My phobias - loud voices, yelling / 大きな声が苦手(English & Japanese)

in #mayinleo4 months ago



Do you have any "phobias"?

I do not have a phobia that I am strongly aware of on a daily basis. I am afraid of heights, of course, but not to the point of phobia, and I like confined spaces.

If I had to guess, I would say that I have a fear of the cutting edge. I am afraid of sharp objects, not so much that I can't touch them, but I feel uncomfortable when the tip of a fork or chopsticks is pointing toward me. But, well, I guess everyone has a similar tendency to this to a greater or lesser extent.

When I was a little younger, there was a time when I was terrified of running out of money. But upon reflection, this is a somewhat strange phenomenon. Because I've never really had a real needy experience... I've never been unable to pay my rent, or buy the things I need, or have to borrow money from someone to make ends meet (Although I am often just barely making ends meet each month). So I have never had to worry so much about money. But there was a time when I was strangely afraid that the balance in my bank account would decrease. I researched and found out that this kind of thing is called "poverty paranoia".

However, this anxiety of mine has somehow been eliminated in the last few years. I don't know why clearly, but I think it is because I started investing, including cryptocurrencies. It is unsettling to think that I work and receive a salary, from which I deduct what I need to live on, and only the rest of it gets saved. But I have found that if I have other ways to increase my money (even if it is in small amounts), I feel much better. I think that continuing to write on HIVE in this way is also a stabilizer for my mind.

I'm afraid of people yelling

Thinking about it that way, I realized that there may not be many things that scare me enough to interfere with my life nowadays... But yes, there was one thing that I still just can't get used to, one thing that I am so bad at that I don't know how to deal with it. That is "loud voices" and "yelling"!

Not many people like loud voices. In my case, however, it would not be an exaggeration to say that I have a "phobia" of loud voices because my body gets scared and my mind goes blank.

The company I originally joined after graduating from university was a very athletic company, and there was a mysterious trend of "loud is right" and "those with loud voices are excellent! Needless to say, in reality, there are people who do a great job even if they have a quiet voice, while there are others who are only loud, though.

During training when I joined the company, we had to incessantly and loudly chant the corporate philosophy, and I had to shout so loud that it was clearly unnatural to do so in order to pass the test. Even after 10 years in such an environment, I never got used to the loud voice, and I think I was under quite a lot of stress every day. Still, it was still good that "loud voice" at that time had positive connotations such as "motivation" and "high spirits.

The body goes rigid and the mind goes blank...

I then changed jobs and worked for two and a half years for a man who was always in a bad mood and yelled at me immediately. I think this experience had a very negative impact on my mental health... He was a salesman and I was an assistant. I was his support person, but he had a short temper and was quick to raise his voice, making him very difficult to communicate with. Furthermore, the man was the son of the CEO, so no one could give him an opinion.

Still, I had to do my job as an assistant, so I checked things with him, prepared to be yelled at, and as expected, I was yelled at and somehow managed to complete my daily tasks. I was exhausted on the train ride home every day. I tried to think positively, "I'll get used to it!", but I never got used to it. Not only did I never get used to it, but I feel that I have become even more sensitive to other people's anger and grumpiness over those two and a half years.


These people are everywhere, not only in the workplace, and I often see them yelling at station staff, store clerks, and passersby at train stations and convenience stores. When I hear their loud voices and aggressive tone, my heart aches and I feel as if my thoughts stop before I understand the content. Even if it is a problem that has nothing to do with me, it can even cause my heart to palpitate.

I honestly have no idea how to deal with it. The only thing I can say is that none of my family members try to solve things out loud and that is very fortunate for me.

📷All photos were taken by myself.

This post is an entry to May Inleo - Monthly Prompts. Want to submit a post from InLeo on a daily theme? See this post for more information!




InLeoのマンスリープロンプトに参加します!今日のテーマは「恐怖症」とのことで… 私が日頃恐怖心を抱いているものについて考えてみました。


もう少し若い頃は、お金がなくなることに恐怖心を抱いていた時期があります。よくよく考えてみると、これはやや不思議な現象なんですよね。というのも、私は本当に本当の意味で生活に困窮した経験はないからです… 家賃が払えないとか、必要なものが買えないとか、誰かにお金を借りなければ生活ができない、といったことはこれまでに一度もありませんでした(収支ギリギリはしょっちゅうだけど)。だからそれほど、お金について心配する必要はなかったはず。にもかかわらず、銀行口座の残高が減ることを異様に恐れていた時期がありました。調べてみたところ、こういうのを「貧困妄想」というみたいですね😅



そう考えていくと、生活に支障が出るほど怖いものってあんまりないのかなと思ったりもしましたが… そうそう、ひとつだけ未だにどうしても慣れないもの、どう対処したら良いのか分からないものがありました。それが「大声」です。





その後転職した先で、常に機嫌が悪くすぐに怒鳴る男のもとで、2年半ほど働きました。この時の経験が、私のメンタルにかなりの悪影響を及ぼしたと思います… 相手は営業マンで、私は営業事務。私は彼のサポート役でしたが、彼は気が短くすぐに声を荒げるため、非常にコミュニケーションが取りづらい相手でした。さらにその男は社長の息子ということもあって、誰も彼に意見することができなかったのです。

それでも私は営業事務として仕事をしなければならなかったので、怒鳴られるのを覚悟で彼に色々確認し、そして案の定怒鳴られながら、どうにか日々のタスクをこなしていました。毎日帰りの電車ではヘロヘロでした。そのうち慣れるさ!なんて無理にポジティブに考えようとしたこともありましたが、慣れることはありませんでした。 慣れないどころか、この2年半で他人の怒りや不機嫌にさらに敏感になってしまったような気がします。




この投稿は、May Inleo - Monthly Prompts へのエントリー記事です。毎日のテーマに沿って、InLeoから投稿してみませんか?詳しくはこちらの投稿をご覧ください。

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


wow didn't expect you to have a phobia like that. then you wnated kids O.O aren't kids loud. my sisters are super loud. I don't think you will like theml ol

I don't mind children's cheerful voices, in fact I like them. I don't like screeching voices😨

O.O but not all are cheerful. some are loud screaming and crying u like that lol







今短時間のパートでレジ打ちしてますが(実はパートのおばちゃん😂)怒鳴ったり偉そうな態度で接してくるのはそのくらいの年代の方が多いんですよねー・・・ 年齢や性別で判断してはいけないとは思いつつ、でも大抵トラブルになる相手は爺さんなんです笑
