BBC Calls for Biden to Murder Trump

in #life2 months ago

The completely sane and rational Left took a break from mutilating the genitals of children and teaching the survivors butt sex in Kindergarten to demand the Biden administration (whoever is actually running the country, since Joe only gets to run into his Depends) murder Donald Trump. The SCOTUS ruled that US President's have absolute immunity from prosecution for their official actions as President (which I could hardly more disagree with, since immunizing corporate officers against liability for their crimes committed on behalf of corporations means that corporations (such as the USG) are not only unborn and undying, inhuman and inhumane legal persons, but that the actual human beings responsible for the criminal acts of corporations, such as starving millions of children, destroying their families, communities, and cultures with terrorist attacks, and deliberately committing ecocide, blaming innocent people for their own destruction of environmental and human health, industry, and felicity, and every genocidal crime against humanity such corporations are exclusively the source of, makes evil horrors not only possible for investors and minions to devise, fund, and execute, but guarantees every profitable usurpation, torment, and slaughter potential to psychopaths will be committed because psychopaths have zero moral compunctions and will be guaranteed immunity), which renders the breathtaking fantastic projection of the guilt of the left for weaponizing lawful protests against election fraud unable to be prosecuted against their intended political target, Donald Trump.

IMG source -

The insanity of ruling corporate officers cannot be prosecuted for official acts doesn't end with the false accusations that Donald Trump incited rebellion on Jan. 6th, but isonomously indemnifies every official of every government or other corporation. A foundational principle of just law is that every person is equally protected or subject to the same laws, and isn't only limited to the people in the jurisdiction ruling over them, but to all people in all jurisdictions, including Bolsheviks that genocided tens of millions, Chinese Commies that starved tens of millions, and pathological cultists that sexually mutilate tens of millions of their own children. SCOTUS rules that officials of those countries that have committed the most horrific and democidal acts in history are immune from criminal liability AT THE SAME TIME only officers of such institutions are so immune, and actual sovereign people have no such indemnity.

While I have previously observed the SCOTUS is literally the only part of the USG that is functioning while the entire remainder of the federal government is blatantly treasonous and in every way acting to disempower, harm, and ruin American (and all) civilians everywhere at all times, I TAKE IT ALL BACK! Because of the abovementioned reality, that having a large gang of well-armed thugs and claiming to run a corporation to which all people in a geographical region are subjugated makes the claimant immune from criminal liability for any and every act, no matter how horrific, treasonous, or profitable to the claimant, SCOTUS has completely flipped justice, sovereignty, and sanity upside down.

Such ruling makes it utterly impossible to be a sovereign and natural human acting to effect their purposes by their inherent, inalienable rights. By the interpretation of fraudulent pretense of just law claimed by SCOTUS, all any criminal or potential victim of criminals, such as every corporate officer in the world, must do to be immune to prosecution for actual and literal profane and pathological actions, accusations of wrong-doing completely pulled out of the asses of their enemies for political reasons, and every possible charge in between, is establish a corporation. Nothing says corporations have to be structured a particular way, with only one President, and it is quite possible to create a corporation in which every member, employee, or agent of that entity is a President of it, and further, that all those Presidents can avow the corporation as their government. By the principle of equality under the law, every such claimant would therefore be legally immune from prosecution for any and every act they committed officially on behalf of the corporation, per the ruling of SCOTUS.

I have long maintained that institutions, and particularly corporations such as religions, governments, and commercial enterprises, are Antichrist. Sovereign people actually act and commit society, undertake civilization, live, and die, love, and hate, which are the powers and acts of Christs that each and all enable any and every goodness humanity enjoys (Christ is not a name, it is a title and descriptor). I submit that SCOTUS has broken the juridical chains binding absolute evil and set it free to commit every atrocity Christendom has come to expect from the ultimate enemy of humanity. However, there is an easy and simple solution to this challenge: eliminate legal persons. Every act undertaken by a sovereign human being is committed by their personal authority for which they are absolutely personally responsible, without reservation, under any and every circumstance. That is the actual reality, and that is the only just law that is potential. Nothing besides fraud actually indemnifies any person from responsibility for their actions, and granting immunity in advance, as SCOTUS has confirmed (but has long been actual practice IRL globally), only enables unlimited scheming and plotting the most despicable and profane horrors to precede crimes due to the certainty the criminals are fully indemnified against their guilt.

Courts exist for judging offenses against the inherent rights of people, and the only just ruling regarding fictional persons is to convict anyone claiming to represent a pretend person for fraud, in addition to then proceeding to adjudge such criminals for the crimes they commit while fraudulently claiming to act on the behalf of a fictional person. It's absolutely undeniable that lies are contrary to the felicity of humanity in the face of the incalculable volume of evidence of criminal harm they have produced, none more than legal persons, and We, the People, are therefore responsible, and have the authority, to stop them. Our forebears deserve the legacy they lived and died to leave their, and our, posterity, to be delivered per their live's blood, and our children, their children, and their children's children in perpetuity, absolutely deserve and require every shred of their legacy of rights, powers, and substance that exists. None of us has any right to deprive them of what is theirs, and every lie and pretense there are fictional people delivers their rights, powers, and property to lying scammers through fraud.


Unfortunately, Russia, nor China, nor pretty much anyone, can hold a candle to good 'ol American disinformation, particularly as augmented with Mossad's contributions.


It's really shocking to see how the system can protect those in power while ordinary people face consequences. True justice should hold everyone accountable equally.

True justice would be free and sovereign society without wannabe overlords or the criminal imposition of false claims of external authority over free and sovereign people. As decentralized means of production develop and disperse across the population, I expect true justice to be more and more developed and dispersed concomitantly.


You're so right brother and wow this is so similar the blog I shared today about how these same greed filled guys can lead our world to an apocalypse if we don't let Decentralization and Web 3.0 rise to the occasion

Wow, I am surprised to read what that person wrote about Trump. It seems "hate speech" is ok if it's in the political arena. I read that tomorrow Biden has an interview and he might be pulled depending on how it goes. I guess we will see, but, man, this is such a circus!!