PFIZER Charged with CONSPIRACY to Commit Fraud and Unconscionable Acts

in #life4 months ago

Karen Kingston reports that the State of Kansas has charged Pfizer with 9 counts of conspiracy with the enemedia, universities, and the USG to profit from the bioweapons marketed as vaccines for Covid19.

IMG source -

While Michigan is seeking to account invading forces as part of their civilian population in order to destroy the State of Michigan and weaken the USG as part of the conquest of the world being undertaken by the NWO, and Maine is providing their civilian population kits to enable them to jam fentanyl up their asses, which clearly is a democidal pogrom that has the same aims as Michigan, not all states are infiltrated and supporting the NWO in their conquest of Earth.

Civilian populations, including illegal immigrants in America, are faced with a choice between remaining subjugated to Fascist power that must genocide humanity to prevent being outcompeted economically and militarily by populations able to themselves create their necessities and the blessings of civilization - which includes means of providing their security from gangs of armed thugs, the only power criminal gangs have to subjugate civilian populations - and seizing the means of production and creating their prosperity and freedom our posterity will enjoy across the universe in perpetuity.

Charging the criminals with their crimes is the beginning of the defeat of the NWO and it's attempted conquest of the world.

It has begun.



Thought you might find interesting.

The State of Kansas - interesting! I wonder what will come of this and if other states and countries will join in.

The more the merrier.


Excellent coverage my friend, thank you for the inspiring update. Stay strong!


Always my friend. Thanks for keepin it real!

It's very very concerning how trials often seem to fade out without real change. There's a real fear that deeper issues will stay hidden. Keep us updated brother

Most crimes are one offs. A crime was committed and the victims have suffered. This provides the distance of time to dull public outrage. That is not the case in this matter. Our loved ones continue to suffer and die from these jabs, and our outrage continues to be refreshed as a result. I think this will be ongoing for years, if not decades to come.


It's sad if this keeps on for decades bro... It's not a good thing at all.... I hope things change.. thanks so much for the awareness brother

My understanding is that children have been injected with medical devices that have altered the DNA in some of their cells. Because the LNP's concentrate in the gonads, it is likely that their germ cells, sperm and eggs, have been altered genetically.

We'll be very lucky if the criminal harms from the jabs don't continue to be suffered for generations, or permanently. If only the somatic cells, rather than sperm and eggs, are altered in these children, unless some means of curing them from the undisclosed genetic alterations is able to resolve their illnesses that result (one known consequence of the genetic modification is turning cells into spike protein factories permanently, and the spike protein causes many illnesses) then they will be suffering that harm all their lives. Hopefully they will live for many decades.

Otherwise they will die.

I really hope an intervention or a procedure is made successful to cure these poor children from such an abuse. This world really has some bad people in it

Yeah, that is the great sadness really - if this was ever cleaned up in the courts - then it would still be in the population. Its there to stay, it seems. The betrayal, is on a epic scale never seen before. The biggest knife in the back of the humanity. A new type of Evil, really.

"The betrayal, is on a epic scale never seen before."

I am continually confronted with inability to comprehend the traitorous intent of the enemies of humanity. I cannot relate; cannot comprehend the thought processes that enable Young Global Leaders to murderously - yet blithely - sacrifice MILLIONS of people for their wealth and power. It just does not compute, yet I have to accept the evidence laid out before us.

The ~8x increase in all cause mortality, infertility, and misscarriage shown by the statistical data consequent to the jabs is literally horrific, yet governments of the world are staffed by people that diligently, deliberately, lie, conceal, and deny the facts IN ORDER to deceive more people and cause their contributions to society, their work and progeny, to vanish into the grave.

I am constantly reminded of a conversation I had while on a Grand Jury investigating the jails of Multnomah County in Oregon with the counsel to the jury, an Assistant Deputy Prosecutor, who, when I asked him how he could sleep at night knowing what laws regarding cannabis, which I knew he himself broke, shattered families, subjected innocent children to destruction of their homes and the abusive foster care system, and he replied 'I sleep in a big, comfortable, expensive bed.'

That's who they are, the enemies of humanity, the traitors that gleefully slit the throats of children for profit. They do it for their big, comfortable beds. Nothing more.

Edit: *literally horrific (and an existential threat to the survival of humanity itself)

Dear @valued-customer !
Do you think there is a secret global power group that controls humanity?😯

The X-Files

I felt like you were Fox Mulder from The X-Files!
Do you believe in aliens like faith of Fox Mulder?
I believe that biological experiments are secretly conducted on humans for the sake of human evolution.

But, I believe that only God, not humans, rules the universe and the world!

Humans always have the illusion that they rule the world.

I do not believe I know whether or not there are aliens, nor whether such aliens have visited Earth. Lots of people say this or that, but I have learned that lots of people lie, so I require pretty strong evidence of something so often lied about before I lend anything that is said credence. I have not seen any such evidence, and I am aware of much that disproves what many people have said about aliens.

I do believe there are biological experiments committed against unconsenting people, which is one of the worst crimes that can be committed. Humans are certainly trying to rule the world.


I'm ot a legal expert, nor do I want to become a master of statist policy, but won't this "trial" simply worm its way up through the state-controlled court system and either be waived away or become a "slap and seal", whereby the defendant is "punished" with a severely lessened fine and then the court takes the opportunity to seal all relevant information that could possibily lead to other legal actions or worse, uncover the deeper intentions and alliances formed to control and destroy the proletariat, from public access forever?

Sorry for being so cynical. But using the state to punish the state seems less and less likely to change anything substantively these days.

One thing, will be the ability for the press, or what is left of it - indie mainly - to point towards court documents, discovery, as well as things proved in court - that way, the illusion can be broken. I keep my fingers crossed though - I am always cynical haha.

You are all too familiar with government, it seems. However, it is not government that will hold itself to account, except as mobs with torches and pitchforks threaten. It is we, ourselves, that are holding these criminals to account, and we don't need government to do that. Indeed, as you point out, when we leave government to the job, it does more in the breach.

Courts are like pressure valves that allow public outrage to be bled off instead of destroying the entire system. Since the dead and dying of our loved ones continue to outrage us, this pressure should continue to force the courts to tackle the criminals that caused that outrage, and these prosecutions will reach higher and range further as the prosecutions continue. I expect the coming trials and executions to dwarf Nuremberg.


“ Courts are like pressure valves that allow public outrage to be bled off instead of destroying the entire system.“

Exactly right! It is the people alone that can change things!

the State of Kansas has charged Pfizer with 9 counts of conspiracy

Anyone who believes this must be a ConSpIrrrICY THERRORIST. Pharma is our friend, they rescued us from the evil covids, if they didn't make their mystery juice and pressure everyone to VOLUNTEER for the injection, we'd be UNVACCINATED and we can't have that! The unvaccinated are like trump supporters, they don't believe the news like they're supposed to. So I guess that means... the entire State of Kansas are Trump supporters????

Well, four more states just added themselves to the action, so that's 10% of the USA already. The therrorism is about to get more conspicier.
