in #3 years ago

First off, do not quit smoking, its over rated, we all die one day anyway. Just don't chain smoke. And if you feel like you need to get a better breath, take up swimming and pause smoking for a time. Don't quit. It's in your system for life and you will crave it every time you feel pressure from life.

Second, don't you fucken dare going quiet here, you are the meth in my addiction. You are getting your genius squished out of you till you bleeding dry like being in a full dirty Bangkok orgy with cheap labour.

Third, this place will be full of squares trying to copy your genius.

Don't do it.



That's some good terrible advice. I agree the smoking is part of who and what I've become and it's really difficult to be someone else, which is what quitting smoking boils down to.

I really like nicotine and don't mind the vape as a substitute but I've cut down to going some days without a cig, and sometimes reaching for one when my brain starts going loopy and I need to recalibrate. It's an addiction but it also serves a purpose. An effective drug.

I plan to stick around but can't see having time to be here daily, grinding away. Won't even attempt it. But I'll always be around, watching.

I feel kind of violated LOL


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Yeah I just said that to be trippy.

Just brought a new vape home. I like these things. Gives me a solid nicotine buzz as well because I bought the strong stuff. Tastes like apples dude. Fucking apples!

Dang, that shit will get confiscated on the way to me. No nicotine vape allowed here...

I will just stick to my trusty Marlboro.

Fucken apple.

Those Marlboros are decent. If you smoked a Canadian brand most of your life, a Marlboro would taste more like a cigar.

Need to smoke a pipe missin out on some wonderful tobaccos here...and the nic hit...without the damage to the lungs via inhalation LOOOL

I'm actually enjoying the vape. Good tobacco though; that's more like a treat.