Biden Drops Out of Presidential Race.

in #life2 months ago

The Daily Mail reports that President Biden has dropped out of the Presidential race after dementia has become undeniable and blatant, causing his poor performance in a debate with President Trump.

IMG source -

"Biden announced his historic decision in a one-page letter where he committed to completing his term and soon after posted a follow-up tweet endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris as his replacement."


Dear @valued-customer !

Do you think Americans will elect a female president?
I don't think Americans will elect a woman as president.

I don't think Americans elect Presidents anymore. 2020 proved that.


Dear @valued-customer !

Do you think Biden beat Trump and became president through election vote manipulation??

Who elects the current President of the United States?

The fraud of the 2020 Presidential election is blatant, mathematically provable. Further, there is video of hidden caches of ballots being pulled out, after election watchers were removed, and huge numbers of exclusively Biden votes - not also having votes for local and regional candidates and initiatives that were on those ballots - being counted after election watchers were removed. From such information as I have been availed, it is impossible the 2020 Presidential election was not fraudulent.

The President therefore is not elected, but put into office by entities with the power to corrupt elections and get away with it. Since I have so little provably factual information and means to gain and certify such information, I am left to speculate as to who did what, how, when, and why.

My best speculation is that Donald Trump threw the election to Biden in order to achieve several goals, particularly building the cult of personality he has created through many means, such as by being demonized by the enemedia for years, surveilled by Obama during his first campaign, defrauded out of Presidential office so obviously, being afflicted by lawfare, and now the attempted assassination. I am fairly confident Trump has supreme expertise at extortion through his career-long associations with Roy Cohn and Jeffery Epstein, his attainment during his Presidential administration of Weiner's laptop and the insurance files thereon, the NXIVM child trafficking files, and Epstein's files, which together held blackmail information on a great many powerful people, as far as can be ascertained from publicly available descriptions, and all of which continues to be useful for extortion as none of it has been made public.

This would enable Trump to send Giuliani (and others) to contest the election and then blackmail them to deliberately fail to win those cases, as is blatantly apparent in Giuliani's complete failure to present any evidence at all in the lawsuit against him for election interference. Giuliani is evil vermin, and clearly implicated in 9/11 as receiving advance notice and abandoning his offices in the World Trade Center before the terrorist attacks occurred, as well as much else. This made him easy to sacrifice in this way, as he was very corrupt and without ability to defend himself due to the power of the blackmail information Trump has. That blackmail would also make Trump able to control the enemedia, and force the lawfare against him to be instituted that he has so easily defeated. These events have created a demographic today that literally claims he is the Messiah.

Others say this shows he is the Antichrist. However, it is certainly a very powerful cult of personality, and it is obvious that Trump is a Machiavellian schemer with connections to the Rothschild fortune and players that are at the core of his most zealous, Zionist policies. It is obvious that leveraging the blackmail information he appears to control would be a tool capable of turning his cultists into a weapon against other factions that would enable his attainment of global power as the leader of the NWO and the conquest of Earth by his masters. That is what I believe is their plan being implemented.

Of course, none of this can be proved by a nameless handyman, and I do not claim it is anything but my private speculation.

Finally, even Trump, Biden, and Obama are not the powerful entities moving and shaking the nations of the Earth, the controllers of the NWO conquering the world today, because they are all actors playing roles the puppeteers give their scripts, the unnamed investors having a controlling interest in BlackRock, StateStreet, and Vanguard (I assume). I know that I do not know all the facts, and that what I do know is what I have been told by liars I know are lying to me, and therefore is certainly false.

So, there's that.


It’s surprising how quickly things can change in politics. The shift might really impact the race dynamics.

Harris's choice of VP will be compelling to her demographic, and the media will flog their horse unto death.


Well said brother

another win for America

Yes, although that gives the Democratic Party an opportunity to put a candidate forward that isn't cognitively impaired, which improves their chances. We'll soon be tired of these kinds of wins, I fear, when national biometric ID rolls out, and politicians fail to deliver on their campaign promises, as is inevitable.


What i read before this day regarding the backing down of candidates at middle of the race, i understood it is something that almost never happen and the time it did they party doing it lost, makes sense. I do agree the damage was done on the senile guy for a long time, first time i saw them i thought "shit i have worked with senile and Alzheimer's patients and this is it" i mean anyone could see i am amazed at how long the MSM was able to cover it up...

It definitely feels like a bit and switch. That's the bait, what's the switch?


I heard this just a little bit ago, but I didn't hear that it was due to his dementia. Makes sense as it is really obvious.

His performance is a result of his dementia, and the debate dispensed with the ability to ignore it across the Democratic Party. The Daily Mail, as far as I read, did not mention that word, but I am not shy about stating obvious facts, so I did.
