Patio Pets: Chipmunk VS Walnut

in #noticenature2 months ago



     In this edition of Patio Pets, I present to you one of those wonderful rare days where the squirrels, chipmunks, and rabbits decided to all visit at the same time.


Limpy The Squirrel


     People have asked me if I have names for the animals that I feed. And, for various reasons, I generally don't give them proper names. There are many "pet names" that I use interchangeably, like buddy, cutie, and my furry little friend.

     One of the reasons that I avoid giving them proper names is that I'm just not that good at telling them apart yet. However, one squirrel did stick out like a sore thumb. Or, should I say, a sore paw?

     This is the squirrel at the very beginning of this video. If you look closely, this squirrel never places it's front-right paw down onto the patio as it scurried across it. Because of this, it moves with a noticeable limp.

     At first, I was concerned that it might have an injury. So, I watched it closely. It was able to use that paw to grab nuts without any problem. It also climbed up and down trees without any problem.

     Maybe it just didn't like the feel of the patio bricks. I don't know. Whatever the reason for the limp, it didn't seem to effect it's ability to eat or climb. Some squirrels just want to be different, I guess.


Chipmunk The Squirrel


     It was a busy day for sure. So busy, that this one squirrel kept trying to stuff it's mouth the way a chipmunk would. At one point it tried to get three nuts into it's mouth. Did it succeed? You'll have to watch the video to find out. You've got to respect the hustle.


Chipmunk Vs Walnut


     I guess it was just one of those days. A day of role reversals. First, I watched a squirrel pretend to be a chipmunk. Then, this chipmunk showed up and did it's best squirrel impersonation. The chipmunks usually avoid the bigger nuts in the shell. This one decided to step up to the challenge.


Enter The Rabbit

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     Emerging from underneath the pine tree, as if on cue, another one of my friends made an appearance. After a friendly exchange with the squirrel, my bunny bestie joined me on the patio for some snacks.









     Wherever we are, we are surrounded by nature. It's always trying to communicate with us. Take time to notice. #NoticeNature.

All gifs and images are my own unless otherwise stated.





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There has to be an Emmy or something for that video. My heavens, you made my night. Will share with my children and husband :)

Thanks! I have a great cast to work with 😁