It is a matter of fact that President Trump executed Operation Warp Speed, which caused the Covid vaccines to be rapidly generated and inflicted on the public. While the millions of deaths that has caused are still mounting, over 20m dead so far, the mechanism of that disruption of vaccine introduction is the point, because my assessment of the Covid Plandemic is that no matter how the modRNA vaccines were introduced, the variety of formulations of medical devices that were being tested - and the adverse events those devices caused - had to be tested, regardless of how they were inflicted on the public.
The whole point of OWS was to turn the public into guinea pigs, to skip testing and monitoring test subjects during post-vaccination periods that takes time. We necessarily became the test subjects that are being monitored during post-vaccination periods while the effects of the medical devices arise. Who would have volunteered to test these devices were they provided information as to the expected adverse effects? The DOD could not test these bioweapons in trials by providing volunteers informed consent, and it's simply illegal to test deadly weapons on test subjects against their will, or that have the plethora of adverse effects we have suffered and were known would occur.
While President Trump ordered HCQ to be available to 'every American', it did not become available, and his promise was quashed by the bureaucratic method of simply burying it under piles of other bureaucratic processes that were actually acted on. Instead of the functional and curative medicine being available to Americans (and the world), fraudulent studies were published and the out of patent cures were falsely tarred as dangerous. Because of the EUA requirement that no other effective means of treatment could be available in order to attain such authorization, Trump's order, had it been actually implemented, would have prevented such authorization and the testing of the various formulations of medical devices would not have occurred. His failure to compel that order to be followed was fundamental to the success of the mandate that Americans become test subjects for the DOD of their bioweapons, brought to you by Pfizer.
This is disingenuous, an example of how controlled opposition is used to force a population to submit to policies they oppose. Their champion simply feigns defeat and the preferred policy is damned with faint effort. Is any industry better known for this technique than professional wrestling?
In this pic Trump is shown after having vanquished his opponent, the CEO of the WWE, Vince McMahon, and then being dropped by the referee, in a sequence of events that reveals that snatching defeat from the jaws of victory is well known in wrestling, as it is in politics.
Sadly, the reasons Trump worked the ropes of the WWE are just as valid in the White House as they are in the ring. People love the story lines they are told in these dramas, and do not want to see how the sausage is made. No Trump supporters will be edified and change their minds about their support for Donald Trump by my post, and no opponents of Trump will need to read this post to affirm their opposition. Those people are fans of the drama, and will remain engaged with the stories being told. This post is for people that realize the dramas aren't how government is actually conducted, that understand choosing between the characters on the stage won't effect their sovereign conduct of their affairs.
We have to do that ourselves. The dramas we are presented by the enemedia are immaterial to the real world of governance. There aren't really good guys and bad guys as presented in the scripted dramas, either in the ring, or in politics. These scripts are enacted by actors playing roles so that the drama can be enjoyed by the audience, and the theater can profit from putting on the show.
People that intend to govern themselves must attend to the management of their properties themselves, attend to their assets, security, and affairs by their own hands, because allowing the scriptwriters to manage their affairs allows the underwriters of the dramas to determine how the stories end, and the underwriters always end up riding off into the sunset with the pretty girl, our assets.
If you follow the drama instead of tending to your affairs yourself, beware victory, of succeeding in mustering forces, getting your team's shooter in place and pulling off your plot. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory is what drama is all about.
Across the West today the very success of the extreme Left has greased the skids of their downfall. As I have pointed out for years, the Weimarian degeneracy that has been inflicted on nations, peoples, and countries by the successful infiltration of cultural marxism into governments at every scale and imposition of the most degenerate policies imaginable, has created a backlash in the people whose children have been surgically, chemically, and psychologically altered until they are no longer reproductively competent. The woke mind virus will be cured, and the cure is ordnung. The next chapter in the drama is known. The play has run before, a century ago, and what comes next is Fascism, this time on a global scale.
Totalitarian control of their populations is what overlords want. What example is there in history of evil masterminds plotting and scheming to attain power so they can just let people run around willy nilly? That has not been the purpose of their Machiavellian manipulations. Totalitarian control is always their goal, and how they get it is by allowing deranged degenerates to run loose until people have had enough, and then providing the Great Man that will impose order and restore the traditional mores the audience yearns for. It will not be freedom that comes out of the derangement, but order. I find it prophetic that the flag in the photo of Trump urging us to fight with blood streaming across his face is upside down. I have understood that message, that the republic is in distress, and freedom is in danger.
Freedom has never been more in danger than it is today, as our champion prepares to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in the most practiced trope in theatrical production. The time has come, and I hope ya'll are ready.