The NWO Makes Progress Clearing the Way for it's Totalitarian Takeover.

in #life2 years ago

Since the advent of Covid19 that was proved to me to be manufactured by the Military Industrial Complex we have watched as the polities of the world have been serially degraded. Klaus Schwab of the WEF has predicted utter penury for all, and that we will be happy, and humanity scoffed. Since then France has suffered riots over and over while Macron blames it on video games and bad parenting - and reveals his true love for the violent immigrants destroying France today and incrementally impoverishing the French nation that once so cherished it's heritage of liberty it began the wave of revolutions that all but eliminated monarchy as a form of national political governance globally.

Reports are coming in that the current riots have spread to Belgium, so far.

IMG source - all over the world, but the first publication I found was - Macron looks sincerely excited and eager to embrace his new friends, doesn't he? Pretty obvious whose side he is on.

Russia may or may not have almost been overthrown by it's hired help, the Wagner group of mercenaries, who have now been moved to next door Belarus. The sporadic accusatory rants of Prigozhin against Shoygu and the MoD, his close personal friendship with Putin, and the sudden halt of the march on Moscow and bloodless resolution make it very difficult to understand (even more than Russian politics is usually), as it's not clear who benefited from what massive influx of Western money that seems likely to have been a prize they were wrestling over.

Putin and Prigozhin

Of course the Ukraine is being spent on the battlefield to the last man as the Jewish oligarchs ruling Russia and the Ukraine pit their Christian populations against one another, making room for the Chabad Lubavitch restoration of Khazaria, availed a massive flow of Western arms to the shrinking pool of Ukrainian soldiers. The Ukraine is blessed with the most fertile soil in the world, and once Jews owned it, before the Prince Sviatoslav took them out. They want it back.

IMG source - - working to arm more Ukrainian people to use as cannon fodder

Serbia and the Balkans continue to face ethnic conflict as NATO keeps promoting division and conflict between the peoples of the region, apparently trying to replay the terrible wars it waged in the 1990s.

IMG source - - mass murderer wearing a Nazi dog whistle shirt the spineless Serbian political leadership used to disarm the Serbian people

Germany hemorrhages industry after power prices skyrocket, driven by the Greens to shut down their nuclear power plants after the USA bombed their gas pipeline from Russia. It's hard to imagine the industrial powerhouse of Europe not descending into absolute poverty and even starvation as the entire economic structure of Germany is gutted.

IMG source - - German De-industrialization the end of Europe as we know it

The industry from Germany is moving to China, that ignores the CO2 hysteria that prompted the German government to slash it's national throat, but China is facing demographic collapse as a result of decades of suppression of reproduction. Emperor for Life Xi Jinping very publicly purges his potential rivals, copes with a culture of construction fraud that replaces rebar with paper, and denies it's role as the claimed creator of the SARS2 virus and cause of the plandemic.

Xi sends Hu Jintao off

Australia isn't being left behind in the mad dash to destruction as the national and regional governments compete to surveil and oppress the people by completely eradicating any ability to say anything the government doesn't approve, now that they've stripped them of personal arms. The consequence of being disarmed was driven home to Australians by the brutality of the Covid response and the violence of the police.

New Zealand is hot on Australian heels, just as hapless after the spook assault on the Christchurch mosque. Their big gun buy back program ended, so coincidentally on July 4th, 2019, America's Independence Day, just in the nick of time to leave them defenseless during the Covid scam and to enable them to suffer the abuses of the police as helpless serfs have always done.

IMG source - - Kiwi Freedom sold 50k times, at a loss every time

Brazil, just like the USA in 2020, has installed a crime boss as President through a blatantly fraudulent election and banned Bolsonaro (who actually has massive popular support) from standing for election, and will probably arrest and begin torturing him soon. Since Bolsonaro held off the Covid repression during his administration, Lula seems to be making up for lost time and has criminalized dissent to the point that the disenfranchised people called for the military to intervene, preferring a military dictatorship to 'democracy'.

BrazilCopsFireOnProtestors.png - Brazilian Police Shoot at Protestors

In North America, Canada seems to be leading the international charge to the depths of depravity, after bringing in mercenaries to trample protestors with cavalry during the Trucker's Freedom Convoy, seizing bank accounts of people that donated to political causes the Canadian dictator and bastard son of Fidel Castro didn't approve of, and now the Liberals are making it illegal to say anything unless it's dictator approved.

IMG source - National Citizens Coalition on Twitter (Be aware that no one can browse Twitter content without an account anymore, due to new rules, so I couldn't verify this pic actually came from Twitter)

In England Nigel Farage reports that he has been 'debanked' because of his politics. Apparently the test the Crown ran in Canada was successful, and now the rest of the British Empire, perhaps the West, can access it's bank accounts only if the bank approves of their politics. This comes after years of disarming indigenous people in the United Kingdom, putting surveillance cameras in the homes of families on welfare, and the UK government plotting to use terrorism to get greater compliance with government edicts.

IMG source - Product_Fear /Twitter

IMG source -

In the USA, where do I begin? Since the replacement of the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution, the has been decreasing it's protection of American freedom and sovereignty, and increasing the dictatorial power of government and corporations. It's pretty much over today, with mass surveillance and tracking of Americans so complete it would make the Stasi blush. We've degenerated into Weimarica, our children are hypersexualized and trained from elementary school in perverse sexual practices, taught to perform dances in drag in gay night clubs for money stuffed into their panties before middle school, our Pretendent is non compos mentus, and the election fraud that enables his handlers to destroy the country in his name is literally elder abuse of a dementia patient that shakes hands with the air, our intelligence services traffic cocaine to crack gangs, involuntary organ donations to top hospitals, and commit terrorist bombings of our allies' gas pipes. Our federal cops have betrayed our last President (who's own treachery included OWS to subject Americans to experimental medical testing of biowarfare agents) by fabricating and leaking all manner of false allegations against him of colluding with Russia (which they were really doing, while he was colluding with Israel), and today are hiding the child trafficking, sexual abuse, and drugging of children by Hunter Biden, while he was dodging paying taxes on $10M's of bribes he shared with the Big Guy (Pedo Pete, as he affectionately called his father, the Pretendent) from China, Romania, and the Ukraine (at least) where the US has pushed the people into war with Russia for fun and profit... I don't have the heart to go on...

IMG source - Fox News

All that is a representative sample of the global deprecation of national governments ongoing. All the countries I didn't name are going through convulsions of similar import, generally suffering hyperinflation, political unrest and a marked veering towards despotism, supply lines are being sabotaged, medical care is being weaponized, and people are being brought to the brink of desperation - and revolution - everywhere.

If you want to build a new house where you are living in an old house, you must first tear down the old house before you can build the new one.

The NWO wants to take over the world. Before they can implement their new global totalitarian technocratic tyranny, they have to destroy the old ones. Since they are mega-rich banksters, and not conquerors or warlords, they do this by training and infiltrating minions into extant governments they bribe to destroy them with corruption and treachery from within. That's what we are seeing across the globe. Treason and corruption on an unprecedented scale that is temporally coordinated so as to cause governments to collapse and peoples to rebel at about the same time. If they popped them off one or a few at a time, the remaining functional governments could stabilize them and get them back into service. By taking all of the national governments down at once, the peoples of the world can all be deprived of the goods and services they need to enjoy the blessings of civilization at the same time, and starved into submission.

Then the wannabe dictators can make the same offer that can't be refused to everyone, which will result in the global government they desire. They will collapse the supply lines for the things we need to live and blame the revolutions, making the offer of UBI CBDC bugpods in 15 minute prisons a generous gift to starving hordes, rather than an horrific imposition of degrading, total slavery.

I hope ya'll can clearly see that there is a deliberate coordination of political collapses being undertaken, and how the concatenation of national collapses globally can be used by banksters to implement a global government without needing to militarily conquer the world country by country.

Except for America. It's not even our military forces that will present the problem to the NWO, but we the people, because we are armed to the teeth and aren't going to be disarmed voluntarily. It doesn't take many slaughters for spooks to guilt people into giving up their personal arms in most countries. It only took Port Arthur in Australia, Christchurch mosque in New Zealand, and two mass murders in quick succession in Serbia, as pictured above. But Americans realize that becoming defenseless doesn't keep us from being slaughtered. We see what has happened to the disarmed in China, across Europe, in England, Oz, and Canada - and we don't want that happening to our kids. Despite being the most heavily indoctrinated, highly propagandized, and flouridated people on Earth, we haven't fallen for the disarmament meme, and that means the NWO is going to have to come in with guns blazing here - unless we are starving to death. We can't fend off starvation with personal arms.

American civilians have more personal arms that all the military forces of the world combined, including PMC's, cartels, and the Mob too. It be highly unlikely that America will be taken by force. When we gain control of our own military we'll tackle the WEF and the leadership of the banksters very soon once such a conflict takes the gloves off and dispels any interest in convincing lawyers to prosecute the genocidal parasites, that has heretofore remained more desirable than just lynching them.

To be able to refuse their generous offer of goyslop and bugpod slavery we'll have to first provide for our existential needs, food, water, power, fuel, etc., and that means we can't let them shut down these essential industries, or prevent us from having gardens, chickens, and cattle. In a lot of places those things are being banned or prevented. Try to find a way to be in a place where you can supply your own food, at least. It may be inconvenient, but people have been doing it for thousands of years, and we can do it today, even better than we could before. We have better tech and better tools to do all these things with. Get a 3D printer and learn how to use it making an aquaponics setup. We can do more than just survive. We can thrive. The Space Age is just beginning. Let's see what our kids will make of it.

It's time for America to save the world.


With recruitment at its worst, AI God worship thrown into the mix (once Sam Altman and Apple warm their drunken buyers) ... hedonism rife, anarchist celebs and musicians; a non-god ai god situation appears imminent. "Save us from our problems!"

Blocking out the sunlight will produce an atmosphere of hopelessness, combined with perpetual poverty... it's like a recipe, staying awake and sober through it all will test everyone's mettle.

Drone tech should have some major upgrades, along with 3D printing - I can see how LLMs are powering materials science to accelerate us toward that 'last stand'.

I tell you, every week is something new.

"...every week is something new."

Indeed. I would go so far as to say the rate of new erupting has been accelerating over these recent decades, and novelty seems to be prevalent in most aspects of civil society today. While some reckon this updates our society to accord with technological advance, I do not think it has kept pace, and honestly expect gross turbulence to be very disruptive very soon. There will be some that ride the waves thereby produced, but I am sure that few will ride the right waves to the finish from their inception. I expect most folks will be very surprised when calm is restored, because things will not be how we will have expected them to be.


Germany hemorrhages industry after power prices skyrocket, driven by the Greens to shut down their nuclear power plants after the USA bombed their gas pipeline from Russia.

I dunno, but every day that passes I am more convinced that this war in Ukraine, promoted and fueled by the United States, England and NATO, is not exactly only against Russia or eventually against China. But I believe that from the beginning it has been also well planned against Germany to furtively weaken it way beyond their means and as much as possible.

Yes, I agree. Not only Germany, but the whole world. The NWO is conquering the whole world, not Europe, or Eurasia.

Stand strong. That's all I can say.


It's time for America to save the world.

USA would rather commit suicide with all that weapons, than save the world.

You either confuse America with the USG, or don't know many Americans. All the armed Americans I know are upright moral people that have a sense of personal obligation to help others, and none of them are suicidal. The USG is a corruption, like a boil on the ass of the world that needs lancing. That's not America.

All the armed Americans I know are upright moral people that have a sense of personal obligation to help others, and none of them are suicidal.

I do not doubt those Americans exist, but they allowed destruction of their state, @valued-customer. They are not capable to help themselves, and you think it’s time for them to save the World?

History tells us that Russia is the only power with the capability and mission to save the World. And they are doing it again.

"History tells us that Russia is the only power with the capability and mission to save the World."

I can only note your very obvious bias, and that you are completely entitled to it. While I might hope you can benefit from a much wider perspective, I can see why a more restricted view of history focused on aspects most relevant to you and yours might be preferable for you.

I should point out that it is always something I regret, throwing stones from my glass house, so I only gently point to the recent disarmament of Serbia as something that might give you pause regarding vilification of Americans. Was it also the fault of Cambodians that Pol Pot genocided them? The fault of the peoples of the USSR that Stalin genocided them? People have been dependent on centralization for millennia, and while that noxious societal mechanism is today being deprecated, it yet remains necessary to civil society in critical ways, and has been a major aspect of the indoctrinations people have been afflicted with. People are honorable of traditions in such matters, and obedience to hierarchies has been the way of their fathers, and their fathers' fathers.

It will change in time, and the corrupt remnants of the American government will be discarded in due time as well. I appreciate your perspective because it is divergent from my own, and because I cherish a glimpse of the world from a different perspective, I appreciate your forthright comment.


Was it also the fault of Cambodians that Pol Pot genocided them?

Pol Pot would never happen if there was no colonial ambitions and meddling of U.S. and France in the region.

The fault of the peoples of the USSR that Stalin genocided them?

That’s a common Western myth. Stalin never genocided anybody, which was evident by the great rise of USSR population during his reign DESPITE the terrible loses during WWII, and the late professor Stephen Cohen has documented it very well in his books.

Do not be surprised that I disagree with Cohen, even though I can only cite Solzhenitsyn in refutation. The purge of the Kulaks rivaled the Great Leap Forward in China for lethality to the peoples of those countries, and copious testimony supports terrible purges and pogroms, up to a quarter of the population of St. Petersburg, for example.

Neither do I cite either Mao or Stalin as only butchers, as both lifted millions of people out of poverty, Stalin moving Russia from the Stone Age to the Space Age in a generation, and Mao nearly so.

The horrific surveillance of both countries today seems to draw the West like hypnotic baubles waving before the eyes of oligarchs. Yet I am certain the benefits oligarchs seek will ultimately be their downfall, because the crushing burden of indoctrination necessary today to confine chattel to the corral of centralization so reduces their productivity to unsustainability as free people divest of it and sample decentralized production that is orders of magnitude more productive than centralization.

This will enable free people to so outcompete oligarchs and collective industrial manufacturing that evolution will decide the outcome, as it always does during catastrophe - and the present imposition of the NWO is nothing less than a cataclysm as horrific as any natural disaster, comparable IMHO to nuclear war. It may indeed incorporate that latter horror, as we are yet to see.

However, you neglect to answer my question. Is it the fault of Serbs that your leader is a NATO minion? I will answer for you, because you do not want to say it: it is not. Corporations collude together to increase their wealth and power, and governments are just corporations today. Governance isn't something the peoples of nations do anymore, but has been coopted by oligarchs through the vector of corporatization. As corporations decline as a result of being non-competitive with decentralized production by individual households and small communities, that will change, but not by democratic empires replacing fascist totalitarian empires.

Governance, just like industry, will be decentralized, ever more going forward as humanity seized to themselves the means of production of all the blessings of civilization, which will definitely include their security from gangs of armed thugs. Those that do will survive, and even thrive, while those that do not will perish and their strength will be lost to the oligarchs dependent on them.

We will be free, in due time.

However, you neglect to answer my question. Is it the fault of Serbs that your leader is a NATO minion? I will answer for you, because you do not want to say it: it is not.

The answer to your question is: Yes it is! People who falls for propaganda, and agrees with it, despite the obvious truth – bear responsibility, of course. And it always results in terrible consequences. We have a healthy part of the people in Republika Srpska. They do not do it, and clearly are working in protection of their interests.

And BTW, the things you again attribute to Stalin – does not make genocide even in the broadest possible definition.

Stalin managed to kill some ~50m people. On anyone's books, that's genocide.

How does people falling for propaganda make their national leader a NATO minion?

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