Good news bad news

in #lifestyle2 years ago

Good News, Bad News



Good news: The sun came out today. It wasn't like mid summer, with the record breaking temperatures, but it was very pleasant. Much better for getting some outdoors time I think. I went for a brisk walk in the afternoon breeze with the sky above mostly blue. I waited for this clear patch to take the blue sky photo. There were moving clouds. Nevertheless, it was a pleasant day today with much vitamin D on offer.

I was also able to finally complete some of the housekeeping projects at home. Workspace still ongoing, but the deep cleaning and moving furniture around - that's all done now. It means I have more time now to create content. Yay.

Bad news: I'm not going to HiveFest this year. I just couldn't make it work. There were multiple factors that came together that just made it too unreasonable for me. I did write about it in a previous post. I guess I'll see y'all next year, where ever it is.

Instead, I've decided to invest the amount I would have spent attending HiveFest into some choice shytecoins that I think are going to blow up by next HiveFest. I'm not going to say what they are since I don't want people making moves based on what I'm doing, especially following what happened with Terra Luna and UST.

Bonus bad news: I recorded an amazing 10 minute video in perfect light. There was a golden ray coming in from the window, bing golden hour on a clear late summer evening. The visuals were perfect but, alas!, no sound. The entire video was hence totally useless. This is what I always say, the audio is more important than the video. Had it been the other way round, and I had the audio instead of the moving pictures, I could have savaged the project with a bunch of B-rolls. Lesson learnt: always have backup audio recording somewhere like my phone.

I hope you're well.

Peace & Love,



It's a shame you can't be at Hivefest. It is looking like a smaller event this time, but I am expecting it to be fun. I am just getting my things together for an early start tomorrow.

I would have loved to have already been in Amsterdam the day before for reconnaissance. It's just not feasible this time sadly :/

Bonus bad news is really bad. Let's just wish crypto moons so we can all go to next year's HiveFest

I wasn't happy haha. But then, I took a deep breath and thought about other things instead 😂

Like the blue sky!

Are there bonus bad news

Phew, no more FOMO for me about Hivefest because you aren’t there either! 😝

ROTFLOL. Yea. I went to see the dead queen instead.

Good enough excuse.