The Covid Dossier

in #life17 hours ago

James Roguski is an effective advocate for vaccine safety, a modern Town Crier warning civil society of hazards and harms we face, and reveals the DOD is the actual source of the plandemic, not health agencies. Understanding that the Covid plandemic has been a military operation from it's beginning more than a decade ago - not only in late 2019 as it's imposition on civilian populations beginning then suggests - enables understanding the true purposes of the jabs, and properly acting to secure ourselves from dangers we actually face. It's a half hour video everyone can take the time necessary to understand.

Because the DOD has a need to test myriad bioweapons, human enhancement technology, and other biomedical devices and operations it has devised involving altering bioweapons and human performance enhancements, and these tests are unavoidably hazardous because they involve altering fundamental human biology, sometimes in very substantial ways, those necessary tests are impossible to undertake with volunteers capable of providing informed consent. The US DOD has a long history, going back nearly a century, and possibly far longer, of testing biomedical mechanisms on civilians, soldiers, and prisoners without their consent, and many covert tests that violate human sovereignty and just laws.

It has been revealed that at least 200 times the DOD has tested a variety of pathogens, toxins, and mechanisms on the civilian population of America, and the innumerable biowarfare labs operated by the US around the world reveal that the number of tests it undertakes offshore remain unreported, and largely unknown. It has been publicly revealed that in 2014 more than 2 dozen biowarfare labs were operated in the Ukraine, for example, which has partially contributed to the military consequences today suffered by the Ukrainian population. The Lugar Center in Georgia, and many other sites across the world, similarly undertake operations that are not reported by the enemedia, and often not by independent reporters either, largely remaining covert actors that have unknown impacts of human health, and the incidence of pathology on civilian populations around the world that also eventually impact American civilians. Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli are today alleged to have conducted joint US and Chinese military bioweapons development of the common cold at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to create the SARS2 virus that was promoted by terrorism in the enemedia to justify the Covid jabs.

RFK has stated that the Covid jabs were manufactured by military contractors, and the DOD contracted with pharmaceutical companies to provide the jabs with the imprimatur of pharmacy, rather than the biowarfare applications that were being developed. A substantial reason that the enemedia have so blatantly lied about the plandemic, and about the childhood vaccine schedule, is that these endeavors are biowarfare conducted against humanity for the globalist transnational powers that pull the strings of national polities and subsidiary institutions. If we want to effectively secure ourselves from biomedical hazards, such as the Covid jabs, we need to gain an accurate understanding of what is actually happening behind the scenes that actually impose hazards on civilian populations, and effect the harms we must avoid if we are to survive, and especially if we intend to be the free and sovereign rulers of ourselves and our world we were born to be.

IMG source - ChildrensHealthDefense - It is important to remember that most people succumb to catastrophes, and the WEF states a polycrisis comprising multiple catastrophes, of which pandemics are one, is being implemented. We must be exceptionally competent to merit our survival

As neuroscience and nanotechnology increasingly gain competence to affect human cognition, the danger such covert tests present free people become increasingly more severe and more widespread, and it is easy to predict that very soon, if it has not already been achieved, the majority of civilians will be able to be functionally controlled neurologically. Back in the 1960s Jose Delgado developed implants by which a charging bull could be stopped in it's tracks by pushing a button on a remote control. You can read his published declarations in his book "Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilised Society" and decide for yourself if allowing such neurophysical control mechanisms to be wielded against civilian populations is a desirable thing. To me, it is perhaps the most objectionable possible political weapon that could exist.

Today, these many decades later, the sophistication of injectable nanotechnology and remote control of biological entities has risen to a degree unspecified, because such research remains covert, but has certainly sought to affect not only our gross physical movements but the intellectual operations our neurological systems undertake.

In short, we are in danger of only being able to think approved thoughts, and even only thoughts that are supplied to us by our masters. The fact the Covid plandemic was all secretly planned to provide justification for jabbing civilian populations with bioweapons manufactured by military contractors means we are in dire danger of becoming meat puppets, not only metaphorically, but in actuality. Anyone that cares about their freedom, their personal sovereignty, their human rights and the prosperity and felicity of our posterity, even our very humanity, needs to carefully seek to understand the warnings we are given by folks like James Roguski and Secretary Robert Kennedy today.

All other matters pale in significance in comparison, IMHO. A cursory glance at history reveals that evil people will enslave others for their benefit, and there is no doubt that such evil actors are seeking to gain control of us to profit themselves right now. Because we have a duty to our forebears, to ourselves, and to our posterity in perpetuity, to protect our freedom, prosperity, and humanity without reservation or exception whatsoever, it is incumbent on us to ensure evil madmen do not gain that power over us they are testing today.


It is crazy how many people followed along blindly and got jabbed. Interesting about the bull - I've never heard of it.