Corruption is the Worst Threat Humanity, and America Specifically, Faces Today

in #life2 months ago

In a recent interview with Russel Brand, Col. Douglas Macgregor stated:

"… Americans are conditioned to believe that there are threats all over the world. And in reality, you know, there really aren’t — the biggest threat to America right now, I think, is the incompetence and corruption in Washington, DC.”

IMG source -

However, Col. Macgregor insufficiently characterizes the problem by limiting it to the US Federal Government. It is blatantly obvious from the character and actions of state governors, such as Kathy Hochul (D - New York), Gretchen Witmer (D - Michigan), and Michelle Grisham (D - New Mexico), that state governments are no less corrupted and acting against the best interests of their civilian populations. In the listed examples, the Governors have publicly stated they intend to disarm their populations, and have taken actions obviously contrary to the human rights accorded Americans by the Bill of Rights, and prohibited government by the US Constitution, which limits governmental authority to specific powers. Disarming civilian populations is specifically prohibited in every jurisdiction in America, because helpless people are easily enslaved, which is why despots always disarm them.

There is a word for governmental office holders that exceed their lawful mandates: despot. The above examples, and many, many more state officials do everything they can to effect tyranny, assuming despotic power that interferes with Americans' enjoyment of their lives and liberty and criminalizes them for undertaking their rightful responsibilities and exercising their inherent authority.

Neither is such corruption limited to America. It could hardly be more obvious that across the West similar tyranny is being implemented, and it would be difficult to find more blatant examples of despotism than Canada, Germany, or England, as everywhere national governments are corrupted by obscenely wealthy plutocrats that have plundered the world through fraud and deception by demonstrating a complete lack of ethics and morals, or even a basic respect for human rights, and committing any and every atrocity potential to earn a buck despite the suffering their commercial activities cause. People like Bill Gates and George Soros have used their vast and illicit fortunes to interfere in global, national, and local governance around the world, despoiling the cities of the West, degrading their populations, and wreaking havoc that has killed millions of victims for their immense financial profits.

They are everywhere assisted and enabled by banksters, whose rapine is impossible for good people to fully grasp, and represent the abilities of psychopaths to rise to power in institutions due to their willingness to commit atrocities for profit, that ordinary people cannot even imagine because good people empathize with one another, which psychopaths are incapable of. Banksters launder all the profits of black market criminals. Half the financial assets in the world are such criminal proceeds, and all of them are in banks, or passed through banks. They are the criminals they accuse us of being.

When I was a child, I noted that local police in my island village murdered a local drug dealer, made a blatantly false claim he committed suicide, and then sold drugs out of the police station, which good citizens would not, and could not, believe their friendly neighbors, the police officers, were doing, mostly because they didn't buy illegal drugs so weren't aware of the obvious evidence the smiling psychopaths in blue murdered and dealt drugs to their children. This despite the Chief of Police's sons were notorious drug dealers so prolific his house reeked of weed so bad you could smell it blocks away. Back in the day good people didn't smoke weed, and didn't know that skunky smell from cabbage cooking.

The fact is that institutions of every kind are inhuman, inhumane, are not born, do not die, do not love, hate, suffer, hunger, or mirror humanity in any way, but legally, because they have granted themselves personhood through corruption of just laws to facilitate their rapine economic profiteering on the backs of civilian populations, and these institutions further facilitate the rise to power of psychopaths to the top of their leadership because psychopaths neither are humane or view populations as human beings like themselves. While good people may believe that creating institutions, such as NGOs with limited charitable purposes, or corporations that facilitate groups to commonly undertake commercial enterprises, are useful tools that benefit society, this is because we innately project our world view on others, and the evil inherent to psychopaths is utterly foreign to good people that cannot image roasting people alive or similar cruelty that psychopaths find amusing - and profitable.

At every level, at every scale, institutions and governments have been infiltrated and corrupted by psychopaths and criminals over time. The longer governments have been in place, the more thoroughly and deeply they have been corrupted. Col. Macgregor discusses the financial mechanism that obviously is plied to corrupt governments, but he neglects extortion and blackmail that asserts even more certain and powerful control of bureaucrats, corporate officers, and public figures, who are promoted because they have succumbed to criminal acts such as drug abuse, financial fraud, or human trafficking, and preferentially all those and more, which make it easy to control them by threatening to reveal their crimes and destroy their lives. Kiddy diddlers, in particular, have been leashed by blackmail because their crimes against children would cause them to be torn apart limb from limb by the outraged parents whose children have been disappeared in the many scandals that are suppressed by the enemedia, performing the censorship function essential to the psychopaths that own them.

In every case, everywhere on Earth, formal institutions with codified rules, laws, and statutory regulations have been so corrupted through multiple vectors of criminality, including every kind and stripe of institution, from Church to State and all in between. Good people that cannot imagine the kinds of thoughts bad people have are deceived to support them, but understanding the good intentions that founded them, and that make the functions they are stated to effect necessary to felicitous society. Through the institutional hierarchies, the economic power of such good people is extracted from them and put to evil purposes, contrary to the stated purposes of religious, commercial, and governmental institutions, through the mechanism of corruption.

The formal hierarchies of institutions, primarily corporations today, are fundamental to this process, although corruption can always seek out individuals vulnerable to it, the formal hierarchical nature of institutions massively increases the reach and grasp of corruption to even the morally upright and ethically sound people who are members of them, because their participation is undertaken through forced representation rather than by their own actions. We do not need such formal institutions. People can, and do, today simply work together to do good. When we do, we inherently reject the usurpation of the criminals that try to take our power from us. Because we act of our personal volition, there is no mechanism to take our power from us.

It is time to end the fiction of 'legal persons' through which institutions are able to wrest the powers of civilian people from them by claiming falsely that corporations have rights, that the agents of institutions have immunity from their actions on behalf of such fictions that facilitate the corruption and subjugation of free and sovereign people, good people, everywhere in the world to the most vile psychopaths and criminals through the above mentioned methods, and the many more ingenious deviants devise. In every jurisdiction on Earth the people there have suffered the depredations of deception and fraud, from the steady drain of theft of their resources through inflation effected by financial institutions, to the rape and murder of their children by police and armies claiming the exigency of prosecutory or military urgency to prevent being investigated and exposed as organ traffickers, child sex traffickers, and every other vile and horrific black market profiteer that exists.

Chief among the criminals are the spooks, because information is power, and the most powerful criminals have made every effort to covertly stalk and surveil us, seeking the bit and bridle that enables them to control those whose criminal acts make them easy to extort. We are being herded like lemmings off a cliff of global subjugation to the current crop of criminals that have co-opted government, church, and commerce alike, so the rich and evil can profit off the death and destruction of the good and productive. The rise of rentiers is the decline of industry.

Wherever you live, this is being done to you. Your felicity, and that of your posterity, depends on you acting to reassert your personal sovereignty and power to govern you and your nation. Everyone on Earth, of every race, ethnicity, faith, and class that understands people are inherently endowed with inalienable rights by virtue of their natural existence, is threatened with enslavement to vile psychopaths through these mechanisms. We equally must and are empowered to act to end the deception by which we are threatened. The false claim that corporations are people and have rights is so useful to criminals that it has become a fundamental mechanism by which they have usurped our rights, and by ending that lie in every jurisdiction, populations in all jurisdictions can strip that fraud of it's power to enslave populations that are the true and sovereign free people of the world.

Every person acts and is responsible for their actions, and the deception that corporations act enables criminals to pretend 'the church/government/corporation did it' and escape their personal responsibility for their actions, from Presidents to Preachers, and this lie must end so that corrupt criminals are held responsible for the authority they have exercised. There can be no dismissal of responsibility for a person's actions that institutions today afford criminals. Corporations have no right to vote, to speak, to live, or any rights at all. They cannot be jailed or executed for their crimes. They are not people. They corrupt our nations and civil societies with every action they take that isn't inherent to a right they have. It is impossible for good to come from evil, and institutions usurping human rights can only produce evil results, because usurping human rights is evil.

Regardless of your status, of your situation, of your location, concerns, or needs, this common evil is certainly depriving you of your inherent rights, destroying your people, stealing your economic assets, and causing you harm you can only prevent by working together with your sovereign peers to take back our sole and exclusive right and responsibility to rule ourselves. Let us together unanimously destroy the fiction that has usurped our rights and powers from us by creating pretend 'people' psychopaths possess to dispossess us and our children.

End corporate usurpation of human rights. End legal personhood. Take back what is ours, and ours alone: human rights for human beings.


I see your point with human rights for humans. Probably a good slogan because it is concise. Are you saying the liability protection of corporations should be removed, as in I could sue the CEO of Taco Bell for the hot coffee spilling on me? Or should I be allowed to sue the teenager who spilled it so that every paycheck she makes will be garnished until she pays off the judgement? Or, as in a criminal case, everyone involved up to a threshold chosen by our government corporation? Or, without government, do I approach the employee as she is leaving work and agree to a settlement the best way I see fit?

I'm looking for solutions to all the evil you laid out caused by corrupt humans facilitating more corruption through gaming laws that many times are instituted in good faith. The Declaration of Independence comes to mind where it says governments are instituted to protect our individual rights. Good to note that a corporation did not sign the letter; each signer put their own life on the line:
(Excerpt from

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

When I was a child, I noted that local police in my island village murdered a local drug dealer, made a blatantly false claim he committed suicide, and then sold drugs out of the police station, which good citizens would not, and could not, believe their friendly neighbors, the police officers, were doing, mostly because they didn't buy illegal drugs so weren't aware of the obvious evidence the smiling psychopaths in blue murdered and dealt drugs to their children. This despite the Chief of Police's sons were notorious drug dealers so prolific his house reeked of weed so bad you could smell it blocks away. Back in the day good people didn't smoke weed, and didn't know that skunky smell from cabbage cooking.

Dear @valued-customer !

Worse than a drug dealer, was the Chief of Police punished?😨

He was never accused of wrong-doing. Never charged with a crime. Who would charge him? The police? He was their boss. Being a cop is dangerous - if you're honest. Cops kill people for a living, and will obviously kill anyone that threatens their jobs, livelihoods, or their lives, even if it's another cop.
