Rock Tale

in #life2 years ago

I have a story to tell. A story about how I became a human.

I had only existed on this plane for no more than a few decades. And my existence was equivalent to no more than that of a rock. I was just there, existing, observing without the capacity to understand, inhaling, exhaling without understanding what it meant to breathe. It was what the bipeds around me called living life. Waking up, eating, shitting, scavenging for food to eat , and then going back to my slumber only to repeat what I am wired to do all over again. And all the while, I never truly realized what it meant to live, to be alive.

My reality was made of absolute loneliness. All the pairs of eyes around me were always full of so much light, dreams and aspirations. But, whenever I looked in the mirror to see if my eyes held the same spark, the reflection only painted an abyss.

It had that same shade of gray the walls of my depressing room were painted with. No matter how much light was shone upon those walls, the gray became ever so less dreary. And the same was true for my own soul I suppose. If I were to look back at my life now, all I can recall are memories of bleak and hazy afternoons spent in solitude.

All of it would have remained likewise had I not met you. Had I not heard your songs , songs of kindness and love that somehow felt were being sung solely for me.

The morrow had begun with a sun that felt anew. Dew drops on the leaves sparkled under that shine like gems mined by the bravest of dwarves from the greatest of depths. The misty air smelled of fresh earth which spawned a sensation I never knew.

And i realized, the hard rocky skin of mine had a deep crack in it. And through that, life had started to seep in me. Who would have thought! All that from one song floating in ether aimlessly for a rock. Is this what it means to be alive? What I feel, is that what humans call love? This feeling, it's stubborn, desperate and at times even uncontrollable. And that is the exact moment when I became a human.


Art generated by Midjourney AI


New level unlocked! Welcome to your human life!

thank you for welcoming me fellow 'Hooman':P

on another note "Hi Anna!":)) who are you? :D

Hello Zayed! you are welcome, i do enjoy your stories and the manner of expressing them. I'm just one pair of hands in plus on this platform haha! Your turn now, who are you?

So you are saying you were...THE Rock?? 😂😂

Do you smell what the rock is cooking?untitled.gif


Easy on the cheese mate!

Cheese is good! Its the best!

Why tho, you have lactogen intolernece?:D

No I'm fat shaming you!

Lovely story 😀