IMG source - The Temptation of St. Anthony-- Salvador Dali -
I have long held that trial by jury is one of the last vestiges of democracy left to Americans, as are local elections, as national elections no longer matter at all. The candidates for national elections are puppets. All remotely viable candidates for President are rabid Zionazis, lifelong Democrats, and Jab-stabbers (even RFK, Jr. is jabbed, and required attendees at events to be, despite his probative rhetoric the plandemic was farcical). This doesn't represent the electorate at all, most of whom are independents, are pro-Palestinian statehood, and well aware the jabs are heart attack bait.
Worse, we can have no confidence in sound election practices even for this load of crap candidates. The 2020 election was blatantly fraudulent. Joe Biden couldn't drag an audience in front of him during the campaign, and multiple crimes of ballot harvesting, ballot box stuffing, election watcher excluding, and more resulted in mathematically impossible votes inuring to Biden in multiple states, and the claim of the largest vote in history for a candidate that spoke to empty jeeps instead of crowds.
The multiple legal cases that have been prosecuted against Trump are all obviously political hatchet jobs, and now the judge in the one over his payment of hush money to a stripper says he'll convict if only four jurors find Trump guilty on each of three charges. That is not how the law works, and the judge is clearly just making up rules as he goes. Judges are off the rails across the country.
The Hawaii Supreme Court ruled that the spirit of Aloha overruled the Second Amendment, which is not how the law works either. In a recent case in New York a judge ordered the defense not to mention the Second Amendment, stating it didn't exist in their courtroom. I don't know who these judges think they are, or why they're so special they can just rule however they feel like despite actual laws written by legislators, but it is clear that the USG has been handing out too many crack pipes to jurists lately.
Because such blatant election fraud, corruption of the Justice Department and Executive branch of the USG, and outrageous show trials and ridiculous rulings by judges all cast Trump as victim, these monkey shines all increase popular support for his candidacy. Given his outrageous campaign promises to create an extreme biometric surveillance state, his prior statement to 'take their guns, and worry about legalities later', and his continuing to boast about jabbing Americans to death, it's difficult to see how the lifelong Democrat could be elected without the street cred he gains from being victimized by an obviously corrupt and incredibly disingenuous government.
It is so outrageous I have not believed it was organic opposition for a long time. I posted in the past that I believe Trump himself fraudulently threw the election to Biden, to dodge the consequences of the clot shots, and to gain victim cred from all those that knew the election was fraudulent. I believe he blackmailed all his lieutenants, like Rudy, into throwing the cases challenging the election. Giuliani didn't even submit any evidence at all, even to defend himself from charges afterwards, which I think he would only do because he was being blackmailed. Video has been released of Rudy putting the moves on a masseuse some of you may remember from a year or more ago.
Looking how things are turning out now, it is obvious that ever more victim cred is going to Trump, the lifelong Democrat who said on Oprah that he'd run for President as a Republican because they were easier to lie to. That clip has been purged from the internet BTW. I and thousands of others have seen it. There are offers of thousands of dollars for that video, so if you recorded it on VHS and have a copy laying around, you could make enough for a nice lunch or a tank of gas (after bidenflation).
This isn't an election. It's a circus side show.
Enjoy the show folks. We'll return to real life afterwards, when an untouchable overlord really shows us how Fascism is done, a la Trump style. Good luck, BTW. We're going to need it. None of this is real, but the police state that comes after the show...
That will be real.
Edit: JFC I forgot the link to Luke Rudkowski @wearechange Not a long video.