Curiosity Of The Existence Of Money

in #leofinancelast year


I have being sitting in a single spot for over 3 hours trying to figure out why the word money is in existence. This is like a normal time in everyone's life where curiosity takes over our thinking. I realized the best way to figure out why this word money is very much in use, is to write something about it.

Economy, Governors, Education, Health care, Agriculture, etc are basically things I could think of, to see if I can filtrate any common relations with the term money.

After a long time of trying to process this word, i am not still sure if I can come to a conclusion of why it exist, or maybe I should add further details that could possibly give me a satisfying answer.


I had to hold a paper note in my hand to try out a little meditation, but it seems to me that there is something about it that sends a general message to everyone that sees it or hear about it.

You might be wondering how on earth should I choose a topic like this, but we should all note that this content is not a drill. It's just the curiosity of the mind and the ideology towards money.

What Is Money ?

Owing to the fact that there are over 8.5billion people in the world, with different DNA and other differential factors, it means we all have different ways of identifying money, depending on what it means to us.

But in relation to this post, I will give my own terms on what money means and also opt for what another source understands.

Personally, I would define money as an agreement that helps to settle negotiation. This agreement can either be physical: in terms of fiat notes, digital: in terms of digital currencies like crypto or verbal. This definition is totally acceptable to me due to how well I have used it.

Observing Leoglossary of what it basically understands about money, it simply means "Any item or record that is accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts, such as taxes".

Comparatively, the two definition has similar things in common, which are agreement - accepted, which gives a little reason of it's existence, but this reason isn't satisfactory because curious people wants to know more.

Is Money A Need Or Want ?

The mindset of an average person who has the responsibility to take care of his/herself and other people under his/her supervision, is to make provisions.

This provisions don't just appear from thin air, as they are worked for. And the main source of provision is money.

Taking a step out of your comfort zone exposes us to large number of people who are striving hard to make a living for themselves.

With the current economical situation, we might even find some people who have two different jobs, just to meet up with the basic needs of life.

Seeing how important money is in making the word a better place for ourselves and the people we care about, it literally means that money is a need and not a want.

Can Money Solve All Problems ?

Knowing the fact that money is a need and not a want, is it safe to also say that money can solve all problems ?.

The world is changing daily, with different development and evolution in different sectors. We've seen the recent upgrades in the finance industry where digital form of currency is now taking over.

Tech giants developing new technology, government investing in bigger projects, the Saudis buying European players for huge amount even when they are in their 30's.

All this are probably ways to make the world a better place which means money is greatly involved. This are basically transactions that requires money for successive completion.

Ideally thinking, no matter how big or small a transaction is, money must be involve to guide a smooth process.

But sticking to the question above, I would say that money can maybe solve all problems, but can't buy two things: which are life and time.


Money In A Struggling Economy

Inflation, which has become a common problem in most underdeveloped countries and some developed countries has always hit the citizens very hard. Taking a glance at Africa where I am from, we can relate poor economical growth to most countries.

The issue of unemployment has being a long time debate in my country, which has lead several people to go in search for greener pastures, by risking their life's on the seas or desert.

Those who chooses to remain in the country are working the hell out of themselves to cope with the situation. Price of goods increases periodically, but salaries remains constant. In addition to this selfish act, the government are even planning on reducing salary that isn't enough for their workers.

Crypto was banned sometime last three years, when they found out that it comes with a lot of benefits and the people might get little financial freedom.

Luckily, smart ones who understands how Blockchain related technology works and other internet related finances has taken the opportunity to make money out of it.

So many people have being trying to survive because of the additional efforts they put in, and why does it have to be this hard ?,

Maybe because it all boils down to the existence of money.

My Opinion And Conclusion

Seeing all this struggles and governors which has affected the majority, it is so clear that the existence of money gave birth to this situation.

There are literally people out there, suffering as hell, just because they lack that general agreement that is acceptable to the society.

This money stuff is complicated after all.

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day.