Yesterday I was told that Wired had doxxed the DOGE team. Six team members the Elon relied on heavily were named in this article, that was quickly deleted - but not before being archived. Death threats are squirting out of every nook and cranny leftists have left, as they are purged from the US government and allegedly dragged kicking and screaming from their, offices.
Video source - Yellow Flash 2They're real mad. Fighting mad. Redittors want to turn the Elon and the Donald into pink mist.
IMG source - Elon's own Twatter - Reddit rates a rat
So while Redditors plot to turn DOGE into pink mist the team has been uncovering some eyebrow-raising expenditures and financial facts. For instance the US Treasury hasn't turned down a payment request in 22 years. It has paid 100% of the items it was requested to by all branches of the USG. Those requests happened to include some plastic coffee cups used by the IRS that cost $1280 each, according to The Older Millenial reports on Rumble (<2 minutes).
So, there's a horde of angry DEI hires scheming to murder the Elon and the erstwhile DOGE team that is not only purging their beskirted ranks from the folds, but is actually going to make them pay for all their cinnamon bomb lattes themselves. It gets worse.
US Attorney Edward R. Martin points out in a letter to the Elon that they caught a dangerous economist working at the Fed for the CCP. Who knew? Who coulda thunk that the Fed had been infiltrated by Commies that were sabotaging all the financial moves Jerome Powell and Janet Yellen were making that should have been fixing everything that has been going wrong in the economy for years now.
Well, Biden didn't pardon himself, did he? All those that were pardoned should have lots of knowledge of pardonable crimes to discuss under oath, too. Now that they're pardoned for crimes they obviously must have committed to have accepted a pardon for, they can't plead the 5th against incriminating themselves, because they can't incriminate themselves for crimes they've been pardoned for. They've got no excuse not to testify copiously about the crimes they committed, and plenty of others they know about.
Hunter must be eager to testify. Hell, he was publishing incriminating pictures years ago, before it was even cool!
Far be it for me to tell Ed how to do his fucking job, but getting the pardoned on the stand and deposed as quickly as possible strikes me AS HIS FUCKING JOB! Wouldn't you like to know what crimes James Biden was pardoned for? Or Jill? If they refuse to testify, they'd be committing a felony of misprision of a felony - at least misapprising us of that one they've been pardoned for. While they may (or may not) be able to be prosecuted for such crimes as they've been blanket pardoned for, if they start singing might no one want to prosecute them anyway. That's how snitching works, I hear, or at least that's the theory I'm told. If they don't testify to those crimes they've been pardoned for, they're guilty of a new felony, committed after Joseph Biden no longer claims to be the President of the United States and has the authority to pardon them. They can be convicted of all new felonies if they don't testify to the crimes they and their co-conspirators committed. And lots of co-conspirators weren't graced with a pardon, and are fully chargeable.
If Eddy's so gangbusters on making sure the financial crimes the USG was undertaking are properly exposed and prosecuted, he should be all over Hunter the 'Eager Beaver' Biden, eh? He should be visiting Vittoria at Wired for endangering federal agents. The DOJ doesn't need the Elon's permission to get crackalacking on those things, and if he's half as eager as Hunter is to reveal those crimes we should be inundated with all manner of salacious material in the coming weeks.
Depose the pardoned. They can't plead the 5th, and if they give good snitch then the DOJ can't even seek to overturn the sleazy, unlawful blanket pardons, because they've already relied on them by giving testimony to the DOJ on the basis that they would not be charged, prosecuted, and penalized for those crimes. So, they can go to prison for misprision of a felony for not testifying, or they can cement their pardons by fully regaling us with tales of their criminal conspiratorial adventures, and we can catch all their buddies.
Volodomyr Zelensky just gave an interview where he stated that the Ukraine didn't get any more than $75B of the ~$200B the US donated to the Ukraine. Well, DOGE should be aiming to find out where that money was disbursed to, and US Attorney Ed Martin should be all over subpoenaing the pardoned suspects in laundering that money, whether they did so before or after Zelensky got enough of it to buy that mansion in Miami for ~$40M a couple years ago. Seems there's bigger money in sending kids to die in trenches than there is in racing rally cars. Valueplan should be taking notes. Mining Hive's paltry DHF is rookie numbers. They should have been hitting up Treasury for some real dough.
Say it with me: #DeposethePardoned!
Edit: I just saw this, but this is why Fraudci was pardoned back to 2014. Because that's when EcoHealth Alliance was getting money from Fraudci at NIAID to do the bat virus stuff in Wuhan China. Here's the receipt. Not 2019. 2014. This has been in the works for a decade, and Fraudci was Perpimus Maximus.
IMG source - Elon's own Twatter Shows payments from NIAID to WIV or bat virus research in 2014