Freedom - and the measure of success.....Having .... and not having....

in #life3 years ago

I saw a quote the other day on some post or other, that said :

"You can measure your success by how little you have to do "....

(or something very similar , along those lines).

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If this is the case - and the more I think about it the truer it seems to be - then fucking hell, I'm successful ! lol

I have diddly squat, materially speaking.
I DO have my gorgeous woman, my two beautiful doggies, and a fantastic place to live, with a fridge full of food.

....Oh, and not having to do anything, ever, that I don't want to.
('having to make a coffee' when I don't want to doesn't really count in this deep and meaningful post).

I can think of nothing that I really have to do anymore. Nada. zip. zilch.

From waking up and getting out of bed in the morning (which I don't have to do), to getting in bed and going to sleep at night (which I also don't have to do), and everything in between - is all completely on a 'voluntary' basis.

Freedom and 'success' appear to go very much hand in hand, don''t they?

In fact, do you know why I'm even writing this post ?

Because I have to do something.

I'm not one to put off doing something if I want to do it - that'd be a bit bloody stoopid - but having to do something .....I feel a tour procrastination city coming on...

What is this thing that I have to do you might be asking ?
Almost nothing.
Quite literally, almost nothing.

...Which only tells me about how free I am - and therefor - how successful I am !
(no ego tripping involved here, just a nice quiet and clam feeling, inside).

When I say almost nothing, I really do mean that - but on the spectrum of having to do something - it looms large.

What is that I have to do ?....

(don't laugh, but also - feel very free to take the piss outta me at the same time..)

I have to submit some paperwork to a crypto exchange to get currency into my bank account.
That's is like, literally, it...

....and THAT tiny thing comes up on my radar as something I have to do - which just goes to show you how little I really have to do ! (if you see what I mean).

Even this post is part of the 'procrastination tour'.

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Wait !....

It gets even worse....

I've been putting it off - for nearly four bloody weeks ! lolol....
But now I have to do it.
...just 10 minutes .
And I hate it - having to ! ...For fucks sake, I'm not a slave!

God, I hate being told what I have to do... just ain't natural, I'm telling ya!

Ok....that's another 10 minutes that I've used up to avoid having to do something....

Ah bugger it, it's getting late in the afternoon...I'll do it tomorrow...

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How long is your list ? ....of things that you have to do?

Lucylin's life hack:
*Never confuse 'having to', with 'purpose'....


yes, laziness is the ultimate goal, finally you speak my language! long as you don't have to do it, that's fine....I like doing things - just as long as don't have

Doing things is overrated, iyam.

Do you know what isn't overrated?...

Spelling out - each and every time - what Iyam stands for!'s blind spot in my my noggin' - and I can't remember for the life of me - I have to go google it...

Lol, highlight it, right click it, and let your computer search for it?

every...bloody...time...(do you know realize many times you use it?..I do..)

Only once per post?

...I must be reading too many of your posts then....

Oh, no.
I'm sure it's not that.

One of the main reasons for me taking on 10 cats was to give me something to do. Before I had them I had no center of direction. Come and go as I pleased. They gave me a routine to follow, mornings and dinner time. Sometimes I think I took on nine to many but hay.