We are back! $63,000 again

in #leofinance14 days ago


And finally good news! We are back on track and Bitcoin has touched $63,000 today. We can’t say yet that the 60k level is out of the equation, but we are on the right track to reach all time highs.

In just 2 days, crypto twitter which was full of bearish comments changed completely. The bearish comments are gone, almost 95% of my feed turned bullish. There are just a group of true believers and some OGs that have not changed the direction of their comments.

I really appreciate those who don’t change the opinions just for a small and quick price reversal. And I try to follow accounts that have conviction and strong fundamentals to base their opinions. I am ok with them changing their opinion, of course, changing the opinion when the data shows you different information is a good thing, and it’s a quality that intelligent people have.

I hope this change in the sentiment persists over time. I’m tired of the bearish posts full of nonsense and opportunism. Bitcoin will succeed, it’s pure math.

Governments are overspending and we will see massive price appreciation for almost all the scarce and desirable assets. As you know my friends Bitcoin is the scarcest asset on earth. The altcoins will follow, Hive included, and we all will benefit from that.

Have a great day!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I know what this means for you, since you're quite vested in BTC, it's good to see these surges to get some reassurance. Truly the bearish trends are starting to disappear

Yes, finally! Thanks for the support my friend!