Idaho Farmers to Receive Necessary Water - This Year?

in #life3 months ago

I haven't undertaken to confirm this, but as is my wont report to you so that you can confirm or refute this claim yourself, because you will do that far better than I, and hopefully will set me straight if I am being bamboozled.

IMG source -

Basically, the public outrage over the dastardly withdrawal of water after farmers already invested millions in planting this year's crop in Idaho has caused the Idaho government to relent and allowed farmers to plan for water withdrawal in the coming year. I very much hope this is true, because it demonstrates that, at least at the state level, We The People still are competent to yank the reins of government hard enough to prevent being sacrificed at it's sole option on a whim. If this is factually correct, let's all take stock of that power and consider how we can increase it's effect to restrain corrupt bureaucrats and saboteurs that are handing over our lands and souls to pathological vampires seeking to consume us profitably.


Glad to hear farmers are finally getting the water they need brother. It's really crucial for their livelihoods and the local economy. It's a small but significant victory for the community.

People need food. If the government eliminates farmers economically, then people will not have food. Most people make no attempt to grow their own food, and when farmers that currently provide their food have been eliminated, the billionaires that want to feed them bugs will be the only source of food they will have, and they will eat ze bugs.

That will be their fault, if they let their government eliminate farmers that feed them. I would not characterize their successful defense of farmers as a small victory, because it is an existential requirement. My hope is that it signifies the broad understanding of the public that it is time to themselves determine what policies to support, and to cease providing their assent to corrupt political representatives that are lying to them when claiming to represent them. The corrupt representatives do not represent them, but instead the corrupting billionaires that want to feed them bugs.

People smart enough to understand that will not have to eat ze bugs. People too stupid will eat ze bugs.


I really hope they don't end up eating ze bugs. Hopefully they're make the right decisions. This farmers are our support otherwise we're doomed

"This farmers are our support otherwise we're doomed"

Not me. Not for the three other people who I am working gardens for. Dependents are doomed. Producers will be heroes.

Be productive.

Wow brother, you are right, I really have to start focusing on my own production. Just in case chaos like this happens

Dear @valued-customer !

I found out that Idaho is next to Oregon.
Do you consider yourself an American Westerner?

I was surprised by how sparsely populated the vast land of the American West was!😯

I thought that because the western part of the United States was very sparsely populated and had weak public authority, people like you created vigilantes to maintain public order!

I thought Americans knew no fear!
I find you very brave, seeing you live alone in such a vast land!

I thought you were probably doing very hard farming and ranch work!

I felt Oregon was as beautiful as Eden!
However, Idaho looked like a dry desert!

"Do you consider yourself an American Westerner?"

Yes. I was born here, and am Native to this land.

"I felt Oregon was as beautiful as Eden!
However, Idaho looked like a dry desert!"

I was raised on an island where it rained practically every day, so haven't been anywhere else that seemed as verdant and lush as that. Oregon first appeared to me to be sere and how I imagined the Sahel, the grasslands verging on the Sahara Desert in Africa, but I have come to love the summer sunshine and verdance the winter rains bring. I like the ocean, having my own boat to roam it at 12, and don't want to be far from it's bounty. Idaho is far from the ocean. While northern Idaho has deep forests even that semblance of the sanctuary I consider my comfort zone is but incomplete so far from the sea.


Dear @valued-customer !

For East Asians like me, California, Texas, New York, Washington DC, and Boston are famous.
I don't know about Oregon, but it is rumored to be a very beautiful and rich place.

I live on the coast, but I don't have a boat that I can ride and enjoy as freely as you do.

I wonder what a beautiful and rich place you live in!
However, I think you will not reveal your life for the safety of yourself and your family!

Although I am now 50 years old, I want to become a literary person and journalist in the United States!😄

I especially want to write American and European history from an East Asian perspective!

You do write foreign history from your perspective, and I am always educated by your so doing.

I have always envied America's spirit of freedom and independence!
So, I want to live in America!😄

Thank you for your kind and help!

I hope your health and long life!

It is strongly encouraged by the USG to journey to America and claim to be persecuted violently in your home country. You are probably too honorable to lie and claim to be from a neighboring country to your north, which the USG claims terribly persecutes it's people, but it's probably very possible to do, and likely to be very well paid.

I hear they give out lots of cash to approved asylum seekers, provide all necessities, and even phones free of charge.

Just a thought.

It is strongly encouraged by the USG to journey to America and claim to be persecuted violently in your home country. You are probably too honorable to lie and claim to be from a neighboring country to your north, which the USG claims terribly persecutes it's people, but it's probably very possible to do, and likely to be very well paid.

I am not an honorable Christian, but I believe that at least Jesus does not bless those who lie!😂

Well, the familial relations between E. Asian countries certainly aren't entirely cut and dried. I doubt very much your family doesn't have members to your north, and that means it wouldn't be lying to say so. Also, unification might come up any day now, and that would add urgency to your desire to emigrate. It isn't lying to emphasize only certain details, even if those details enable you to claim favor.

I hope that it's true. Idaho helps keep us fed, we need them to have water. Our government is trying to cause a famine so we'll "eat ze bugs" having no other choices.

let's all take stock of that power and consider how we can increase it's effect

Absolutely, multiply it's effect 1000x. We just cannot be complacent. Most people "keep their head down" so as not to draw attention, but as wise as they like to think they are, it won't help once it's too late.

I ate a potato from Idaho last night for my dinner, although I have plenty of potatoes in my garden. I'll not be eating any bugs regardless of any attempts to impose famine, and am patiently awaiting the necessary support to be rid of wannabe overlords, as their mercenaries yet exceed my military prowess. I don't think it will take two years into the coming Presidential administration for the majority to have had enough biometric surveillance, theft of their money to pay for genocide, or attempts to seize their personal arms, and decide to finally take a stand against Zionism and it's genocidal policies.

However, after two years, my patience will be wearing thin.


From my experience, Farmers have lots of guns. And are very organized. Only leftist idiots would dare go against them. You can only push people so much against the wall till they decide to push back. And when the push back comes the opposite side gets crushed.

Keep up the good work. 👏

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