Sec. 702, FRRA, and Hive

in #life9 months ago

Sec. 702 is the US statute that allows the US to surveil non-Americans outside America. It is widely known that spy agencies (spooks) have contorted definitions as widely as possible to enable spying on Americans, particularly the conservative, traditional, family oriented people that oppose the radicalization of kids and their indoctrination as gender-deranged sex toys for freaks like Klaus Schwab.

IMG source - AnonAquila (as best I can ascertain from seeking original source)

The FBI infamously claims 'white supremacists' are the greatest terrorism threat in America, yet Wikipedia reveals that the hapless victims of US foreign policy across the Middle East, Central and South America, and elsewhere, blowback from the indiscriminate bombing, destruction, and destabilization of their countries through wars for resources, geopolitical strategy (MIGA), or covert CIA control of drug production and smuggling (cartels), are the vast majority of attempted or convicted terrorists.

It is facile to compare the hamfisted claims of insurrection and prosecutions of protestors on Jan. 6th (in a crowd that contained hundreds of federal agents provocateur from DOJ, the Secret Service, and a variety of agencies) and breathless claims of Capitol Police of horrific violence - starkly contrasting with hours of video of those very police escorting protestors into and around the Capitol - with 'fiery, but mostly peaceful' BLM and Antifa riots that did $B's of arson damage across the nation. Some of those arsonists were released >5 times in one day.

It is also blatantly apparent that agencies claiming antiterrorism authority have been the source of myriad and many terrorist plots, from the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, to the failed kidnapping of Michigan Governor Gretchen Witmer, dozens of examples of FBI recruitment, training, and arming of mentally challenged and highly impressionable victims into various schemes have been revealed in trials and otherwise.

However, the fact of the US government being the most notorious terrorist organization in the world hasn't fazed the US Congress, that has proposed re-authorizing and greatly extending Sec. 702, that permits surveilling and tracking foreign terrorists. Under the terms of the bill proposed, the FRRA, the government will be able to compel the assistance of "any “service provider”—rather than any “other communication service provider”—that has access not just to communications, but also to the “equipment that is being or may be used to transmit or store . . . communications,” the expanded definition would appear to cover data centers, colocation providers, business landlords, shared workspaces, or even hotels where guests connect to the Internet. And the addition of the term “custodian” in (4) above could be understood to sweep in any third party involved in providing equipment, storage, or even cleaning services to such entities."

Does “equipment that is being or may be used to transmit or store . . . communications,” include Hive nodes? It sure does, according to the above claim of an amici of the FISA court, who's blog the above link is to. Non-Americans running Hive nodes will not technically be subject to the law. Americans certainly will be. However, even non-Americans may be persuaded to submit to US government regulations. There are a variety of mechanisms used to 'persuade' spooks have historically employed, most of them generally considered unpleasant.

I hope Hive gives this thought, particularly witnesses and folks that run nodes. Also, it's not just Hive nodes that transmit or store communications, but every cryptocurrency, social media network, video game, and even BBS, linklist, and torrent tracker, every server of any kind on the internet (and intranets), in the world.

There is an alternative bill, submitted by the House Judiciary Committee, titled "the Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act", which doesn't extend the surveillance net and deputize every server host in the world. Americans might point out the difference to their Senators and Representatives, while they still can without being labeled a terrorist and added to the FBI watchlist along with people that give testimony at School Board meetings and attend Catholic services.

Since every Representative and Senator appear to be completely under the control of the NWO plot to take over the world (except perhaps Massie), the outcome may well be pre-ordained. Voting harder doesn't make any difference if every candidate for office is preselected by how blackmailed, bribed, or bamboozled they are, proving the sham democracy is. Still, letting your Senator and Representative know you prefer the latter to the former does light a fire under them, and their personal pipeline to the graft gravy train endangered should they fail to acknowledge voter preferences.


Dear my respected senior @valued-customer !

Do you think Russia will win in Ukraine?
I think Ukraine will be divided by Russia and the West!

I think America will colonize China!

"Do you think Russia will win in Ukraine?"

I do not think Ukraine ever was competent to defeat Russia, and even far greater access to Western wunderwaffen would not have changed that.

"I think Ukraine will be divided by Russia and the West!"

I have speculated that historic claims on clay today held by the Ukraine may well be revisited by Poland, Romania, and other countries, when Russia has eliminated the ability of the Ukrainian government to defend itself. I also do not think that Russia intends to turn the Ukraine into Russia, but will restrict it's governance to union with an ostensibly autonomous republic, as it does in N. Ossetia, and many others. I suspect that Russia intends to preserve W. Ukraine as a buffer between it's borders and NATO, and that this would enable Poland, and others, to similarly assume control of those parts of the Ukraine in the same way.

"I think America will colonize China!"

Perhaps it already has. Maybe Chine will colonize America. Maybe both China and the USA are being colonized by the NWO.


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