Judge In Trump Case Says Only Four Jurors Needed To Convict - Absolutely Unlawful Court is a Mockery of Law

in #life5 months ago

IMG source - The Temptation of St. Anthony-- Salvador Dali - Pinterest.com

I have long held that trial by jury is one of the last vestiges of democracy left to Americans, as are local elections, as national elections no longer matter at all. The candidates for national elections are puppets. All remotely viable candidates for President are rabid Zionazis, lifelong Democrats, and Jab-stabbers (even RFK, Jr. is jabbed, and required attendees at events to be, despite his probative rhetoric the plandemic was farcical). This doesn't represent the electorate at all, most of whom are independents, are pro-Palestinian statehood, and well aware the jabs are heart attack bait.

Worse, we can have no confidence in sound election practices even for this load of crap candidates. The 2020 election was blatantly fraudulent. Joe Biden couldn't drag an audience in front of him during the campaign, and multiple crimes of ballot harvesting, ballot box stuffing, election watcher excluding, and more resulted in mathematically impossible votes inuring to Biden in multiple states, and the claim of the largest vote in history for a candidate that spoke to empty jeeps instead of crowds.

The multiple legal cases that have been prosecuted against Trump are all obviously political hatchet jobs, and now the judge in the one over his payment of hush money to a stripper says he'll convict if only four jurors find Trump guilty on each of three charges. That is not how the law works, and the judge is clearly just making up rules as he goes. Judges are off the rails across the country.

The Hawaii Supreme Court ruled that the spirit of Aloha overruled the Second Amendment, which is not how the law works either. In a recent case in New York a judge ordered the defense not to mention the Second Amendment, stating it didn't exist in their courtroom. I don't know who these judges think they are, or why they're so special they can just rule however they feel like despite actual laws written by legislators, but it is clear that the USG has been handing out too many crack pipes to jurists lately.

Because such blatant election fraud, corruption of the Justice Department and Executive branch of the USG, and outrageous show trials and ridiculous rulings by judges all cast Trump as victim, these monkey shines all increase popular support for his candidacy. Given his outrageous campaign promises to create an extreme biometric surveillance state, his prior statement to 'take their guns, and worry about legalities later', and his continuing to boast about jabbing Americans to death, it's difficult to see how the lifelong Democrat could be elected without the street cred he gains from being victimized by an obviously corrupt and incredibly disingenuous government.

It is so outrageous I have not believed it was organic opposition for a long time. I posted in the past that I believe Trump himself fraudulently threw the election to Biden, to dodge the consequences of the clot shots, and to gain victim cred from all those that knew the election was fraudulent. I believe he blackmailed all his lieutenants, like Rudy, into throwing the cases challenging the election. Giuliani didn't even submit any evidence at all, even to defend himself from charges afterwards, which I think he would only do because he was being blackmailed. Video has been released of Rudy putting the moves on a masseuse some of you may remember from a year or more ago.

Looking how things are turning out now, it is obvious that ever more victim cred is going to Trump, the lifelong Democrat who said on Oprah that he'd run for President as a Republican because they were easier to lie to. That clip has been purged from the internet BTW. I and thousands of others have seen it. There are offers of thousands of dollars for that video, so if you recorded it on VHS and have a copy laying around, you could make enough for a nice lunch or a tank of gas (after bidenflation).

This isn't an election. It's a circus side show.

Enjoy the show folks. We'll return to real life afterwards, when an untouchable overlord really shows us how Fascism is done, a la Trump style. Good luck, BTW. We're going to need it. None of this is real, but the police state that comes after the show...

That will be real.

Edit: JFC I forgot the link to Luke Rudkowski @wearechange Not a long video.


The jury is in..


We'll see. I didn't watch the jury selection process, and while I heard the schedule was devised to exclude observant Jews, that's not necessarily all bad. The fact is that juries are comprised of individuals, and some people are based as fuck. All it takes is one courageous patriot that tosses wrenches into every machination to make things unpredictable.


😳😳😳 in my opinion, I think this judge's actions are truly outrageous. It's hard to believe that such blatant disregard for the law can happen in our courts. Makes you wonder what's next in this political circus. That's a pity

"Makes you wonder what's next in this political circus."

People have been killed, imprisoned, dehumanized, and every kind of horrific torment and oppression you can name, already. Gaza, Assange, and an endless litany of horrors has been justified and tolerated in the courts. Back in the 1980s, the Chrystic Institute brought suit in federal court against the Reagan administration for CIA cocaine trafficking under RICO, and the court not only dismissed the case but fined the institute $1m for filing it.

Courts have always been weapons.


This is a truly sad situation, really wish those responsible could be taken out of power 🤧

Evolution eventually leaves reason standing and pretenders in their graves.

Reality is real, and pretenses all fall away in time.

That's deep and very true.m. hopefully life gets better with each passing day and good people like you spreading awareness of such horrors in our world 🥰🥰🥰🥰 thanks for your blog dear friend

I know nothin!

I can see the manipulations. I can see the MSM saying what they are told to say.
I know the 202 election was messed with.

But, how do you get all that to add up?

To me, the thing that Chump has done is to make the most people question the MSM than anyone before him. But, i cannot tell you what he stands for. (Well, i know he stands for audiences cheering him)

This judge is out of control
Yes, in their court, they are the law.
The court, and the court room could be said to be their own countries. The courts are not under The US. It seems they are owned by the BAR (of The City of London)

So, the judge is only doing what he sees fit, and has that power.

However, he is supposed to keep up appearances, and keep people believing in "the law" and "their day in court" and under such, may be removed from court/BAR

I am sure that the judge in this case will retire, quickly, to Barbados as soon as the trial is over.

I just feel strongly that this is what the extortionist extraordinaire has done, and is doing. Trump has wielded his masterful manipulation ability to gain street cred, like a rapper that gets shot gang banging and sells more albums. What he's done has created reasons for people to rally to his cause and vote for him, to support him because he's being attacked by evil, lawless, corrupt gangsters. It's masterful, genius, and obvious to me. Your opinion is every bit as valid as my own. We are sovereign bro.

I have been making an effort lately to not state my disagreements on some of your posts. You have heard them already. I would rather focus on matters on which we agree, which are myriad, and more substantial IMHO, than technical matters on which we don't agree. However I REQUIRE criticism, or I'll end up like these judges, utterly off the rails in lala land. So, don't hold back on me.

You could be right about the Bar and courts. But as I understand the law, it is constrained by decisions of higher courts, and when the decisions I referred to in the OP are before the SCOTUS, they will be overturned. The spirit of Aloha does not trump the Constitution. It isn't lawful to accept four guilty votes from a jury of 12 and convict. Judges that claim such things should be disbarred because they devalue the Bar itself, making a mockery of law and jurisprudence, even if judges have latitude to rule as they wish. Delusional and trolling judges will be removed from a system that requires reason to exist. The Second Amendment exists in every courtroom in America.


It / the court is a circus alright - I don't even know how that judge is not disbarred or investigated or something - its so openly crooked - I do wonder, what they tend to pull out of the hat for November - because there is no way that anyone will believe that Biden wins again. Something big is coming. BTW - Trump said the other day, that he is going to find a place for Nikki Haley in his cabinet LOL - he said it on camera, it was extraordinary i.e., Nikki Haley is the deep state he says he is fighting lol - maybe he is trying to make a deal by throwing out names -
November will be interesting.

I think that Trump will use the outrage the Weimarian degeneracy, blatant corruption, and horrific child sex trafficking (but not by Jews) to create hordes of blackshirts that will smash and destroy whatever he points to and says 'kill that!'. This cult of personality he is building isn't just to get elected to the Presidency for four years.


Indeed! The Cult Of Personality!

You clearly get it, as did Living Colour.


Trump & Obama fit right on that songs verse, it’s to bad no bands in the mainstream have the mindset the older legends did! Vaccine mandates & Obama was great shills. They throw criticism at Trump but for surface fake issues/reasons.

"...no bands in the mainstream have the mindset the older legends did!"

Even worse, the hollow exemplars of courage like RATM have utterly betrayed us.


Now, here we are.


Everything above local politics is utterly corrupt and disingenuous, and nothing more so than Obama and the jabs. The Trump jabs, BTW. It's hopeless and irredeemable, no less than DeNiro hisself.

For all these reasons I am convinced that surviving humanity will take to itself the power to produce the goods and services that create the blessings of civilization, and prosper while the corrupt madness that centralization and overlords inflict crashes and genocides all that don't dodge competently.

Yup, I use them in mind when I mentioned bands shilling for the Jab and mandates. It’s fucking pathetic!

I agree we will need to produce good and services. And be able to keep under the radar until it collapses on itself.

The flexibility with the primary crime is breathtaking! They don't have to settle on which it was? Can juror #11 say that Trump had planned this insurrection to happen when he leaves office so therefore needed to hush up Stormy so he can become elected? Treason has no statute of limitation, right?

My understanding is that flexibility isn't lawful at all, and is utterly unprecedented, unlikely to withstand judicial review/appeal, and that treason has no statue of limitations - but will be damnably difficult to legally prove in this matter.

The reason I maintain that trial by jury is basically the last bastion of democracy in America is exactly that a juror can adamantly stand on any issue they want, and even rule the law unjust. Jury nullification is anathema to courts and judges, but is constitutionally codified and fully within the rights of jurors.


I wonder if we'll find out what selection of primary offenses were selected by the jurors. I heard they brought a guilty verdict on all counts.

I have just read that there are guilty verdicts on all 34 felony charges. My understanding is that a felony conviction bars one from serving as President. There are some folks that aren't accepting of this situation, particularly given the present felonious Big Guy in office. I read Megyn Kelly is making noise about bringing charges against HRC, Obama, and Joe Biden as well. However, only prosecutors can bring charges against suspects, regardless of how many rabble are roused.

I don't think most people have really come to terms with what has happened. Tucker Carlson says this has ended the most fair justice system in the world. I don't agree we've had a fair system, particularly as >98% of convictions result from plea bargains rather than trials, but I do agree we no longer can make any pretense to having a fair justice system, because it has blatantly become a political tool. While I don't think Trump is innocent - he was paying blackmail, after all - none of the witnesses against him were either, nor are his political enemies.

If we have crossed this rubicon, we should revive tarring and feathering as well, and ride the entire corrupt USG out of town on a rail. There isn't one politician or bureaucrat I think doesn't deserve to be. Frankly, I think we should hang the lot of them, and start from scratch. Start at the top and work our way down every political appointee, congressman, and particularly every damn spook spying on Americans.

Hang 'em all.

I do wonder if the Republicans will carry this torch set by this precident. I know an insurrection will bar someone from public office, thanks to Civil War amendment, but just any felony does not, to my knowledge. Where did you hear this?

To fix this glaring hole in the justice system...I don't know. Federal oversight into state prosecutions is exactly what the big government proponents want. Maybe it will become acceptable to refuse to visit a state that is bringing charges against you and for other states to refuse to extradite you there.

I had assumed, and was wrong to do so.

"Can convicted felons be president?

"There are few requirements to serve as U.S. president. According to the U.S. Constitution, anyone who is at least 35 years old, a natural-born citizen of the United States and a U.S. resident for at least 14 years is eligible to be elected president. Because the Constitution does not mention criminal records, a person indicted or convicted of a felony would not be barred from serving in the role so long as he or she meets the other requirements."


"Maybe it will become acceptable to refuse to visit a state that is bringing charges against you and for other states to refuse to extradite you there."

That would basically be the end of the federal union of states. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that to happen, because there's a lot of money and power that the USG has state governments want access to. People that aren't greedy for money are power don't matter to them. Greedy people can be manipulated and will do things in order to get the money and power. Those are the people that matter to them, the people they can use.

States are asserting their power more lately. This trial is an example. But, if one state can bring anyone into its courts to do with as it pleases, then certainly another state can recognize the bad faith prosecutions of a state and refuse to honor extradition when it deems another such act would result.

Sancuary states and cities, and now Texas enforcing is border in conflict with the feds. It is up to the feds to make an issue of it.

Sounds like the road to Balkanization.

I think that Trump will use the outrage the Weimarian degeneracy, blatant corruption, and horrific child sex trafficking (but not by Jews) to create hordes of blackshirts that will smash and destroy whatever he points to and says 'kill that!'. This cult of personality he is building isn't just to get elected to the Presidency for four years.

Dear @valued-customer !

Many East Asians speculate that if Trump is elected president, the security of the East Asian world will be at risk.

Do you think Biden will be a better president than Trump?

"Do you think Biden will be a better president than Trump?"

No. I don't think any good candidate is possible in the horrific scam that is USG elections today. What I think is that Biden has served his purpose, and now it's back to Trump to enable the killing to begin in earnest.

The security of E. Asia is at risk. Everyone's security is at risk, because it is demonstrable that the NWO has crashed human fertility below replacement levels, and this exemplifies the genocidal intent of the whacked out psychopaths pulling puppet's strings.

No one here gets out alive. We're all going to die.

Live well and die fighting.


The security of E. Asia is at risk. Everyone's security is at risk, because it is demonstrable that the NWO has crashed human fertility below replacement levels, and this exemplifies the genocidal intent of the whacked out psychopaths pulling puppet's strings.

Dear my respected senior @valued-customer !
Many East Asians currently assume that China will invade Taiwan in three years.

So, Most East Asians are more afraid of a nuclear war than of a decline in birth rates.

I misunderstand that you are currently living in heaven!😂

"...East Asians are more afraid of a nuclear war than of a decline in birth rates."

That is exactly why the NWO is poisoning us with jabs and endocrine disrupting pollution, instead of just nuking us. We'd vigorously resist being killed quickly, but pay no attention when being killed slowly.

That is exactly why the NWO is poisoning us with jabs and endocrine disrupting pollution, instead of just nuking us. We'd vigorously resist being killed quickly, but pay no attention when being killed slowly.

Dear my repected senior, @valued-customer !

If you say that to the public, you will probably be sentenced to three years in prison for defamation, insults, and false information!

East Asian overlords are now raising the public to the full pigs.
The public is the same position as pigs waiting to be eaten by overlords.😂

"If you say that to the public, you will probably be sentenced to three years in prison for defamation, insults, and false information!"

I will not go quietly.

"The public is the same position as pigs waiting to be eaten by overlords."

There is an aphorism that states that sheep spend their lives fearing the wolves, only to be slaughtered by the shepherd. Once you understand this, you begin to understand government and politics. It is our governments that are our most dangerous enemies, not governments of other nations. It is for this reason I am a Panautarchist, because we are not our own murderers, at least those of us that aren't suicidal. The fact of life is that each of us rules ourselves, and government is the claim that others have a higher authority over us than we do.

The facts of our existence all reveal that the claim others have a higher authority over us than we do is false. Therefore government is not based on truth, and is contrary to our best interests. We are being oppressed by thugs that profit by stealing our production. Those are the facts, and we should understand these truths so that we can better manage our affairs to increase our felicity. As inflation, oppression, censorship, and war worsen and more direly afflict people, more people will seek to reduce the influence and power government has over us.

Eventually, we will be free. In preparation for that eventuality, I recommend attaining to means of production of the goods and services that create the blessings of civilization so that our felicity does not depend on centralized overlords that will be eliminated when government falls.

There is an aphorism that states that sheep spend their lives fearing the wolves, only to be slaughtered by the shepherd. Once you understand this, you begin to understand government and politics. It is our governments that are our most dangerous enemies, not governments of other nations. It is for this reason I am a Panautarchist, because we are not our own murderers, at least those of us that aren't suicidal. The fact of life is that each of us rules ourselves, and government is the claim that others have a higher authority over us than we do.

Yeah, East Asian overlords are deceiving the sheep by creating fake wolves now.

Eventually, we will be free. In preparation for that eventuality, I recommend attaining to means of production of the goods and services that create the blessings of civilization so that our felicity does not depend on centralized overlords that will be eliminated when government falls.

Dear @valued-customer !

I think it would be difficult for people in the world I live in to understand or accept your ideas.
This is because they have lived as slaves obedient to their overlords for 2,000 years.

So, I want to live in America as a journalist and writer.
I want to learn about American politics, economics, literature, and religious ideas.

I do not believe that my people have the ability to escape being servants to their overlords!😂

Many people are incapable of freedom. When freedom is thrust upon them, as it eventually will be, they will languish, and even die as a result of their incompetence to provide themselves their means of sustenance and felicity. It is best to begin to learn how to provide sustenance and the blessings of civilization now, before the centralized mechanisms that remain extant become unavailable.

That is crazy that he said to Oprah he would run as a republican because they're easier to lie to! I'm sure that video is long gone. Ha! Craziness. It's also insane that the same two guys are running against each other. How does the US not have more capable candidates? It blows my mind! Panama had 8 people running for president and I think the oldest one won. Here's hoping he does a decent job. He was the VP of the ex-president who was running but had to drop out because he was convicted of a crime. I heard that 70 countries are electing presidents this year.

The bigger the prize, the more contenders vie for it, and the worse the criminality undertaken to win it. The USG is a key to global conquest and the NWO is playing for all the marbles.


No doubt about it.