Welcome to my Minetest diary.
I have been playing minetest on Neoxian city server for quite some time. Its have been pretty much fun so far and (I hate to admit it) sometime eats away part of the time I would rather play splinterlands. Metaverse can becomes quite overwhelming sometime especially when you have other friends to engage with.
Although there are many minetesters in our server but I enjoy the company of @pravesh0 the most. Damn, that guy is a minetest pro and have quite an explorer mindset. I love going on those lucrative exploration missions with him.
Our Neoxian city minetest servers is in full swings from last couple of weeks with @neoxian keep on adding new mods frequently. Recently we had mesecons mods which brought our server to digital age.
Anyways today let me give a guided tour of my humble abode.
The glowing mountain is where my bastion is. I preferred to share a night shot as the sparkle effect actually looks pretty awesome. Beware of lava fall if you come visiting me!
Here is another frontal shot of my house.
And this is the back view. Damn I also have a water fall besides that lava fall. Feel free to have a dip if in the mood...lolzzzz
Day time shot from another angle.
Oh I forgot to mention I have a mini apple forest in my back yard. Cool...right!
And here are the front entrance stair. I do have a huge aquarium at the foundation of my house that is pretty hard to miss.
Now lets enter the house!
I am a fan of simplistic life style so went with just common brick and wood construction here. Damn those armors on stands took a long time to build. Rest of stuff like TV, Speakers, Bed, Sofas, Tables, Cushions and Carpet are not that hard to get.
Next comes my furnaces and storage section. Here is where I cook stuff up usually.
In the side room I have set up a little repairing workshop.
And from the maintenance room I have a path to the magical station where I use wizardry to improve my tools and weapons.
And that's the back side exit of the house. God I love watching those sunrise from here.
And that is how I look these day thanks to the skins mod.
In the end let me show you how I look. Pardon for the all Nether Armor suited look but life is hard in minetest and only those who are well prepared survive.
I hope you liked the guided tour of my home. In case interested, feel free to visit me any time. You can connect to our Neoxiancity minetest server via on port 30000.
Thanks for stopping by...