Growing King Trumpet mushrooms at home

in #mushrooms2 months ago

We bought a $5 mushroom block to grow king trumpet mushrooms at home. We got it at a farmers market a few weeks ago
At first we cut a hole in the top of the bag and misted it twice a day for two weeks to help keep the bag humid and allow the mushroom mycelium to populate the substrate in the bag. After two weeks or so we got the first pins of mushrooms and they have expanded to proper sized mushrooms since then. I don't know if made the most out of them in terms of having the right conditions or too little or too much watering.

We have eaten a few browned in butter and olive oil. They have a firm meaty texture and could be used as a meat substitute I suppose. It's a really interesting experience and in the future I'd love to grow more edible mushrooms at home.








It looks like a kings crown, very fine and smooth, is it grown just for decorations?

Jesus they're mad looking yokes!! What's the taste like vs normal mushrooms?

Am not sure if they are eatable though that is why I ask. But it looks cool for making the environment beautiful

I used to grow Oyster Shrooms, they can regrow multiple times