Memoir Monday - Week 11 (5/20 - 5/26)

in #memoirmonday5 months ago



/ˈmemˌwär/ noun. a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation. Usually memoirs. an account of one's personal life and experiences; autobiography. the published record of the proceedings of a group or organization, as of a learned society.

Week 11 is upon us! You’ve all been writing some great entries this past week. I hope I’ve voted and reblogged them all. I’ll go back and do a final check today.

Memoir Monday has grown so much that I won’t be able to comment on everyone’s posts anymore (and get my own work done) but I’ll still be supporting your posts with reblogs, votes, and shares on my other social media accounts (X, Facebook, etc.).

For all of those who’ve regularly participated in Memoir Monday - keep going, you’re making great progress in crafting your very own life story for future generations to enjoy.

For those who missed the inaugural post explaining what the Memoir Monday initiative is all about you can find it here.

Now for next week’s Memoir Monday prompt:

What are some of your all-time favorite restaurants?

My answer:

A few favorite restaurants immediately come to mind and they’re all very different because of the great memories they hold for us.

Kahiki Polynesian Supper Club was definitely the most unique restaurant I’ve ever experienced in my life. It was a Polynesian restaurant in Columbus that was popular even amongst celebrities and world leaders. Autographed pictures of celebrities of all kinds covered the walls — people like Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Bob Hope, Louis Armstrong, and Lucille Ball. It, apparently, was the place for them to go whenever they were in Columbus for shows and such.


As a child this restaurant was always mysterious to me. There were no windows and my imagination would run wild about what was going on inside. I always thought it was too expensive or fancy for me to ever experience but I ended up working there as a busboy for a short while when I was in high school. I also ate there a few times as a young adult with friends or on dates before I moved to Minnesota in 1995.


Dining at the Kahiki was an event to say the least. The food was spectacular but it was the ambiance the stole the show, it was truly was one of a kind. There was an artificial rainforest on one side, complete with rain lightning and thunder, and an aquarium that ran the entire length of the other side full of tropical fish. Unfortunately, the Kahiki was demolished in 2000 to make way for a Walgreens (of all things). What a shame. It would probably be far too expensive to build something like that today. Kahiki only survives as a frozen food business today.

Next, is a fast-food restaurant that holds some incredible memories for me. White Castle, those who know...know. Admittedly, White Castles aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but they have a cult following for those who like them. I think their cheeseburgers are still one of the best things I’ve ever eaten in my life or ever will. If there's any classification of decadence beyond gourmet White Castles are that for me.


My parents and Aunt Betty would take my brother and I to the old location on Main Street in Bexley, Ohio as children. My aunt drove a little beige two-seater Fiat TR-7 convertible and she would pile us in for a joy ride in that fun little car and lunch at White Castle. That was a thrill I’ll never forget.


White Castle’s are one of the few things that haven’t changed at all since my childhood, except for the price. If they’re freshly made they taste just as good today as they did back in the 1970’s. Every time I have a White Castle cheeseburger it’s like being transported back to childhood for me. To this day I'll order two cheeseburgers and won't be able to wait until I get home to eat them.

Next is Salute Bar Americain. Salute was a French restaurant that used to be on Grand Avenue in St. Paul, MN. This restaurant was our “go-to” local spot for celebrations, birthdays, and sometimes just a beer and oysters on their sunny patio on a warm summer afternoon. This was where we celebrated when I finished my first novel in 2013.


You could always count on a good meal at Salute. It felt like a trip to France without the airfare.



They did an incredible job creating an authentic French bistro atmosphere. Sadly, they closed their doors this year (2024). One big plus was they allowed pooches on their patio, so it was Amstel’s favorite local restaurant too. We made so many good memories there and were very sad when they closed. The closure of Salute really felt like the end of an era.

Next, there’s Bendi Wok N’ Bar in Columbus, Ohio. We stumbled across this one as we were looking for a restaurant near German Village that had a parking lot so it was easier for my Mom get to with her limited mobility.



What a surprise it was when we discovered how good their food was. Bendi was one of the first places we took my Mom after the despair of the lockdowns during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic and now it’s become a tradition to eat here at least once whenever we’re visiting. This is one of our happy places, a sort of new beginning and a first step in our return to normalcy.

Last but not least, is Jack Stack’s Barbecue in Kansas City.


We found Jack Stack’s during an overnight stay in Kansas City on our way back from a road trip from Sedona, Arizona. This is mind-blowingly good melt in your mouth BBQ. Words can’t even begin describe how good this is so I won’t even try. Thankfully, you can order their food online and they’ll ship it to you on dry ice. We’ve done this more than once. Sometimes the best things are found by accident.

Rules of Engagement

  1. Please reblog this first post and share on other social platforms so we cast the widest net possible for this initiative;
  2. Pictures paint a thousand words. Include pictures in your posts if you have them;
  3. Answer each Memoir Monday prompt question in your own post. If possible, the prompt question will be published in the week prior so you'll have the entire week to answer and publish your own post;
  4. Have fun with it, don't worry about getting behind, or jumping into the project at any point after we've begun; and
  5. Lastly, be sure to include the tag #memoirmonday.

It's that simple.

At the end of the next twelve months we'll have created something immensely valuable together. It's so important to know our "whys" in life and there's no better way to do that than this.

Someday all that will be left of our existence are memories of us, our deeds, and words. It's up to you to leave as rich of a heritage as possible for future generations to learn from. So, go ahead, tell your stories. I can't wait to read them.

Be well and make the most of this day. I want to sincerely thank all of the participants thus far. I've really enjoyed reading your posts!

~Eric Vance Walton~

(All photos are original.)

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You have a good memory dear friend. Recollecting the name of the hotel and year of visit is probably not a small thing to remember. Nice to know the memories are still alive.

Hi there! I am grateful to be here and I give the credits to @lizelle for tipping me about your weekly prompts. It's like traveling with you as you relate the bounty of those lovely places. Thank you for sharing us such historical places worth remembering.

After reading your post, I can tell you have a strong taste for food, as all of the restaurants are well-known for it. I enjoyed reading your content. Thank you for sharing these views with us. I remember going to dinner with a friend a long time ago. I hardly go out to eat with friends or family. My son was bedridden and needed my care and attention. He passed away last year. I'll see if I still have any photos, and I'll join in on this fascinating topic, @ericvancewalton


It is a special topic and it will be good to read people's entries

Wonderful choice of restaurants, I am surely going to write on this topic.

Very many beautiful places to choose from and so many tasty meals.
Your wife is a cutie, and your dog too.

Thank you!

I've never been to a white castle. I just saw a post on Facebook a while ago about that super club that you first mentioned. One of my favorite places would probably be this Italian place in Nashville that doesn't exist anymore. It was called Demo's and it was right down town. It just had a cool vibe. I miss Damon's too. Their clubhouse was epic back in the day.

You've never been to White Castle?!? Oh man, are you missing out. They're headquartered in Columbus. The thing I've noticed in the last decade or so is you have to find a location that serves them fresh. Certain locations will stockpile burgers and they're left out too long after cooking and this reduces the deliciousness pretty significantly. If you don't like onions these might not be for you.

It's sad when those really good spots close. As I was writing this week's prompt I realized it wasn't as much about the food as it was the memories made in those places.

Can you believe it?! I knew they were pretty heavy in Columbus. There is an old building we used to drive by I think over by the Budweiser plant that used to be an old White Castle I think. I feel like it used to be one of the original locations. It's crazy how much stuff is headquartered in Columbus. I drive by the Wendy's world headquarters frequently when I am visiting my family.

No! You should pull through the drive-thru and try a couple of cheeseburgers the next time you're in Columbus. True, a lot of companies are headquartered there. I'm not sure why that is. That New Albany/Johnstown area is turning into another Silicon Valley. Intel is building a billion dollar facility there and many other tech companies are coming. It'll be absolutely booming in 5-10 years.

Wow, that is crazy. I knew that Amazon recently made a pretty big investment in the area, but I didn't hear about Intel. I will have to see what I can do about getting some White Castle. I think this summer when we go to Colorado I am for sure getting my first taste of In and Out Burger.

You should Google it. The Intel plant is going to be massive. I think Meta has a datacenter there now too. Oh I've never had In and Out Burger but I've heard they're incredible!

Reading your post, I understand that you love good food as all the restaurants are quite renowned for such. I really enjoyed reading you and I definitely will be a part of this.

Thanks, I'm looking forward to your entry!

Thank you for sharing these experiences with us! The restaurants look amazing. I don't remember going to a special restaurant, but I do remember celebrating some important dates. I'll see if I have some pictures of those moments. Hugs and a restful Sunday, my friend.

You're welcome Nancy! I wish we had taken more pictures, especially when we were at Salute with groups of friends. I guess we were too busy having fun. Thank you, I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Very interesting topic to deal with this week, I will soon drop my link. This will be my first attempt to write on memoir Monday, hope I'm accepted?, thank you everyone.

Sure, you can join at any time!

I have just dropped my link on this week's topic, please check it up sir, thank you 🙏

Food will always be a good place to meet to discuss. I felt very sad because I was reading and all the restaurants have been disappearing, I'm glad that after COVID, they have found a place to continue sharing beautiful memories.

I ask you something (since the translator does not let me understand well): Although the initiative comes out on Monday and is called “Monday”, can it be written on any day of the week?

Thank you for such nice themes.

It has really been quite a while I actually visited a restaurant to actually explore it around though but I will definitely be giving it exploring out actually

The topics are very interesting, I will definitely make my own post on them after a few days.

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My favorite restaurant of all time is a restaurant that features traditional Indonesian food. You have a very good appetite, Eric. I think you really enjoyed it. I love the photo of you with your wife and Amstel. He looks like a child to both of you. Have a nice day, Eric.

Thank you, Eliana. I've never eaten Indonesian food but would love to try it! I hope you're enjoying your week!

What lovely (and delicious) memories Eric! Sitting down at a table enjoying a meal with your special people is the best!
Your aunt Betty sounds like great fun.
This is going to be a much easier Memoir Monday to write about.
Have a great week!

Thanks my friend! We always looked forward to my aunt's visits. She was so much fun! I hope you have a good week as well. Take care, Lizelle.

I think favorite restaurants are more about experiences, and socialization, in retrospect they become memories more than the food. You are not just buying food there, you are inherently buying experiences too, and for that matter the ambiance offered by the popular restaurants.

I did get a glimpse of how good and beautiful the restaurants shared by you.

Thank you Sir.

Have a great day.


You are so right. It's more about the experiences than anything. Have a wonderful week @milaan!

I think every kids would have the same thought about the Kahiki Polynesian Supper Club, although looking at it now, I can say that, it has a nice style, I like the way the building roof was made, no wonder it was leading in Columbus in those days, the restaurant was built with great styles.

How are you dear friend @ericvancewalton good morning
This week's question is very interesting, there will undoubtedly be many posts on this topic.
I appreciate you sharing the memories and experiences you've had at these restaurants. I loved ¨Salute Bar Americain¨, without a doubt, the ideal place to celebrate your first novel, plus you could take Amstel with you.
Have a wonderful weekend, enjoy it very much

Happy Sunday to you! Thanks, I'm looking forward to see what others write about. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, my friend.

Memoir Monday? I could probably get in on that especially if there is a prompt!

I will have to think long and hard about my fave as I have so many.

I will dig into some of the other memoirs and spread my tiny upvote and consider putting one of my own together this week as we have a holiday Monday up here.

It's been a fun initiative so far. Hopefully people will get some value out of it, longer term. I couldn't choose just one for my post and there were even a few restaurants I left out. Hope you join in!

Alright I am IN!

Tweeted is as well

Let's get the word out and make it a big thing everyone can do.

Awesome! So glad you joined in!

The restaurants are very diverse and it is a pleasure to eat there with family and the memories are cherished

Though I actually hardly eat in restaurant but I remember this restaurant called Mr Bugs in my country. One of the top restaurants then

I wonder if they're still open?

I loved that anecdote of everything you imagined about that enigmatic retaurant.
Reading your post reminded me of a few restaurants where I celebrated important events in my life. More on that later. Thanks for the call dear @ericvancewalton . A big hug from Maracay.

Thank you my friend! I really appreciate you participating again. This initiative is taking on a life of its own, it's been so rewarding.