
That would make a good T-shirt.

This sums up my life philosophy 🤣

Cheers to that,


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Got a Vruz yet?

Not Yet,

I'll get that done with transfers within 12-24 hours.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Did I ask when I would get mine? 🤣 I was being polite. I bought the one I qualified for myself this afternoon. Its dragon so I will use it alot probably.

Did I ask when I would get mine?

You did not but I thought it a good time as any to let you know my current plans for purchase and transfer.

I was being polite

Correct you were polite, as you always are. I was trying to be the same with giving a time frame. In truth I would of purchased & transferred today but I was out running errands most the day.

I bought the one I qualified for myself this afternoon. Its dragon so I will use it alot probably.

Nice, good luck in your battles.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

😁 I was just teasing to get a reaction but I think you probably already figured that out

I was aware but I responded as I did just in case someone reading misread our interaction. !LUV reading witty comments and comments that tease are right in line with that same train of thought :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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