Place I'm Happiest Hasn't Changed.

in #memoirmonday3 months ago

I almost wasn't going to participate in this week's #memoirmonday, but then the answer came to me and it was too me to pass up. This week, the thoughtful @ericvancewalton wanted to know

When You Were a Child, What Did You Look Forward to Most?

For a second, I felt stumped trying to remember what traits I looked for in people, what I hoped for. The answer appeared, as it often does, much simpler.

As a child, the things I most looked forward to most was the sea.

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Travel has changed a lot in my country since I was a kid (a low-key attempt at answering last week's #memoirmonday that I missed). When I was small, Romania was not in the E.U., which meant you needed visas and quite a lot of money (I imagine) to travel abroad. We only entered the Schengen Area earlier this year and it still seems surreal that they no longer ask to see your ID.

Still, my mother @ladyrebecca always made a point of taking her daughter to the beach during the summer. Looking back, I imagine it wasn't easy. As a single parent who made damn sure her kid lacked for nothing, throwing in a week or so at the sea couldn't have been easy. I have friends who never went to the beach and who don't like it much either way now as adults. Simply because their parents never made it a thing in their family.

For me, I can't imagine summer without the sea. Life, really. I've always had a strong connection with the water. I'm an avid swimmer and I'll be out there in the waves even when the water is cold. When I was in Spain before, I'd walk down to the same strip of sea every single day. I couldn't tire of it. Even when it was rainy and the weather was shit, walking along that beach was the best feeling in the world.

I'm hoping to live nearer the sea for good someday. Anyway, back to my childhood.

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See that? That's the sea towel. When that old Snoopy rolled outta the closet, you knew it was go-time. Funny, I have worn variations of those same glasses for 20+ years.

As I was quite small, I remember having a blast, but assuming I was as hectic around the water as I am now, I imagine I must've been quite the handful for Mom.

It wasn't just the water I loved. It was everything. The atmosphere. Most years, we went to the same small town on the Romanian coast. Stayed with the same man who was renting out rooms. I remember all the rooms were detached and led straight into this roomy garden with big tables. Beyond, you had a field where the man grew food. I have no clue what else, but I distinctly remember one summer befriending a brother and sister duo from abroad (Dutch, maybe?) and running through the watermelon patches. One of those stowaway memories that sticks.

A friend of my mother also sometimes holidayed with us, along with her own family. With her daughter being about a decade older than I, as a little kid, she seemed the epitome of class.

But best of all, best of all was the fairground. It was like going to space. Such an adventure. I looked forward to that thing all year and remember going gaga over it.

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Alas, I don't remember the rides. I've gone back to the town in more recent years (they host a music festival I like) and I think my memory's tainted now. Through grown-up eyes, I'm all too aware of how modest the fairground truly is. The same sort of rides you'd expect, but nothing to write home about or lose your head over.

The atmosphere now is trashy, loud and icky. But then, as a kid, being let loose on pizza and fries and whatever other unhealthy foods every night for a few days was heaven. I didn't have time to notice the obnoxious music (or people), the too packed beaches or the cheap, smelly restaurants.

For me, it was heaven.

It came as an interesting revelation to me (partly why I decided to post) that the thing I looked forward to the most at 5 is the same thing I look forward to most now, at 25. I longed desperately to go away. To see past what is and discover what else is out there.

So thank you, Eric, for giving me food for thought. :)

And because it is Tuesday, I thought I'd combine the two a bit. Now, I don't really remember what I was listening to (if anything) at 5. But here are some summer Romanian songs I have a soft spot for.

("This Summer" in translation) I'm sick of the bed at home. That's how this song starts. Essentially, it's a story about a guy who gets sick of living with his girlfriend and runs away to the beach. Only to remember he loves her and call, humbled, to see if she'll take him back.

("Perfect Without You" in translation) Same band. Same essential story, except different ending. Here, the guy's done with his nagging girlfriend. He now can be himself again and enjoy the beach. 'Cause you may be unhappy and unlucky in love, but how unhappy can you really be at the sea?)

("Love in the Linden Tree", in translation, I think.) My brother says this is a meme song now. Whatever. It was popular when I was small.)

Hi @ablaze! And thank you for bringing music into our lives.



Yeah.. when we were still young, we do loved the sea.😊

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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Wow, you are only 25?! I assumed you had a baby face but were older due to your maturity and attitude 😎

The sea is one of my happiest places too, so I can totally vibe with how it speaks to you... The wonderful memories of how your mother made things work, and the desire for adventure that instilled in you... Stunning!

Dug the jams too, gotta love a song that tells a proper story, I miss when that was more popular in the music here! 💚🤗

Aww shucks, making me blush, lady. 😊 though I am quite old in crow years and, no doubt, various breeds of fish. So you'll agree it's all a matter of perception. Age.

Always lovely to meet a fellow sea-lover. (and the Croatian plot thickens) I just never know what to do with someone when they tell me they don't like water. Like I'm sorry for you and hope you get the care you need, but I'm afraid this is, between us, irreparable.

Glad you liked the tunes. 😊

What great memories! Our worlds were so small when we were young but we still found immense joy in them. I didn't fall in love with the sea until I spent time in St. Thomas in my forties. That warm Caribbean water made it easy.

I'll bet. I have the same idea about the sea that I do about books. You can't not like it, you just haven't found the right one for you yet. :D

Vama Veche has a killer baseline to start. II had to look it up because I was convinced it HAD To be an 80's song but no, mid 1990s!

Great memories - you know me, my best memories are the ocean ones too I reckon.

I wasn't aware that Romania only just joined Schengen. That must have been quite liberating for you all in many ways. Thanks for this little snippet of Romania - I learnt a lot!

you know me, my best memories are the ocean ones too I reckon.

One of my favorite parts about you, lady, your love for the water <3

That must have been quite liberating for you all in many ways.

So and so. A-hole customs still bothering a lot of Romanians needlessly in many countries. We got stopped by some random, unexplained passport check when landing in Berlin last month. When I started questioning on what grounds they were asking to see our passports, the lady immediately backed down, saying it was some missing passport complaint or some bullshit. Instantly saw the bs collapse on itself when I called them out on it. They will eventually tire, no doubt.

That's crazy. Why on earth do they think it's legal or reasonable to do that?

You always write about your mother with such love, respect, and fondness. You two really have such an amazing bond.

It took me a long time to realize that's not really a given for a lot of people. I'm very thankful for it. And thank you for noticing that :)

I don't remember the last time I was near the sea. My dad died about a decade ago so our last time by the sea was definitely even before that... I think that I was still a teen at that time.

why don't you go?

I can't drive and with a bus it would be annoying long journey.

What a cute beach baby you were! Good on your mom for fostering a love of the sea and creating such a free spirited young woman :)