13 Miles Deep (A Hip-Hop Journey)

in #musiclast month

Yo, yo
We measured seismic waves on Mars deep underground
And homies won't believe what they found
In the fractured igneous rock
Dig it
Right there beneath crust
An ocean 13 miles underneath
Yeah, yeah, yeah
13 miles deep
Yeah yeah, yeah

I recently came across an astounding piece of news indicating that water had been found 7-13 miles deep in Mars' underground. I don't remember exactly what I was smoking when I decided to write a song about the article. So, I wrote some lyrics and firing up the ole Udio AI music generator, I created a few hip-hop style tunes. In the past, I've let the software automatically create the lyrics, but this time every single word was written by yours truly.

The software effortlessly took the lyrics and generated music to match. The variety was stupendous, but I was not entirely satisfied with the first few songs. One of them was so garbled, it actually summoned a demon :)

I realized that the flow of my lyrics was not working well, so I began to edit them and vary certain things like pauses and words commonly heard in hip-hop tunes. I worked the lyrics until they reached their final form, and the software managed to produce some decent songs. As you heard, the two songs have the same lyrics but vary in style.

In keeping with the hip-hop vibes, I created images of "hip-hop stars" doing different things in an "ocean under the surface of Mars." I kept the images abstract with surreal elements like nebulous clouds and bubbles. I specified an aquamarine color to give it that blue ocean quality, though now that I think about it, the ocean under Mars' crust might be red.

Look at that ethereal hair! Honestly, I didn't know exactly how to blend the human and underground ocean elements, so I created them as abstract as possible but added the word 'scientific illustration' to create some sort of systematic sciency vibe.

I put the video together in MS Clipchamp. Each song is 32 seconds. Udio now allows you to create songs longer than 2 minutes, so we're on the cusp of a musical revolution. Thank you for viewing and listening.


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Images generated by @litguru using Generative Art software

▶️ 3Speak

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Beautiful, creative and original images that tell a story in the video, great!😃

Thank you so much, @avdesing! 😎


May your future be like the present: A perspective with no creative boundaries...only horizons.

Thank you, @agmoore! I'm glad you enjoyed the tunes. These technologies are exciting and will lead to a tsunami of human-ai creativity. 🌊

Super awesome creation!