Wednesday Music Mix

in #music3 years ago

Greetings all and sundry and my two readers .... welcome to your daily music fix.

Listening to music on Youtube I am frequently drawn to reading the comments and I am struck by how music influences peoples lives and how it forms associations with moments and people in their lives. I have decided I shall include one or two comments from each track just to demonstrate this

This band were only experiencing moderate success until this album Live at Budakan was released in 1978..

The Japanese media called them the "American Beatles". Even though their 1st 3 albums weren't big in the U.S. in Japan all 3 went gold and when they did this concert, it was like Beatlemania. After this concert, the world went nuts over Cheap Trick. Cheap Trick at Budokan was so popular, the record label had to make more albums of it to meet the demand.

Cheap Trick - I want you to want me

Some comments ...

FunkMasterFish DatdamnFish
1 year ago
Who else is going through their favorite jams thinking about life back in the days? Please tell me I'm not the only one

3 months ago
The greatest, most transcendent performance of the greatest song in rock history (alongside all of the other greatest songs in history). Pure, unrestrained brilliance

Some more lively music on order as it is of course Wednesday ... HUMP DAY ... no, no, no get your mind out the gutter... or is that wishful thinking?

An English 'rock' band formed in 1967 by five students from Charterhouse School, Surrey Genesis sold between 100 million and 150 million albums worldwide.... making them one of the biggest selling acts ever. Not really my cup of tea ... but extremely listenable.

Genesis - Invisible Touch

Linda Gourlay
1 year ago
Absolutely brilliant... Great song,music,loved dancing to it... Best thing is Phil, Mike and Tony obviously enjoying themselves so much

Reading the comments ... not much impact... so maybe many feel the way I do about them

But one member of the band went on to pursue a solo career (yes, Phil Collins did as well) and I feel he is a major artist ... and that was Peter Gabriel

After leaving Genesis in 1975, Gabriel launched a successful solo career with "Solsbury Hill" as his first single. His 1986 album, So, is his best-selling release and is certified triple platinum in the UK and five times platinum in the U.S. The album's most successful single, "Sledgehammer", won a record nine MTV Awards at the 1987 MTV Video Music Awards and, according to a report in 2011, it was MTV's most played music video of all time.

Peter Gabriel - In Your Eyes

1 year ago (edited)
I’m watching this in my isolation room, suffering from Coronavirus. The effect of music is so uplifting. Knowing that others are moved by the same music though separated by thousands of miles and many years makes me know we are all together and we will come through this. In years to come we will be telling of this time, and what we learned. Best of luck to everyone. (319 replies)

Diane Baum
9 months ago
my husband of 12 years passed away three weeks ago. This beat of this song pulls me into his memories...never take a day for granted, you never know what the next bend in the road brings you to. I miss you so much, Robbie. In your eyes, I was a Princess and you said that often enough. IN your eyes, I was complete.

4 months ago (edited)
Listening through headphones - I have tears in my eyes - can't really explain why - the inclusion of the complete audience with such talent is uplifting and so incredibly moving. What a privilege it must have been to have attended such an incredible concert.

8 months ago
I can see these sounds, I can taste this energy, I can feel this magic coursing through my heart. Thank you Peter Gabriel and the entire band, always for this.

If you are not moved by this you have ice in your veins !!! There I said it {grin}

I hope you enjoyed todays mix and please stop by for Thursday's offering



Yay for songs that just start randomly playing in my head XD

I think I only know one Cheap Trick song, but then again I seem to recognise a lot of old songs and not have a clue who they're by ^_^;

I'm kind of hopeless with things that are actually useful

I might have ice in my veins, J says that I'm like a lizard.

probably more because I get cold so easily

I assume that the lizard reference is a for your body temperature and not your nature as a person... you definitely do not come across as a 'cold' person {smile}

A lot from column A and a little from column B ;D