Folks that have been paying attention have learned that mobs of Sri Lankans have overthrown the Sri Lankan government after suffering a prolonged crisis due to government policies. News has claimed food prices doubled after the Sri Lankan government banned imports of fertilizer, Sri Lanka has an ESG score of over 98, and that the WEF has deleted an article written by the now deposed Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, showing the 'Sorry we cannot find that page' page.
Well, I did a bit of searching, and this is an archived copy of the deleted page on
The Sunday Times also printed the post by the (now deposed by angry mob) Sri Lankan Prime Minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe, which is still up here.
And archived here.
Just in case they delete it too.
I've read the article, that mostly boasts about advancing Sri Lankan interests in ASEAN, the Association of South East Asian Nations. One indication of why the WEF deleted the page is this excerpt from the article:
"The government has also invested in some mega projects, including the Colombo Megapolis constructions – to build a city of the future – and irrigation projects including the Moragahakanda-Kaluganga Dam, to generate green energy and provide water resources for agro-production."
Which indicates that smart cities and the Green New Deal were central to Sri Lankan policies (and produced that ESG score of 98) that have so dramatically failed. So far it seems that ESG is a measure of how terribly people will suffer, not how economically prosperous they will be. My advice is to strive for the lowest ESG score possible, to maximize your felicity and that of your posterity.
There is also a link in the article to the World Bank website, archived here.
There I note the following, seemingly central to the economic crisis that has impoverished Sri Lankans and collapsed the Sri Lankan government.
"...the Government’s commitment to supporting Private Public Partnerships (PPPs) to reduce reliance of public funds for infrastructure will require greater private sector financing. This is central to the World Bank’s strategy to maximize finance for development through the participation of the private sector."
Remember that Fascism is joining corporations to government, and Private Public Partnerships (PPPs) are simply a euphemism for Fascism. Apparently Fascism is bad for people, for prosperity, and for government. Who could have guessed that turning over the reins of government to inhuman corporations and psychopathic banksters would end poorly? Everyone that has any knowledge of history, because every government that succumbed to Fascism in history has collapsed, from Rome to the USSR, and now Sri Lanka. Since the WEF is hell bent on similarly imposing Fascism on your government, where you live, this matters to you.
Because of this, and my visceral hatred of censorship, I provide the above link to the archived snapshot of the page the WEF tried to make disappear. I hope it is every bit as harmful to the WEF as they feared it would be, and that providing a link to it here not only helps to destroy the WEF, and Fascism, but censorship too.
Censorship kills people by replacing safety signals with lies and propaganda from fact-checkers that say the opposite of what is true. Censorship only hides good information that helps you survive and thrive, and propaganda replaces that with bad information that will cause you to starve and die. Fight against censorship as if your life depends on it, because it does. The WEF deleted this post because it shows that the Fascism they intend to impose on every country in the world was imposed first on Sri Lanka, and the promises of economic paradise turned out to be hellish deprivation and penury soon spawning starvation and desperate mobs overthrowing their government. Dutch farmers are fighting against these very policies today, and across Europe other governments slaver to destroy their people and join the ranks of dethroned Fascist failed states, following in Sri Lanka's footsteps. All of the governments seeking to be destroyed in this way have been infiltrated with WEF minions that are traitors to their countries and should be hanged immediately. BoJo has resigned, hoping to avoid being hanged. Castro of Canada and Ardern of New Zealand double down instead, hoping jackbooted thuggery will keep them from swinging. Bidet keeps flushing America down the toilet, quite obviously drenching his Depends while corporate staffing actually runs the country into the ground, just like he did back when he knew what day it was.
Fight them now to prevent the destruction that happened in Sri Lanka from happening in your country, so that you don't have to fight them afterwards, with empty bellies, empty hands, and empty promises. Fighting on a full belly is far more pleasant IMHO. If farmers are fighting, fight on their side because they are where the food comes from, and they use shit as a weapon. Don't take any shit from farmers. Help them instead.