Insights on investment of your time for personal growth

in #life4 months ago

As someone who believes in investment than savings, I once try the same method with my time for personal growth. It did workout for me. It all comes to how much you are putting effort and your time.

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Everyone has twenty four hours a day, variations occur only on how you intend to utilize it. We didn't know the value of time when we have plenty and when we need it, we will not be having much. Before I joined my job, I was a bit procrastinator when it comes to put effort towards any work. I did only a few works which I like the most with the atmost care and effort to complete it. But, those works doesn't gave any growth to me personally. My present job gave me an idea about what is the value of time and if we use it correctly then we can achieve what we wanted the most.

Then I started to work the way my seniors taught me to do. We need to allocate certain time to complete the task at hand or to complete a part of the task. We need to give our best to be involved in doing the task. Mainly we need to keep our mobile in silent and in a way like we can see who is calling so that if it's an important call we can lift it otherwise we can ignore it. Make sure you have the things that needs to be there to complete the task. If you have the knowledge and experience to do the task, then you can do it on your own and if you don't make sure that you are with someone who knows it.

There is a significant change in the way I do work and all is because I make sure to allocate some time to complete a work. Assigning priorities to the works that need to be completed on urgent basis. If while you are doing some work and an urgent work came upon and you need to attend on it, then keep the work you are doing at present aside and do the urgent work as it will be your priority. Efficiency should be a part of your work. It's not like spending hours on a single work and didn't complete a thing is not efficient. Even part of the work completion is a good thing.

You may see it as how this all things make up for our personal growth?, well as you can see that the person who works like this with efficient time managing sense they get to develop their life. If the work space is good then the life gets easier and the brain should get some free time to enjoy the me time. What do you think about this way for personal growth, how is it, do you know any other methods, if yes please share in the comment section.