nice comment and i wish you a great weekend as well.

Pity to hear this. I have unstaked my tokens and will cash out when possible. The whole of CubFinance seems to have fallen off the development schedule, hopefully, it is just a bear market thing as it is nice to have another way into Hive.

Yes, it is sad to see CUBfinance not doing much in terms of anything. If they filled up kingdoms again and people could stake BTC/ETH/ADA/DOGE etc, it would be much better. They would be issuing more CUB tokens but whatever, the price is already so liquidated, it would not make much of a difference.

Eitherway, CUBlife is still worth something today and better to wrap it.

The buy back wall is for all tokens so no rush :)

Oh, sad to hear about it. You have done your best and it's not working so this is a good approach. I have just unstaked my small CL and will cash out when possible.

Realistic approach 😜
I hope it builds trust to your any future project launches.

Thanks man, i think my reputation works for me more than against, im very far from perfect, lol/

Thanks for the comment

It's sad, and I feel for you, but you are totally doing the right thing.

It takes a lot of being honest with yourself to recognise when something you have put time and commitment into isn't going in the right direction. It also takes a huge amount of courage to say so publicly and close it down in an orderly and correct way. I have huge respect for you in doing both.

I do have one thought for if you create something similar but better in future. It's picking up on your point of people liking decentralisation but only if they don't have to do the work.

In a lot of cases, I'd agree, but there will be a decent number of people (myself included) where it's lack of technical knowledge rather than lack of willing that's the problem. It's certainly not fair to expect you to educate all of us technical illiterates on how to create LEO-backed investment projects, but perhaps pointing us at good easy to follow resources would help. Or even coding in some kind of module or wizard that takes us through it step-by-step within the project, and has educational instructions and tips. I appreciate that could be a lot of work, though !

I can't remember if I have any of these or not. If I did would they show up as CUBlife in Hive Engine wallet?




Why did the football coach go to the bank?
To get his quarterback.

Credit: reddit
@tonyz, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of gillianpearce


yea, you might have had them staked

Remember all that hype of CUB at the beginning...
Sad but it is what it is. Thanks and smart move to end this.

CUB was the sheet back in the day but the site became buggy, lots of LPs were removed from kingdoms and bad times really.

Thank you for your support and acceptance for me to wrap the project.

Sounds like the best thing to do. Still quite a decent return, especially if you measure it in Leo!

I should have added that to the post. The CUBlife price ended at 4.30 LEO per token so just over 3.5x return from the launch price of 1,20 LEO.

Thanks for the comment of support.

Sweet !LUV

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$PIZZA slices delivered:
@gillianpearce(1/10) tipped @tonyz

"CUB is flatlining ..."

Is? My choosing to invest in CUB led to the single greatest loss of my six years of crypto investing. In particular, during the "gold rush days" of the opening of PolyCub and the immediate drain on Cub Finance. I have kept blockchain transactions documenting "insiders" who said one thing and did quite the opposite ...

Anyway ... A very expensive lesson I hope never to repeat.

Thank you for making this option available. I still had some CL staked, so I have now unstaked it. I hope the "buy wall" is still there, once my tokens are unstaked.

The buy-back wall is enough for every CL in circulation so there no rush.

Yes, investing in farms long term is not a great idea. Use proper crypto to earn the farm token, sell the farm token and convert it into proper crypto, rinse and repeat until the APY is under 30-40% and then get out.

I converted every harvest from CUBlife into either BTC, ETH, BNB are BUSD. If i had compounded into CUB LP's, the buy back today would be for under 0.15 HIVE each.

Glad you've learnt your lesson, take that experience into 2024-25 and you could make a pretty penny :)

"The buy-back wall is enough for every CL in circulation so there no rush."

Very good! I should've anticipated you would have ... "thought of everything!" 😉

"I converted every harvest from CUBlife into either BTC, ETH, BNB are BUSD."

Yes, the concept of "blue chips" definitely is just as (even more so?) legitimate in crypto, as IRL / TradFi. Even then, though, there is still considerable volatility. Yes, it is somewhat less than it used to be, but ... HODLing then, is a real "roller coaster" ride ...

I wonder if you are an advocate, in the midst of this aspect (volatility) of crypto investing, of trading in and out of your "blue chips?"

I dont normally trade my blue chips, im a HODLer

I appreciate that it can feel demoralising to wind up a project, but I don't see it like that. CubLife was a good experiment and example of the different things it was possible to do. For people like me who were not interested in CUB and DeFi, it was great to benefit from those opportunities without having the pain of learning, taking risks or doing any work 😁.

As I recall, I was air-dropped CUB and CUBLIFE, I bought some more and I've steadily been re-building my LEO stake (which I have sold at least twice to fund other things since the original stake was air-dropped to me) over the past two years thanks to CUBLIFE. Now I'm getting a buy-back 😍.

I feel it is a really important part of growing wealth to know when to call time on a project. The external environment has changed, CUB seems to be stagnating, if it revives, well, then we can look at what new opportunities there are. I prefer to see us opt out and move our energies and HIVE into other opportunities in a timely way. Sad would be if we clung on until it collapsed and there was no buyback 😕.

Thank you for all your work and thought, really value your energy and integrity.

@justclickindiva - have you seen?

It was fun at the start but CUBfinance is doing nothing. As you say, it was a good experience and gave people some exposure to defi. I should have added in the LEO return you mentioned to the post as well, that CUBlife ended with a LEO value of 4.30 LEO.

Sad we have to move on and this kinda weakens LBI a little bit but maybe I'll think of something better and more sustainable over the coming months to replace it. Sadly LEO POWER is not HIVE POWER in terms of earning potential so theres a slim chance.

As always, thank you for your continued support for everything under SPinvest

4.30 LEO is good under any circumstances and very good when the underpinning model has disappeared.

I couldn't remember the purchase price for CL, but I recall now it was variable. I did my sums based on a purchase price of .13 USD, equivalent buyback price .17 USD plus all the LEO income in between. I'm happy with that.

No, not yet. Thanks for the heads up. I knew it was probably ending. I'll tend to this today. However, I have a large portion staked that will take 3 days to unwind.

Take care.


Its 3 days? Crap, i thought it was 1 day. It was so long ago set up i cant remember, i thought i did everything 1 day.

Eitherway, the buyback wall is for all tokens so no rush :)

I'll check on this too. It's been a while for me. It may have changed.

Thanks for the notice that it's no rush. I appreciate it.

Sold what I had in liquid today, then unstaked the rest.

No worries :)

I think you'll be fine - everyone will have enough time to trade in their tokens.

OK. Thank yo so much. I certainly appreciate it since I've been having trouble logging on to Hive past two days.

There are enough funds to buy back everyone's tokens, and lots of people have them staked. I know you're sometimes busy with other things 🙂

@shanibeer! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ justclickindiva. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.