in #life2 years ago

I haven't used AI to generate summaries or for any searches yet. I'm not curious enough to see what errors or oddities it can conjure up and I don't think I need it for regular, useful utility.

The quoting of alleged nazi concentration camp anecdotes from survivors instead of context surrounding the Solzenhitsyn quote is weird. This quote is circulating in meme format currently too, as it's very apt in today's day and age. Maybe that could have something to do with the AI's error?


Memes are being disappeared. During this post I have discovered that memes are being deleted and altered on my personal computer, as well as from Peakd. The screencap in this post has been altered or replaced, as has the original image on my computer.

The manually typed text was the text citation from the encyclopedia of the summary I originally screencapped. However, Brave, in response to my use of the feedback button to complain about their error, changed that summary. They also changed the image Peakd stores, which is in the post, and the image stored on my personal computer. I have no original image to show this was done as a result. However, in the manually typed quote of the summary is the original text I screencapped, and you will also note that the superscript to the encyclopedia has changed from 1 to 0. When I screencapped the summary, there were two citations, the first to Goodreads, and the second to the encyclopedia. Goodreads was indicated by the superscript 0 at that time.

I am extremely alarmed at this event, particularly because I am so insignificant and have so little reach. I expect they are starting small. I have decided, despite ascertaining that Peakd almost certainly does not have a copy of the original screencap, because that is replaced in the post, and I do not have a copy, because it has been changed on my computer, and that I cannot prove that this change has been made with other than the circumstantial evidence of my manually typed quote, to alert any that read this to what is happening.

They're not just censoring the Wayback Machine and social media anymore. They are censoring our personal computers. I strongly suggest backing up files and keeping copies offline for this reason. I am stunned by the implications and am still trying to wrap my head around what it means. I suspect this description will have repercussions I will not like, such as... well, I'm not going to give them any ideas. However, it is obvious my opsec is insufficient, to say the least.

I doubt any level of opsec is sufficient for internet connected devices, given this event.

I can see the search engine AI suggested text here using and I linked the full URL below too.

If it's any consolation I've had issues with any images embedded, linked or uploaded not showing on Usually takes a day or so and sometimes the images don't display at al (there's a broken paperclip icon in it's place instead).

Don't be too concerned buddy, I'm constantly floundering around with too much files and information these days. Often misplace them or lose track of whether I saved it at all. I've been backing up onto external hard drives for years now and I recommend it as a really good habit to get into.

My latest post is something to be concerned about and I've spent a frenetic 48+ hours fitting together two discliplines into one new "synthetic intelligence" transdiscliplinary control matrix. This unholy matrix seems to have gone live worldwide around January 2020.

In saying that, so much of what's listed in this DISARM Framework Explorer, object framework page "TA15 "Establish Social Assets" isn't alien to me. Infact a ton of these sneaky / military online operative shit is step by step what online exploitation rings follow. Just fucken nuts to see it all consolidated & weaponized into a global digital military operation with a goal to make a whole world kneel to the plandemic!

I appreciate the calming intent. However, I find the prospect of suffering the control of (((some))) with the ability to remove or replace files on my system, and of other systems in networks, at will and undetectably, something to view with alarm from a rational standpoint. The post didn't feature a broken image link. When I posted the post was successful. The original screencap posted successfully, and I refreshed my view of my blog as is my habit to ensure the post was complete and successful. I typically reread my posts as soon as I see them listed in my blog to make any edits necessary that I may have missed making prior to posting. The original screencap was uploaded successfully to Peakd, and did post on the OP without error.

Clearly, backing up onto external HD's is an appropriate and functional means of countering that attack. However, there are issues that decrease the effectiveness of that defense, such as periodicity of backups, in particular. If you backup weekly, the files are vulnerable for a week. Nonetheless, that's the best solution to loss or alteration of files, and I should take it.

That's not the most important aspect of the problem. It is the fact that my computer can be accessed in this way that is. The fact that the image was posted on Peakd, and the image I uploaded to Peakd was replaced on their storage was even more alarming than that they also replaced it on my computer. How did they link my computer to the post? How do they access the Peakd storage systems without detection? The answers to these questions are almost terrifying, because the capabilities require a totality of understanding of the hard and soft ware comprising the system, penetration of VPN's, and suggest that such access is so facile the task of replacing the files was automated, because there is no way that my posts, which garner a few dozen views at best, are worth paying someone to interfere with them.

The totality of the control effected by the censoring authority is daunting. The level of control, in which my posts amount to almost p2p conversations, is horrifying. It's comparable to opening all the mail I send and replacing Christmas cards with ones they prefer.

I find it difficult to grasp the nature of such an agency, where it is sited, how it is funded, staffed, and evolved, without any prior hints that such a thing had even been contemplated. I am aware that there are shills, censors, and etc. But an agency funded and tasked with managing my personal files on my computer is a wholly different animal than one that enters into discourse with me in the public sphere, such as Twatter, etc. Mostly because of my irrelevance to whatever goals funders of such an agency would have, due to the limited extent of my reach, including me and my computer means that such control extends to literally every individual with storage. Every computer and cell phone in the world.

I don't see any way to view the present existence of such an agency exercising that ability, even if only experimentally including me and my posts presently, as anything short of utterly terrifying. Even if we do use external backups, the fact that automated mechanisms with the purview of eliminating unapproved images exist means that the conception and expression of worldviews by humanity will be highly constrained. While that agency is completely covert, that degree of control would necessarily be assumed by it's funders and staff to be both necessary and ethically justifiable and sound. That means they understand they have the authority and responsibility to determine what knowledge all of humanity has available. What we see is their job to put in front of our eyes, IOW.

It's a long and deep chasm between the implementation of such an agency and what I consider to be my sovereignty and freedom.

Another alarming aspect of this event is that they bothered to change the summary on Brave at all, and then changed it back two days later. I am quite baffled that such a change to the global information corpus would be altered to confound my post, particularly in such an ineffective and partial way. It's like the alteration was undertaken with the specific purpose of revealing that capability to me, personally, and with no other purpose, because it did not change the underlying error in the summary, merely changed the language slightly.

There are billions of people with internet access, hundreds of millions that access Brave search, people that search for that memorable paragraph from Solzhenitsyn must number in the dozens. Is it even possible that I alone searched that specific information, and that the alteration was made to interfere with only my personal understanding? I hadn't considered this aspect of the matter prior to writing this comment, but it is an interesting aspect of the control of information by an agency with that purview. If such malleability of information I access is potential to that agency, and my expected interest in inaccuracy of that information resulted in making the specified alteration, removing the goodreads link and the word holocaust, was predicted to satisfy my concern with the accuracy of the summary and then change the content back to it's prior form for global consumption, which is apparently what happened, this reveals a lot about the policies behind that agency and it's SOP's.

There isn't any reason to be calm. There are literally 9B Plato's caves. Each and every one of us is being handled in order to avail us with the particular world that an assessment has been made will cause us to have a worldview desired by the policy making hierarchy.

hmm, strange.

Yes, and alarming. Yesterday I noted that Brave no longer provides an AI summary at all. Apparently they weren't able to convince the AI that 'The Gulag Archipelago' wasn't about the Nazis, but the Communists. But, unless there were others that were complaining about the inaccuracy of the AI, that means that they eliminated the AI summary feature just because of me.

Now my head is all swollen. I've gotta have it drained.