Living history.

in #null2 days ago

Again and again and again.

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We have historians that tell us the history of people on the planet.
We have religious text telling us the stories of past.
The victors wrote the stories for both.

However far back you go, the story is the same. Family disputes, turning to Nation against Nation.

Beneath it all is a difference of opinion that divided a people.

You can pick any period of history and it fits to this theory. That does not mean the theory is right.

There was a time when Empires riled and an emperor ruled. The emperor ruled and the land needed to be wealthy to support the people. When the Empire went to war. The war was supported by other finances not the Empires. The war got financed by the wealthy.

Then there was Kingdoms. Ruled by kings. Very much the same as the Empire. When war came it was financed by other monies not the kingdoms. For a kingdom to finance it's own war would be to bankrupt itself.

Now we have Countries, Ruled by C*nts.
The same applies as to Empires and Kingdoms. Wars are financed by other sources.
There is a difference now. In that the finance from others. This is given to the others from tax payer money.

We live in the same system as the Egyptians and Romans. Those with the finance use it to control you more and more.

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The same person. Or even the same family might not be the one seeking to control everything. There has always been two sides, ever since the first fight. One for control the other for choice.

The side for choice will always take the road that enables you. It may not provide for you, It is a road can be used to better your situation without a negative impact on others.

The side for control, does not give a bird shit about you. This side will do everything within its power to gain more. Lie cheat steal murder. What ever is needed.

This is the ongoing war, since we began to measure time.

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You can see this in the news daily, The hypocrisy, one war a ceasefire is asked for repeatedly. Another war is constantly being funded and even threatening a nuclear war. That would be the war started by NATO and those who bought the politicians.

Who would have ever thought. Russia fighting to protect the democracy of western world.
This might not be an intentional action to save democracy. The war in Ukraine is not about democracy. It is about resources. Those that control global finance wanted those resources. NATO ignored past treaty's and kept pushing expansion.

Russia was left with no choice but to defend its borders.

The same people who want war in Ukraine also support those fighting against Israel. Calling for a ceasefire.

I gave an opinion about that.
While it might not be every Palestinian that want to kill all other religions. That is the text of the religion. Kill them all, if you can't wait until you can. Do whatever it takes until you have the advantage then kill.

So to defend myself the only option is to kill all of them first.

For the Israeli's, they are as much to blame for the state of the world as anyone. Given a free pass time after time for what was done 75 years ago.

Did they not kill our Jesus sending him to ne crucified. It seems the Jewish people are no better than the Muslim. If it does not agree with what they think, Kill it.

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That's what is there in the world now.

The only way to change it. Is to change finance.

But you wont. You will cry bitch and moan 24/7 for government to do something. Lazy bastards.

Know your history to stop repeating the same mistakes. People know history and the same system never changes. Things will get worse (less freedoms).

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